Easy Guide On How To Count In Dutch From 0 To 100

Learning how to count in Dutch, as with any other language you’re studying, is one of the first and most important things to learn. Getting to know the Dutch numbers will help you use money, shop, bargain, read the time, and communicate with Dutch people in the Netherlands.

In this lesson on counting in Dutch, you will discover all the basic numbers from 0 to 100 and simple fractions. We’ll include audio as well, so you’ll be able to hear and know how to pronounce numbers in Dutch.

Let’s get going and learn numbers in the Dutch language!


Dutch Counting Pronunciation Rules

In Dutch, the word for the indefinite article ‘a’ and the number ‘one’ is the same with similar pronunciation. To avoid confusion, Dutch people will often add accents to the word ‘één’ to indicate they mean a number and not the article ‘een.’

While visiting different regions in the Netherlands, you may notice slight variations in the pronunciation of numbers. Some regions, such as those who speak Flemish Dutch, may add extra syllables to numbers, so keep an ear out!

Generally, when saying numbers, the stress (or emphasis) will fall on the first syllable in numbers. To be certain of when to change stress, the Dutch use ë to indicate where the syllable changes.

Alright, time to get memorizing those Dutch numbers!


Count In Dutch Numbers 0-10

How to count in Dutch 0-10
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
0nul  nuhl
1een  ayn
2  twee tvay
3drie dree
4vier feer
5vijf fayf
6zes zes
7zeven zay-fern
8acht akht
10tien teen


Count In Dutch Numbers 11-20

How to count in Dutch 1-20
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
11elf elf
12twaalf tvaalf
13dertien dehr-teen
14veertien fayr-teen
15vijftien  fayf-teen
16zestien  zes-teen
17zeventien zay-fern-teen
18achttien  akh-teen
19negentien naykh-ern-teen
20twintig  tvin-tikh


How To Read Numbers In Dutch After 20

In English, reading or saying numbers beyond 20 is tens value + units value.

So 21 is twenty-one.
In Dutch, you simply flip the order!

To count, read or say numbers in Dutch after 20, the order is:
units value + and + tens value

21 = een + en + twintig = eenentwintig

This literally translates to one and twenty.

36 = zes + en + dertig = zesendertig

This literally translates to six and thirty.

You’ll notice that no spaces are used in Dutch numbers. It is common until numbers reach 1,000s. Then you can start adding spaces. 

Another thing to watch out for is when en gets accented and becomes ën. These double dots are added when the unit value ends in a vowel, such as 2 (twee) and 3 (drie). For example, 82 would be tweeëntachtig, and 63 would be drieënzestig.

It’s time to count in Dutch from 21-to 100! We’ve broken it down into groups of tens to make it easier. 

Also, we’ve broken up the syllable to see ho


Count In Dutch Numbers 21-30

How to count in Dutch 21-30
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
21eenentwintig ayn-ern-tvin-tikh
22tweeëntwintig tvay-ern-tvin-tikh
23drieëntwintig dree-ern-tvin-tikh
24vierentwintig feer-ern-tvin-tikh
25vijfentwintig fayf-ern-tvin-tikh
26zesentwintig zes-ern-tvin-tikh
27zevenentwintig zay-fern-ern-tvin-tikh
28achtentwintig akh-tern-tvin-tikh
29negenentwintig nay-khern-ern-tvin-tikh
30dertig der-dich


Count In Dutch Numbers 31-40

How to count in Dutch 31-40
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
31een­en­dertig ayn-ern-der-tikh
32twee­ën­dertig tvay-ern-der-tikh
33drie­ën­dertig dree-ern-der-tikh
34vier­en­dertig feer-ern-der-tikh
35vijf­en­dertig fayf-ern-der-tikh
36zes­en­dertig zes-ern-der-tikh
37zeven­en­dertig zay-fern-ern-der-tikh
38acht­en­dertig akh-tern-der-tikh
39negen­en­dertig nay-khern-ern-der-tikh
40veertig veer-tikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 41-50

How to count in Dutch 41-50
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
41een­en­veertig ayn-ern-veer-tikh
42twee­ën­veertig tvay-ern-veer-tikh
43drie­ën­veertig dree-ern-veer-tikh
44vier­en­veertig feer-ern-veer-tikh
45vijf­en­veertig fayf-ern-veer-tikh
46zes­en­veertig zes-ern-veer-tikh
47zeven­enveertig zay-fern-ern-veer-tikh
48acht­en­dertig akh-tern-veer-tikh
49negen­en­veertig nay-khern-ern-veer-tikh
50vijftig fayvf-tikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 51-60

How to count in Dutch 51-60
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
51een­en­vijftig ayn-ern-fayvf-tikh
52twee­ën­vijftig tvay-ern-fayvf-tikh
53drie­ën­vijftig dree-ern-fayvf-tikh
54vier­en­vijftig feer-ern-fayvf-tikh
55vijf­en­vijftig fayf-ern-fayvf-tikh
56zes­en­vijftig zes-ern-fayvf-tikh
57zeven­envijftig zay-fern-ern-fayvf-tikh
58acht­en­vijftig akh-tern-fayvf-tikh
59negen­en­vijftig nay-khern-ern-fayvf-tikh
60zestig zes-tikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 61-70

