15+ Easy Phrases For Asking Directions In Slovenian

Directions in Slovenian

Visiting a new place can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the correct vocabulary for directions. While Slovenia is a perfect country to get lost in, travelers must master a few words related to directions to get from one place to another without trouble.

In today’s post, we will walk you through the vocabulary of asking for directions in Slovenian so that you can get wherever in no time. Take out your map and let’s go!

Asking For Directions In Slovenian

Staying in Slovenia can be a wonderful experience if you’ve fully prepared for your trip. If you are new in Slovenia, there will be countless occasions on which you will need information about a specific location. Knowing your way back to your Slovenian accommodation or the next destination could help you not get lost.

Don’t just bluntly ask questions, as it might be considered rude. So try using these phrases first instead:

  • Hello. Can you help me? – Zdravo. Ali mi lahko pomagate, prosim?
  • Good morning. May I ask for some help? – Dobro jutro. Lahko prosim za pomoč?
  • Excuse me, could you help? – Oprostite, ali lahko pomagate?

After this, if you’re looking for a specific place, you can simply say kje je, followed by the place, like so:

  • Where’s the library? – Kje je knjižnica?
  • Where’s the museum? – Kje je muzej?
  • Where’s the grocery store? – Kje je trgovina?
  • Where’s the hospital? – Kje je bolnišnica?

Alternatively you can ask kako pridem do, followed by the place:

  • How do I get to the library? – Kako pridem do knjižnice?
  • How do I get to the museum? – Kako pridem do muzeja?
  • How do I get to the grocery store? – Kako pridem do trgovine?
  • How do I get to the hospital? – Kako pridem do bolnišnice?

Suppose you have introduced yourself in Slovenian, have gotten the information about the directions, but you still need clarification. In that case, you might ask for assistance from another person using these questions.

English SentenceSlovenian Translation
Would you be kind enough to tell me how to go to the bank?Mi lahko poveste, kako priti do banke?
Do you know where the museum is?Ali veste, kje je muzej?
We can’t find the railway station. Is it near here?Ne najdemo železniške postaje. Je tukaj blizu?
Where can we find a park near here?Kje lahko najdemo najbližji park?
Are we on the right path to the mall?Ali smo na pravi poti do nakupovalnega središča?
Is this the right way to the city center?Je to prava pot do centra mesta?
What’s the easiest way to get to the museum?Kako najlažje pridemo do muzeja?
Can you tell me how to go to the closest hospital?Mi lahko poveste, kako priti do najbližje bolnišnice?
Do you know where the mall is located?Ali veste, kje se nahaja nakupovalno središče?
Is there a pet store in this area?Ali obstaja trgovina za hišne ljubljenčke v tem območju?
What is the fastest route from here to the airport?Katera je najhitrejša pot od tu do letališča?
Where is the bus stop located?Kje se nahaja avtobusna postaja?
Where is the closest parking lot?Kje je najbližje parkirišče?

Prepositions In Slovenian

While getting directions, you’ll hear Slovenian prepositions that will let you know where you can go. Here’s a list of some that you can learn for easier navigation:

in front ofpred
next toob
far fromdaleč od
to the left oflevo od
to the right ofdesno od
Using a compass

Prepositional Phrases In Slovenian

Here are some prepositional phrases that will make it more convenient for you to get and give directions in Slovenian.

Across fromNasproti
Across the streetČez cesto
Around the cornerZa vogalom
Go backPojdite nazaj
Go straightPojdite naravnost
In front ofPred
On your leftNa vaši levi
On your rightNa vaši desni
On top ofNa vrhu
Over thereTam
Straight aheadNaravnost naprej
To the leftNa levo
To the rightNa desno
Turn leftZavijte levo
Turn rightZavijte desno

Cardinal Points For Directions In Slovenian Language

There are four major and four minor cardinal points to know about while talking about directions. Let’s see what those points are called in the Slovenian language.

  • East – Vzhod
  • West – Zahod
  • North – Sever
  • South – Jug
  • Northeast – Severovzhod
  • Northwest – Severozahod
  • Southeast – Jugovzhod
  • Southwest – Jugozahod

How To Give And Receive Directions

So, now that you know basic prepositions, prepositional phrases and cardinal points, let’s do an example of how you might receive or give simple directions in Ljubljana.

The question: Oprostite, kako pridem do Prešernovega trga? (Excuse me, how do I get to Preseren Square?)

The answer: Pojdite naravnost po tej ulici, dokler ne pridete do reke. Nato zavijte levo in Prešernov trg bo na vaši desni. (Go straight down this street until you reach the river. Then, turn left and you’ll see Preseren Square on your right.

City center Ljubljana

How Do You Say Directions In Slovenian?

When you ask for directions in Slovenian, you are asking for smer, or navodila za pot, which translates to “way instructions”.

So, when you say “can I ask you for directions?”, you say: vas lahko vprašam za smer?

If you say you need directions you can say: potrebujem navodila za pot.

When searching for directions, you may also want to discover how to get there and discuss transportation options; therefore, you should be familiar with a few key Slovenian phrases related to transportation

MotorbikeMotorno kolo

FAQs About The Slovenian Language

How Can I Learn Slovenian Language?

Learn Slovenian by starting with the basics. Grab a beginner’s guide, chat with the locals, and practice by listening to Slovenian music or watching Slovenian movies.

Language learning tools like Ling app are also not a bad choice, as they offer a structured way of learning. Find a language buddy, join online forums. With some patience, you’ll be chatting away in Slovenian before you know it!

Do They Speak Good English In Slovenia?

Yes, most Slovenian speak great English, especially in cities and tourist spots. But if you learn some Slovenian phrases, this can still be helpful and appreciated when it comes to giving directions or engaging with the locals in smaller town or rural areas. It’s how you show respect to their language and culture, not to mention, it’ll make your travel experience that much better.

How Do Slovenians Greet Each Other?

Common casual greetings are živjo and zdravo. More formal greetings are dobro jutro (good morning), dober dan (good afternoon), dober večer (good evening). So, Greeting someone depends on formality and the time of the day.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost!

That’s especially true in in Slovenia! With a few key Slovenian travel phrases and a willingness to explore, navigating through its charming streets becomes a delightful adventure. So, grab your map, greet the locals with a hearty zdravo and let Slovenia’s beauty and language guide you!

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