100+ Easy Korean Market Words And Phrases For Travelers

At the market words and phrases in korean -korean market words and phrases

If you have been to Korea before but haven’t visited a Korean Market, you have yet to explore the country 100%. Some markets in Korea are famous worldwide, waiting for you to try some of the most delicious delicacies of street food, beautiful traditional clothing, and nice souvenirs. You can get traditional items for great value, and chit-chat with the nicest ajummas. It’s a cultural experience that you cannot miss!

Now, imagine yourself finally visiting those amazing South Korean markets. For sure, you would want to pick up some basic Korean shopping vocab to survive!

This blog post will walk you through all the essential Korean market words and phrases that you must know if you want to have the best time purchasing your favorite items in South Korea. Let’s start learning!

What Are The Most Basic Korean Market Words And Phrases You Should Learn?

There are different situations during shopping in which you need to speak Korean, but what are the most important words you should learn to be prepared for any situation while shopping in Korea?

Whether you are buying Korean food or trying to buy other items like cosmetics, you would always need some basic Korean words!

So, here is a list of some of the most common Korean vocabulary used at markets which will help you survive your shopping experience. After this, I promise, you won’t be afraid to go shopping on your own anymore!

Ready? GO!

Let’s imagine you saw some beautiful pants, let’s see how you can get information in the store:

  1. How much is this? 얼마예요? (eolmayeyo?) -> I recommend you also learn the Korean numbers!
  2. May I try this on? 입어봐도 되나요? (ibobwado dwenayo). You can add the word for what you want to try on before the sentence. For example: “pants= 바지 (baji),” so you can say: 이 바지 입어봐도 되나요? (i baji ibobwado dwenayo?). “이” means “this” as you are indicating that you want to try on those specific pants.
  3. I will buy it! 살게요! (salkkeyo)
  4. Can I pay by card? 카드로 계산해도 되나요? (kadeuro gyesanhaedo dwenayo)

Practice is key, so don’t forget to try those phrases while shopping in South Korea.

Now here is a complete vocabulary list with all words related to Korean markets:

