Read News In Thai From These 32 Awesome Sites To Get Fluent Fast

Read News In Thai-ling-app-person-holding-newspaper

If learning Thai is your goal, reading the news in Thai is the best way to get fluent and master the written language like a pro!

Reading the news in Thai is a great way to learn about various topics in Thai society, from politics to sports, economics to entertainment, culture, and beyond. Diving into learning the Thai language? Keep up with the news; it’ll help enhance your vocab and writing ability!

Vocabulary For News In Thai

First, let’s increase your knowledge with this essential Thai news vocabulary.

Newspaperหนังสือพิมพ์Nǎng sʉ̌ʉ pim
Political news ข่าวการเมืองKàao gaan mʉang
Business newsข่าวธุรกิจKàao tú rá gìt
Economic newsข่าวเศรษฐกิจKàao sèet tà gìt
Crime newsข่าวอาชญากรรมKàao àat yaa gam
Entertainment newsข่าวบันเทิงKàao ban təəng
Foreign news – ข่าวต่างประเทศข่าวต่างประเทศKàao dtàang bprà têet
Royal office newsข่าวในพระราชสำนักKàao nai prá râat sǎm nák
Read News In Thai-ling-app-man-reading-news-online

Read News In Thai From These Sites

Do you want to know where you can get some Thai news? Luckily, you no longer have to worry about buying newspapers because you can keep up with Thai news by reading them online!

Immersing yourself in the Thai language and culture has been an incredible journey so far! Check out all these superb Thai news providers that will tell you more about the country.

Thai Mass News Providers

Look over the list of outstanding Thai language daily newspapers covering all Thai society topics! Plus, they have an official website that makes it easy to stay up-to-date on the go!

Khaosodข่าวสดKàao sòt
Komchadluekคม ชัด ลึกKom chát lʉ́k
Daily Newsเดลินิวส์Dee lí niu
Thai RathไทยรัฐTai rát
Thai PBSไทยพีบีเอสTai pii bii èet
Manager onlineผู้จัดการออนไลน์Pûu jàt gaan ɔɔn lai
Banmuangบ้านเมืองBâan mʉang
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Thai Elite News Providers

Thailand has officially dissolved its parliament, and Prayut Chan-o-cha is no longer its Prime Minister as of the day this article is written.

As a result, Thai politics is getting shaken up! Politicians are switching up their parties and hopping between those popular parties such as Pheu Thai Party (พรรคเพื่อไทย), Palang Pracharacth Party (พรรคพลังประชารัฐ), Democrat Party (พรรคประชาธิปัตย์), and Move Forward Party (พรรคก้าวไกล).

Whenever you’re passionate about the latest political news and events, like the upcoming general election, the Thai Prime Minister, and other significant decisions by the country’s leaders, here are the sites we recommend you follow!

Thai Postไทยโพสต์Tai pôot
Naewnaแนวหน้าNɛɛo nâa
MatichonมติชนMá dtì chon
SiamrathสยามรัฐSà yaam má rát

Thai Business News Providers

Check out this excellent Thai-language daily newspaper that reports on the latest economic news!

Bangkok Biz NewsกรุงเทพธุรกิจGrung têep tú rá gìt
ThansettakijฐานเศรษฐกิจTǎan sà rà sèet gìt
PrachachatประชาชาติธุรกิจBprà chaa chaa dtì tun gìt
SiamturakijสยามธุรกิจSà yaam tun gìt
Kaohoonข่าวหุ้นธุรกิจKàao hûn tun gìt
Thunhoonทันหุ้นTan hûn

Thai Sports News Providers

If you’re into sports, mainly Muay Thai, you must check out these sites for all the latest Thai news!

Siam SportสยามกีฬาSà yaam gii laa
Star Soccer Dailyสตาร์ซอคเก้อร์รายวันSà dtàas òk gə̂ə raai wan

Thai Entertainment News Providers

Looking for a more relaxed and easy vocabulary to read news in Thai? Check out these sites to get your daily dose of entertainment news!

Gossip StarซุบซิบดาราSúp síp daa raa
Tee Neeที่นี่Tîi nîi

The Top Thai News Providers For The New Gen!

We highly suggest all of the Thai news providers we mentioned above, as they have been trustworthy and have been around for years.

In this digital era, many news providers are striving to captivate the attention of digital-age readers. Check out these top trending Thai news providers with some of the most creative reporting and have gained massive followings in no time!

The Standardเดอะ แสตนดาร์ด
The Matterเดอะ แมทเทอร์
The Momemtumเดอะ โมเมนตั้ม
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Local Thai News From Different Parts Of The Country

Moving to Thailand? Thailand has four distinct regions, each with its own local language, culture, and way of living! Come explore and get a taste of the magical world that is Thailand!

You should keep up with the latest news from top cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. Here, we’ve got the list that you need!

Central Region

  • News Today – นิวส์ทูเดย์ (niu tuu dee)

Northern Region

  • Chiang Mai News – เชียงใหม่นิวส์ (chiang mài niu)
  • Thai News – ไทยนิวส์ (tai niu)
  • Lampang Today – ลำปางทูเดย์ (lam bpaang tuu dee)

Northeastern Region

  • Korat Daily – โคราชคนอีสาน (koo râat kon ii sǎan)

Southern Region

  • Pak Tai Focus – โฟกัสภาคใต้ (foo gàt pâak dtâi)
  • Samila Times – สมิหลาไทมส์ (sà mí lǎa tai má)
  • Tang Thai – ทางไท (taang tai)

To Sum It Up!

Gaining improved written skills and increasing your Thai reading speed are enormous benefits you can experience when you dive into reading Thai newspapers and browsing online platforms! Time to ensure you’re staying updated with the latest news by reading it in Thai every day.

If you’re not ready to dive into Thai news, why not get up to date with the latest Thailand-related updates in English, like Bangkok Post (บางกอกโพสต์, Baang gɔ̀ɔk pôot)?

Get the inside scoop on what’s happening in Thailand right now!

Learn Thai With The Ling App

learn Thai with the Ling app

Check out this excellent vocabulary list from the Ling app, perfect for anyone at any level of conversation, from beginner to expert. Start slow but keep at it; you’ll be surprised how quickly your Thai skills can improve! Once you gain a broad vocabulary, you can fearlessly read Thai news without dejection!

Most Thai learners chose the Ling app to help them succeed, so why not join them? Download the Ling app from Google Play Store or App Store now, and prepare to be fluent in Thai soon!

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