5+ Astounding Ways To Say Congratulations In Lithuanian

Still not confident enough to speak the Lithuanian language like a pro? While you must have already mugged up some basic vocabulary, additional words and phrases related to wishing congratulations will only enrich your language skills and make you an eloquent speaker.

So, if you want to learn more Lithuanian, continue reading and enjoy the blog!

How To Say Congratulations In Lithuanian?

Congratulations in Lithuanian

Now, let us start with the word congratulations. In Lithuania, you say sveikinu to mean congratulations. It is the most common and general way of congratulating someone and can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Lithuanians are loving people. They respect, value, and care for each other, and when you land in Lithuania, the locals would expect the same for you. So, imagine you are in Lithuania, and your friend or colleague just invited you to their wedding. You turn up to the couple, but you don’t know what to say or how to wish. That would sound very disrespectful, and the locals will look down on you. Therefore, learning the word sveikinu will help you turn your interactions around.

Below are some variations of the word Congratulation to help you make smoother sentences.

  • Congratulations- Sveikinu
  • Congratulated- Pasveikino
  • Congratulating- Sveikindamas
  • Congratulate- Sveikinti
  • Congrats- Sveikinimai

Alternatives To Congratulations In Lithuanian

While sveikinu comes in handy in most situations, you would not want to sound too formal or boring in front of your friends or colleagues. Thus, this section will discover alternatives that have a similar meaning and can be used in the same situations. Knowing these words and phrases will only broaden your horizon of the Lithuanian language and make the interaction more interesting. So, let’s start.

1. Good Going (Gerai Sekasi)

When it comes to wishing one of your known mates or friends, you would not want to say Congratulation. Instead, to make it sound more mellow and pure, you can pronounce, Gerai sekasi. Saying gerai sekasi is an excellent way of displaying support and wishing the best in the Lithuanian language. Your friend would love to hear something more informal and down-to-earth.

2. Well Done (Šauniai Padirbėta)

What would you like to say if your colleague got a huge promotion? It should most definitely be Šauniai padirbėta. Šauniai padirbėta, which means “well done” in Lithuanian, is another genuine way of expressing your luck and acceptance. While “congratulations” work in almost all circumstances, voicing support using this expression will surely surprise them!

3. Outstanding Performance (Nepakartojamas Pasirodymas)

Why do people congratulate? It is not only praising the success of the fellow being, but it is also a way of showing approval and complimenting the hard work that the person has put into it. Thus, it would help if you said the words Nepakartojamas pasirodymas to make a person’s day better. Such a phrase links to good wishes and recognition of the dutiful work done.

4. I Am Impressed (Aš Esu Sužavėtas)

If you are about to congratulate one of your juniors or someone younger than you, nothing can be a better phrase than Aš esu sužavėtas. Aš esu sužavėtas or “I am impressed” gives a gentle vibe. It will encourage the younger one to improve further and also make his day better with the credit they have received. So, instead of making conversations tedious, try using these alternatives to make people aware of your skills.

5. Way To Go! (Kaip Reikia)

Kaip reikia is another casual way of recognizing someone’s achievement. It works best when you are in a social circle. When it comes to formal settings, we still recommend that you use formal terms like sveikinu to avoid negative reactions among seniors.

6. Proud Of You (Didžiuojuosi Tavimi)

Although not very common, Didžiuojuosi tavimi is a phrase of appreciation that sounds best when you are with your family. It shows true love and encouragement. If you are about to wish one of your family members, Congratulations would be too bland. Instead, you can make their day and bring a wide smile by saying Didžiuojuosi tavimi. Well, all children would agree with that. After all, everyone wishes to hear that phrase from their parents once in their lifetime.

Congratulations in Lithuanian - Wedding

Wishes For Wedding/Engagement

Before we sum it up, we must go through some situation-specific congratulation phrases that will save you from awkward situations in Lithuanian events. You don’t want to say weird Lithuanian words, do you? Also, learning only the word for saying congratulations will not make the interaction impactful. So, if you want to impress people with your skills, let’s quickly read wedding-related sentences in this section and move forward.

  • Congratulations on your wedding day- Sveikiname vestuvių dieną
  • Congratulations to you both- Sveikinu jus abu
  • You are engaged!– Jūs susižadėję!
  • Congratulations on your engagement- Sveikiname jūsų sužadėtuves
  • So happy for you two- Labai džiaugiuosi už jus abu
  • Congratulations on getting married- Sveikinu susituokus
  • Congrats to the most beautiful couple- Sveikiname gražiausią porą
  • Cheers to your wedding- Linksmų jūsų vestuvių

Congratulations In Lithuanian For Job Success

Congratulations in Lithuanian - Jobs

Here is a list of sentences to use while congratulating someone on their job accomplishments.