How to count in Dutch 61-70
Arabic NumeralsDutch
English Phonetics
61een­en­zestig ayn-ern-zes-tikh
62twee­ën­zestig tvay-ern-zes-tikh
63drie­ën­zestig dree-ern-zes-tikh
64vier­en­zestig feer-ern-zes-tikh
65vijf­en­zestig fayf-ern-zes-tikh
66zes­en­zestig zes-ern-zes-tikh
67zeven­enzestig zay-fern-ern-zes-tikh
68acht­en­zestig akh-tern-zes-tikh
69negen­en­zestig nay-khern-ern-zes-tikh
70zeventig zee-ven-tikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 71-80

How to count in Dutch 71-80
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
71een­enzeventig ayn-ern-zee-ven-tikh
72twee­ënzeventig tvay-ern-zee-ven-tikh
73drie­ënzeventig dree-ern-zee-ven-tikh
74vier­en­zeventig feer-ern-zee-ven-tikh
75vijf­en­zeventig fayf-ern-zee-ven-tikh
76zes­en­zeventig zes-ern-zee-ven-tikh
77zeven­enzeventig zay-fern-ern-zee-ven-tikh
78acht­en­zeventig akh-tern-zee-ven-tikh
79negen­enzeventig nay-khern-ern-zee-ven-tikh
80tachtig takh-tikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 81-90

How to count in Dutch 81-90
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
81een­en­tachtig ayn-ern-takh-tikh
82twee­ën­tachtig tvay-ern-takh-tikh
83drie­ëntachtig dree-ern-takh-tikh
84vier­entachtig feer-ern-takh-tikh
85vijf­en­tachtig fayf-ern-takh-tikh
86zes­en­tachtig zes-ern-takh-tikh
87zeven­entachtig zay-fern-ern-takh-tikh
88acht­en­tachtig akh-tern-takh-tikh
89negen­entachtig nay-khern-ern-takh-tikh
90negentig nay-kherntikh


Count In Dutch Numbers 91-100

How to count in Dutch 91-100
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
91een­en­negentig ayn-ern-nay-kherntikh
92twee­ënnegentig tvay-ern-nay-kherntikh
93drie­ën­negentig dree-ern-nay-kherntikh
94vier­ennegentig feer-ern-nay-kherntikh
95vijf­en­negentig fayf-ern-nay-kherntikh
96zes­en­negentig zes-ern-nay-kherntikh
97zeven­ennegentig zay-fern-ern-nay-kherntikh
98acht­en­negentig akh-tern-nay-kherntikh
99negen­ennegentig nay-khern-ern-nay-kherntikh
100honderd hon-derd


Dutch Numbers In Tens 10 -100

How to count in Dutch in tens
Arabic NumeralsDutchEnglish Phonetics
10tien teen
20twintig  tvin-tikh
30dertig der-tikh
40veertig veer-tikh
50vijftig fayvf-tikh
60zestig zes-tikh
70zeventig zee-ven-tikh
80tachtig takh-tikh
90negentig nay-kherntikh
100honderd hon-derd


How To Say Or Count In Dutch Numbers Greater Than 100

Dutch numbers in the hundreds are quite easy to read, say or count. You have to add the hundred value at the start of the number. For example, 147 would be ‘honderdzevenenveertig’ which translates to hundred, seven, and forty.

Another example is 322, which would be ‘drie­honderd­twee­ën­twintig’ (three hundred, two, and twenty).

Complex numbers into the thousands and above are typically written with a space to help with clarity and readability. For instance, 4,821 is ‘vierduizendachthonderdenéénentwintig’ but may be presented as ‘vierduizend achthonderd en éénentwintig.’ 

Numbers below one thousand are typically written without a space as one word.

Also, as with numbers in English, years and numbers in the thousands that end with zeros’ in the hundred’s place may be pronounced in two ways. For example, 6,200 can be pronounced as tweeënzestighonderd (sixty-two hundred) or ‘zesduizend tweehonderd’ (six thousand two hundred).


Simple Fractions In Dutch

How to count in Dutch fractions

Just in case you need fractions at the supermarket or bakery:

Simple FractionsDutchEnglish Phonetics
one wholeeen hele en-hay-le
halfvoor de helft voor-de-helft
quarterkwartaal kwar-taal
three quartersdrie kwart dree-kwart


Learn Even More Dutch!

Now that you’ve learned the basics of Dutch numbers, why not strap in and continue learning even more! Ling is a fantastic app that’ll help you pick up even more vocabulary. 

It’s a great language tool for beginning linguists, and we even offer over 60 languages for you to choose from.

You’ll find loads of useful vocabulary and phrases in the language of your choosing. Get started with Dutch for free today!

How does it sound to have access to online classes that can teach you Dutch step-by-step, easily, and at your own pace? I’m sure that if you have a goal to learn this language or it’s your passion, you will love these courses! Ramon Janssen is a native Dutch speaker who has taught the language at Universities and language centers for many years. You will get to practice speaking, listening, and reading until the advanced level from a qualified professional! Try the Dutch course today!

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