Flirting In Serbian? 2 Best Ways On How You Can Do It!

Flirting in Serbian is not as hard as it seems. You can easily impress the locals and make a lasting connection with them by simply learning some of the basic words and phrases. If you are ready to learn all that and more, keep reading below!

As humans, it is only natural for us to be drawn to certain types of people. Some prefer a tall, dark, and handsome man, while the preferences of other ladies might be on a totally different level. But regardless of your type, one thing that we can all agree on is that the best way to get to know another person is by speaking with them directly. As much as we would like to let our eyes do the talking for us, words play an important part in our lives.

So if you fancy a Serbian national during your trip, one way to get their attention is by trying to speak their native language. Let’s get to know more about this below.


Here’s How You Can Start Flirting In Serbian!

Without further ado, here are the best and easiest ways how to show your interest in Serbian! Aside from how these can surely come in handy during conversations and in making meaningful connections, this is also a great way for you to know the Serbian language a bit better! Talk about hitting two birds with one stone, right?

Compliment Them!

One of the most common ways to start flirting with someone is by complimenting or комплиментирање (komplimentiranje) them. To do this, here are the expressions in the Serbian language that you’d have to know!

Here Are Ways That You Can Compliment Them!

I like the way you speakСвиђа ми се како говориш (Sviđa mi se kako govoriš)
I am fascinated by your personalityФасциниран сам твојом личношћу (Fasciniran sam tvojom ličnošću)
Nothing beats your smileНишта није боље од твог осмеха (Ništa nije bolje od tvog osmeha)
That outfit looks good on youТа одећа ти добро стоји (Ta odeća ti dobro stoji)
You look very beautifulИзгледаш веома лепо (Izgledaš veoma lepo)
You are so handsomeТи си тако згодан (Ti si tako zgodan)
Your eyes are very mesmerizingТвоје очи су веома очаравајуће (Tvoje oči su veoma očaravajuće)

Be Straightforward With Your Intentions

This is probably the best way you can flirt with someone in Serbian – be upfront. Though this can definitely feel nerve-wracking, what better way to show interest in the person you like than showing honesty? Learn the best expressions to use below.

Flirting In Serbian

These Are Straightforward Phrases You Can Use When You Are Flirting In Serbian!

Are you free tonight?Јеси ли слободна вечерас? (Jesi li slobodna večeras?)
Can I take you out?Могу ли да те изведем? (Mogu li da te izvedem?)
I am interested in knowing you moreЗаинтересован сам да те упознам више (Zainteresovan sam da te upoznam više)
I fell in love with you at first sightЗаљубио сам се у тебе на први поглед (Zaljubio sam se u tebe na prvi pogled)
I like youсвиђаш ми се (Sviđaš mi se)
When can we go on our next date?Када можемо да идемо на наш следећи састанак? (Kada možemo da idemo na naš sledeći sastanak?)
Will you go on a date with me?Хоћеш ли ићи на састанак са мном? (Hoćeš li ići na sastanak sa mnom?)
You are very special to meТи си веома посебан за мене (Ti si veoma poseban za mene)


Dating Culture In Serbian

Now that the cat is out of the bag and you now know what are the best ways to start flirting in Serbian, you should also learn about the Serbian dating culture. Basically, the locals here are not quick to jump into relationships since they value serious commitments more than anything.

Aside from that, families are very important to them. For this reason, relationships cannot blossom if the parents of both sides have not given their blessings. Though some families are strict, it is still up to the person if he or she would be willing to fight for your relationship.

Flirting In Serbian


Love Phrases You Might Use In The Future!

Now that you know what you need to know about flirting in Serbian and dating in Serbia, these love phrases might also come in useful. Though Serbia’s native language can be very challenging because it might be a new language for you, learning Serbian and knowing a Serbian word or two is not as hard with the right amount of practice!

I can see a future with youМогу да видим будућност са тобом (Mogu da vidim budućnost sa tobom)
I am in love with youJа сам заљубљен у тебе (Ja sam zaljubljen u tebe)
I miss youНедостајеш ми (Nedostaješ mi)
I love youВолим те (Volim te)
I want to hug youжелим да те загрлим (Želim da te zagrlim)
I want to kiss youжелим да те пољубим (Želim da te poljubim)
You are the love of my lifeТи си љубав мог живота (Ti si ljubav mog života)
You are very special to meТи си веома посебан за мене (Ti si veoma poseban za mene)

To wrap things up, we hope that you learned about the Serbian language! May you use the words and phrases above not just to make new friends as well to start new relationships. Did you enjoy this post? If you did and figured that you’d like to learn more info related to the Serbian language, then now is the best time to check out the Ling App.


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Flirting In Serbian

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