33+ Amazing Job Titles In Slovenian

Slovenia is a dreamland for someone who enjoys nature. Having great lakes, mountain ranges, and hot springs it is a dream of many people to work and live there. Slovenia has a stable economy and is a great place to have a career. That makes learning job titles in Slovenian important, so let’s get started!

Job titles in Slovenian

Slovenia has a growing industry and offers many employment opportunities. Companies here hire employees from all over the world. There are some things though that you should know before you decide to move here. Education is the main thing that is gonna differentiate you from the rest. You need to be well educated and have the required skills for the jobs. 

We will consider the pros and cons of working in Slovenia in this article and hopefully in the end you’ll be able to come to a conclusion if you are confused about whether it’s the right place for you to look for jobs. 

Without wasting any more time let’s have a glance at what it’s like working in Slovenia.

Working In Slovenia

job titles in Slovenian


Slovenia’s economy is the most prosperous of all the Slavic nations, with a GDP per capita of 83 percent of the EU28 average according to the data. Despite the effects of the 2008 financial crisis, Slovenia’s economy has remained solid in recent years.

Agriculture, fishing, and forestry are Slovenia’s traditional sectors, although they currently account for just around 2.5 percent of the country’s GDP according to a report, with the service and financial industries accounting for almost half of the country’s economic output. Slovenia has trade relations with almost all European countries which offer many jobs. 

Visa Process

If you are a Slovenian national then you can skip this section. Slovenia is a member of the European Union, hence EU citizens do not require a work permit but even if you are an EU citizen, you will need to apply for a residence visa if you expect to stay for longer than three months for employment.

Those migrating from outside the EU will need to complete the work permit application procedure as well as apply for a residence permit in order to lawfully work in Slovenia.

Employees of a company probably need to submit a work permit with the company. Many people do jobs on a work visa. If you don’t work on a work visa you are held responsible for the consequences as they do check it. The process is similar in European countries.

Social Protection

If you are thinking of working in Slovenia, you don’t have to worry about social protection. For people who work in Slovenia, there is a comprehensive employment social security system in place. Slovenia’s constitution requires the government to make proper arrangements for healthcare, retirement, and disability benefits as the government is responsible for their well-being and rights.

They also offer programs to assist at-risk people and their families, as well as those who are unable to work due to a persistent disability or other condition.

If you are an employee of a private company then you will have to ask them about the benefits and social security as they vary with every job and contract and with the location. These things should be kept in mind before submitting a work application for jobs.


Residents and non-residents are subject to the same taxation rates, and the application form can be completed online or in-person and mailed. The tax rate starts from almost 15% and could be as much as 50% depending on the job title and contract. The taxes must be paid after a year by the employees on the due date. Taxes apply to your associates too.

City taxes can vary depending on the location. Implementation of new tax laws occurs all the time so do look out for updates. Remote areas of the country have different regulations too. Always have signed proof of the tax documents. You can’t leave the country unless you pay the taxes. More information can be found on the official government website


Communication is a skill like no other. If you are someone who is going for a job title that involves a lot of socializing then I would highly suggest learning the Slovenian language as it would greatly ease the communication. If not learning the language then memorizes some phrases. Using Slovenian words in conversation is always better.


I believe the best way to get to know a culture and its people is through their language. This is exactly why I emphasize the importance of learning Slovenian if you want to leave a good impression. If you are thinking of working there in the long term then learning Slovenian will definitely take you a long way. Just click on a resource and start learning.

Job Titles With Slovenian Translations

English WordsSlovenian Words
Aerospace EngineerLetalski Inženir
Air Ambulance DoctorZdravnik Zračnega Reševalnega Vozila
Assistant Restaurant ManagerPomočnik Vodje Restavracije
Biomedical ScientistBiomedicinski Znanstvenik
Bird Of Prey SpecialistSpecialist Za Ptice Roparice
Business Development InternPripravnik Za Poslovni Razvoj
Civil Engineer TechnicianGradbeni Tehnik
Community Cohesion OfficerUradnik Za Kohezijo Skupnosti
Costume Designer For Fantastic BeastsKostumograf Za Fantastične Zveri
Costume Designer For Fantastic BeastsKostumograf Za Fantastične Zveri
Cyber Security ApprenticeVajenec Za Kibernetsko Varnost
Digital Marketing ApprenticeVajenec Digitalnega Marketinga
Digital Marketing SpecialistSpecialist Za Digitalni Marketing
Director In PhotographyDirektor Fotografije
Drama FacilitatorVoditelj Drame
Electrical Engineer ApprenticeVajenec Inženirja Elektrotehnike
Emergency Medical TechnicianUrgentni Medicinski Tehnik
Emergency Medical TechnicianUrgentni Medicinski Tehnik
Engineering TechnicianInženirski Tehnik
Fashion DesignerModni Oblikovalec
Festival Pr DirectorPr Direktor Festivala
Festival Programme DirectorProgramski Direktor Festivala
Film DirectorRežiser
Formula 1 EngineerInženir Formule 1
Garden DesignerOblikovalec Vrta
Graphic DesignerGrafični Oblikovalec
Handbag DesignerOblikovalec Torbic
Healthcare AssistantZdravstveni Pomočnik
In An Engineering BusinessV Inženirskem Podjetju
Intern Working In Business DevelopmentPripravnik, Ki Dela Na Področju Poslovnega Razvoja
Laboratory Scientist ApprenticeVajenec Laboratorijskega Znanstvenika
LifeguardReševalec Iz Vode
Lighting TechnicianSvetlobni Tehnik
Makeup Artist And BusinesswomanUmetnik Ličenja In Poslovna Ženska
Media ResearcherMedijski Raziskovalec
Medicine Management TechnicianTehnik Za Vodenje Zdravil
Mental Health NurseMedicinska Sestra Za Duševno Zdravje
Music News ReporterNovinar Glasbenih Novic
Naval ArchitectPomorski Arhitekt
NurseMedicinska Sestra
Paper MakerIzdelovalec Papirja
Party PlannerNačrtovalec Zabave
Product DesignerOblikovalec Izdelkov
Radio And Podcast PresenterVoditelj Radia In Podcastov
Recruitment ApprenticeVajenec Za Zaposlovanje
Senior ResearcherVišji Raziskovalec
Social Media ChefKuhar Na Družbenih Omrežjih
Structural EngineerStrukturni Inženir
Studio DirectorDirektor Studia
Teaching AssistantPomočnik Učitelja
Tendering EngineerInženir Za Razpis
Therapeutic RadiographerTerapevtski Radiograf
Therapeutic RadiographerTerapevtski Radiograf
Tv PresenterTelevizijski Predstavnik
Visual Effects ArtistUmetnik Vizualnih Učinkov
Web DeveloperSpletni Razvijalec

Wrapping Up

Learn Slovenian with Ling

All and all this was a general overview of what it’s like to work in Slovenia. Get Ling App now on the App Store or Google Play. Also, check out Slovenian Words For Moods And Emotions and Slovenian Relationship Vocab.

Happy Learning!

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