30 Must-Know Ways To Say Goodnight In Slovak

Wishing someone ‘Goodnight’ is one of those common phrases that pretty well every culture has in some form or another. The Slovak language is no different, and you’ll definitely want to learn how to say goodnight in Slovak when you are visiting the country. Just like in most cultures, it’s polite to say at the end of the night, and if someone says it to you, it’s polite to reply with the same or similar expressions.

In this lesson, we’ll cover a bunch of different ways to wish someone goodnight in Slovak. Some of these are obviously ways to wish children goodnight, while others are clearly meant for lovers or partners. You probably wouldn’t wish a relative stranger goodnight by saying, “I’ll be dreaming of you,” would you? Well, maybe you would if you felt a romantic spark!

There will also be common ways to wish anyone, in particular, a good night with a regular run-of-the-mill saying such as good evening or goodnight. Translations and pronunciations will help you learn to speak Slovak better.

goodnight in Slovak

The Difference Between Goodnight and Good Night

Goodnight (Dobrú noc) and good night (dobre noc) are often confused; which one should you use? Well, if you’re wishing someone off at night, then you would use goodnight, which is a single word. Goodnight is considered to be like other greetings in Slovak, like good morning or goodbye.

Good night rather is comprised of an adjective and a noun. Good is the adjective, while the night is the noun. You would use this in a sentence where you’re describing the night. Here are some examples translated into Slovak to show you what we mean:

A good night, was it?Dobrú noc, však?
Did you have a good night?Mali ste dobrú noc?
Have a good nightDobrú noc
I hope it is a good night.Dúfam, že bude dobrá noc
I hope you had a good nightDúfam, že ste mali dobrú noc
I hope you have a good nightPrajem vám dobrú noc
Was it a good night?Bola to dobrá noc?

Goodnight Greetings In Slovak

say goodnight in Slovak

The type of greeting you give in Slovakia depends on the time of day. For example, between the hours of 9 am to 6 pm, the most common greeting in Slovak to give is Dobrý deň (Good day.)

After 6 pm, be mindful of what you say! In Slovak culture, you’re actually supposed to say ‘Good evening’ (Dobrý večer) NOT ‘Goodnight’ (Dobrú noc.) This is useful to know, so you fit in, and it will appear that you know your stuff.

Dobrú noc is reserved specifically for bedtime and wishing your children, partner, or other Slovakian family members goodnight.

How To Say Goodnight In Slovak And Other Related Expressions

 say good evening in Slovak

Many of these phrases mean the same thing in a couple of languages. The Slovak language is very similar to Czech, so you can use most of these expressions and greetings interchangeably between these two nations; the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Essentially you’re getting two birds with one shot!

Here we go:

Get home safelydostať sa bezpečne domov
Good eveningDobrý večer
GoodnightDobrú noc
Goodnight and good luckhore zdar/Dobrú noc a veľa šťastia
Goodnight, my loveDobrú noc moja láska
Goodnight, my princeDobrú noc môj princ
Goodnight, my princessDobrú noc moja princezná
Have a good sleepdobre sa vyspi
Have a nice eveningprajem pekný večer/Maj pekný večer
I’ll be dreaming of youBude sa mi o tebe snívať
It was lovely to see you tonightBolo milé ťa dnes večer vidieť
Lights out!Zhasnúť!
Nighty nightnočnú noc ️
See you in the morninguvidime sa rano
See you tomorrowUvidíme sa zajtra
Sleep tighttesný spať
Sleep welldobre sa vyspi
Sweet dreamsSladké sny
Take care and goodnightOpatruj sa a dobrú noc
Tonight was wonderfulDnešný večer bol úžasný

Ways To Continue To Learn Slovak

Did you find learning how to say goodnight in Slovak challenging or easy?

To be quite honest with you, Slovak has been deemed one of the most difficult languages to learn, and it will take quite a bit of dedication and time, but you can actually kill two birds with one stone, sort of speak. Because the Slovak language is so similar to Czech, you can potentially be learning two languages at the same time!

The two countries are neighbors, so you could hop over to one and then back to the other without having to stress out about learning a whole new language. This will make for easy travel! So, how can we help make learning Slovak, or Czech for that matter, easier? Try the Ling App!

Why Study The Slovak Language Now?

Slovak offers some of the best grammar lessons you’ll see in language history. But, there should be a handy tool that can help you ace these lessons in no time.

First of all, Ling app is available everywhere you go, and you’ll be able to carry this language tool in your pocket or purse. Having knowledge of a useful Slovak phrase or how to say beautiful in Slovak right at your fingertips is invaluable when visiting Slovakia.

With Ling, you’ll be able to make friends more quickly as it will help you learn how to pronounce Slovak words and phrases that you can listen to right on the app. Every recording has been made by a native Slovak speaker, so you can be sure you’re listening and hearing the correct pronunciation.

The app offers much more, though! Ling will also teach you how to read and write in Slovak through flashcards, comprehension quizzes, handwriting practice right on your phone, and more!

Download Ling today and start speaking confidently in Slovak!

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