  • You did a great job- Puikiai padirbėjai
  • All the best for your future– Viso ko geriausio jūsų ateičiai
  • Congrats on your well-deserved promotion- Sveikiname su nusipelniusiu paaukštinimu
  • Congratulations on your success- Sveikiname su sėkme
  • Best wishes for your new job- Linkėjimai naujam darbui
  • Congratulations on getting your dream job- Sveikiname gavus svajonių darbą
  • Keep up your good work- Tęskite savo gerą darbą

Other General Congratulation Phrases In Lithuanian

To expand your vocabulary knowledge of this epic language, here is a list of some generally used congratulatory phrases you can apply whenever needed. Please give them a good read!

  • Congratulations to you- Sveikinimai tau
  • Congratulations on graduating- Sveikiname baigus studijas
  • Congratulations on your baby boy/girl- Sveikiname susilaukus berniuko/mergaitės
  • Congratulations, you deserve it- Sveikiname, jūs to nusipelnėte
  • Your hard work has paid off. Congratulations- Jūsų sunkus darbas atsipirko. Sveikinu
  • Warmest congratulations on your achievement- Nuoširdžiausi sveikinimai su pasiekimu
  • Heartfelt congratulations, my dear- Nuoširdžiai sveikinu mano brangioji

4 Reasons Why Learning The Lithuanian Language Is Important

If you are strolling around trying to make this learning journey relevant for your future, let me make it easier. As a learner, I have also uncovered many advantages and rewarding factors that the knowledge of a second language can give. So, read the list below!

  1. The first and most crucial reason for practicing some common words in Lithuanian, like congratulations, hi, hello, etc., is to settle in a country like Lithuania without feeling overwhelmed. If you travel to Lithuania for a job or to settle, nothing can be more helpful than learning Lithuanian with word translations and meaning. It will help overcome the language barrier and make you comfortable around the locals.
  2. Another reason is that it gives a boost of confidence. No matter where you travel, each country is filled with its distinctive culture and language. And when you visit a new place for the first time, you tend to feel baffled and scared, making vague decisions. But guess what? Knowing words and pronunciation has helped me and many others enjoy the Lithuania journey without worries. So, when you open the Lithuanian dictionary, you know you are doing yourself a favor.
  3. While a second language is a must-know for a relaxing trip, the country and Lithuanian language heritage call for another excellent reason. It is one of the ancient languages with rich Sanskritic influence and is considered exceptional. So, learning it will give you an additional edge!
  4. Lastly, knowing a few essential words will help you engage with the locals and sound friendly. You will not feel left out in a world of strangers and will start making friends soon. As you know, to make friends, it is essential to start conversations with general wishes like good morning, congratulations, etc. So, keep reading, and soon you’ll develop all the necessary words to make your Lithuanian trip memorable.

Lithuanian Greetings Vocab

Sometimes, starting your interaction with a basic greeting before congratulating someone is more polite. You can check out our detailed guide about greetings in Lithuanian or check out the basic ones below:

  • Good morning dear- Labas rytas brangusis
  • Good evening- Labas vakaras
  • How are you?- Kaip laikaisi?
  • Nice to meet you- Malonu susipažinti
  • Let’s talk again- Pakalbėkime dar kartą
  • What are you doing this week?- Ką veiki šią savaitę?
  • Goodbye- Viso gero!

Wrapping Up!

Did you enjoy learning the diverse ways of saying congratulations in Lithuanian? Then it is a good sign that you have already become a sound Lithuanian speaker. Keep practicing them, and make sure you use them in real time to improve communication. Congratulating someone on their success shows a sensitive and mature side of your manner. Once you reach Lithuania, you will notice that these simple words can make all the difference to your speaking skills and your mastery of creating new relationships.

Check out the Ling app if you want to try out more such blogs to improve your Lithuanian. You can download it from the App Store or Play Store and use it on your chosen device.

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The Ling app is one of the most recommended apps that has satisfied many eager readers’ needs when it comes to language learning content. It is a language learning app that creates content on numerous language topics related to real life, such as goodnight in Lithuanian, emergency words, cooking utensils in Lithuanian, and many more.

You can also opt for other languages, as Ling covers more than 60 languages. On top of that, the app also features an AI Interactive Chatbot that delivers interactive sessions. All you have to do to access these resources is download the app and start learning Lithuanian for free. If you have any queries, the support team is ready to direct you through them. So, get Ling and become a pro speaker in months!

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