Korean WordsRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
선반SeonbanShelf Helves
흥정을 하려면Heungjeong-Eul HalyeomyeonTo Pick Up A Bargain
소매 공원Somae Gong-WonA Retail Park
거래GeolaeA Bargain
찾아보기Chaj-AbogiTo Browse
로열티 카드Loyeolti KadeuLoyalty Card
오프 면허Opeu MyeonheoOff-Licence
우체국UchegugPost Office
비용/비용Biyong/BiyongA Cost/To Cost
범람하는 시장Beomlamhaneun SijangFlooding The Market
쿠폰KuponA Coupon
장난감 가게Jangnangam GageToy Store
카드 머신Kadeu MeosinCard Machine
빌보드BilbodeuA Billboard
피팅룸PitinglumFitting Rooms
생선가게의 이푸드점Saengseongage-Ui IpudeujeomFishmonger’s Seafood Store
일반 상점Ilban SangjeomGeneral Store
카운터KaunteoA Counter
장바구니JangbaguniA Shopping Basket
편의점Pyeon-UijeomConvenience Store
두번째 손Dubeonjjae SonSecond-Hand
샘플SaempeulA Sample
금액Geum-AegAn Amount
신문 판매원Sinmun PanmaewonNewsagents
환불하려면HwanbulhalyeomyeonTo Refund
브랜드BeulaendeuA Brand
쇼핑 채널Syoping ChaeneolA Shopping Channel
경매GyeongmaeAn Auction
방 바꾸기Bang BakkugiChanging Rooms
로열티 카드Loyeolti KadeuA Loyalty Card
캐리어 가방Kaelieo GabangA Carrier Bag
소비자SobijaA Consumer
큰 브랜드 이름Keun Beulaendeu IleumBig Brand Names
청구서Cheong-GuseoA Bill
쇼핑을 하러 가다Syoping-Eul Haleo GadaTo Go On A Shopping Spree
할인점/파운드샵Hal-Injeom/PaundeusyabA Discount Store/Pound Shop
체크카드ChekeukadeuDebit Cards
구입/구입Gu-Ib/Gu-IbA Purchase/To Purchase
전단지JeondanjiA Leaflet
(일부) 변경(Ilbu) Byeongyeong(Some) Change
식료품점SiglyopumjeomGrocery Store
Diy 상점Diy SangjeomDiy Store
지폐/어음/지폐Jipye/Eoeum/JipyeA Banknote/A Note/A Bill
신발 가게Sinbal GageShoe Shop
부서BuseoA Department
가정용품 가게Gajeong-Yongpum GageHome Supply Store
신용 카드 청구서를 실행하려면Sin-Yong Kadeu Cheong-Guseoleul SilhaenghalyeomyeonTo Run Up A Credit Card Bill
모피 상인Mopi Sang-InA Fur Trader
전기 가게Jeongi GageElectrical Store
아이템AitemAn Item
가전제품GajeonjepumAn Appliance
식료품 가게의Siglyopum Gage-UiGrocer’s
타겟/타겟Tages/TagesA Target/To Target
밍크 퍼Mingkeu PeoMink Fur
빡빡한 예산으로Ppagppaghan Yesan-EuloTo Be On A Tight Budget
주식JusigA Stock
일부 소매 치료에 탐닉하기 위해Ilbu Somae Chilyoe Tamnighagi WihaeTo Indulge In Some Retail Therapy
원예 가게Won-Ye GageGardening Store
에 닙니다E NibnidaTo Nip To
찹 앤 핀 머신Chab Aen Pin MeosinChop And Pin Machine
보석 가게Boseog GageJewellery Store
입찰IbchalA Bid
쇼핑몰SyopingmolA Mall
속이다Sog-IdaTo Deceive
벼룩시장ByeolugsijangA Flea Market
청과물 상인Cheong-Gwamul Sang-InGreengrocers
창고Chang-GoA Storage Room
소매업체SomaeeobcheA Retailer
자선 상점 중고 상점Jaseon Sangjeom Jung-Go SangjeomCharity Shop Econd Hand Shop
장난감 가게Jangnangam GageToy Shop
사슬SaseulA Chain
쇼핑하기SyopinghagiTo Shop Around
누군가에게 열심히 팔기 위해Nugunga-Ege Yeolsimhi Palgi WihaeTo Give Someone The Hard Sell
탈의실/화장실//탈의실Tal-Uisil/Hwajangsil//Tal-UisilA Changing Room/Cloakroom//Fitting Room
철물점CheolmuljeomHardware Store
구두 수선공의Gudu Suseongong-UiCobbler’s
돌려 주다Dollyeo JudaTo Return
백화점 홉 토레Baeghwajeom Hob ToleDepartment Store Hop Tore
신용 카드Sin-Yong KadeuCredit Cards
체크 무늬Chekeu MunuiCheques
쇼핑 센터Syoping SenteoShopping Centre
여성 의류 가게Yeoseong Uilyu GageLadies Clothing Shop
수표SupyoA Check/Cheque
식료품 쇼핑을 하려면Siglyopum Syoping-Eul HalyeomyeonTo Do The Grocery Shopping
레코드 가게Lekodeu GageRecord Shop
투표TupyoA Poll
도매업자DomaeeobjaA Wholesaler
점원Jeom-WonA Shop Assistant
약탈YagtalA Rip-Off
배달/배달Baedal/BaedalA Delivery/To Deliver
머스트 해브 제품Meoseuteu Haebeu JepumA Must-Have Product
동전DongjeonA Coin
선반SeonbanA Shelf
남성복 가게Namseongbog GageMen’s Clothing Shop
디자인DijainA Design
시선을 사로잡기 위해Siseon-Eul Salojabgi WihaeTo Catch The Eye
백화점BaeghwajeomA Department Store
시장 조사Sijang JosaA Market Study
보증BojeungA Guarantee
서점SeojeomBook Shop
영수증YeongsujeungA Receipt
팔 다리 비용Pal Dali BiyongTo Cost An Arm And A Leg
회전율Hoejeon-YulA Turnover
쇼핑몰SyopingmolShopping Mall
쇼핑 중독자가 되려면Syoping Jungdogjaga DoelyeomyeonTo Be A Shopaholic
거래GeolaeA Deal
입수 가능한Ibsu GaneunghanAffordable
쐐기SswaegiA Wedge
빚을 지기 위해Bij-Eul Jigi WihaeTo Get Into Debt
프랜차이즈PeulaenchaijeuA Franchise
개관 시간Gaegwan SiganOpening Hours
원예 센터Won-Ye SenteoGardening Centre
쇼핑 센터Syoping SenteoMall
높은 거리 이름Nop-Eun Geoli IleumHigh Street Names
선물 영수증Seonmul YeongsujeungGift Receipt
코너샵KoneosyabA Corner Shop
버스 요금Beoseu YogeumBus Fare
매장 오픈Maejang OpeunStore Open
일상 생활Ilsang SaenghwalEveryday Life
포인트 카드Pointeu KadeuPoint Card
옷을 사다Os-Eul SadaBuy Clothes
버스 티켓Beoseu TikesBus Ticket
영업시간Yeong-EobsiganOpen Hours
채식 요리Chaesig YoliVegetarian Dishes
전통 시장Jeontong SijangTraditional Market
만료일ManlyoilExpiration Date
할인 쿠폰Hal-In KuponDiscount Coupon
매장 닫기Maejang DadgiStore Close

Some Basic Korean Phrases Related To Markets And Shops

Now that you know about all the basic Korean words let’s learn about the basic Korean phrases you can use in countless situations. For instance, if you go to a mall to buy vegetables, you can ask them and respond to their questions.

How To Ask For Directions? Finding The Right Place!

Asking for directions in korean at the market - photo of a korean street

It is not possible to know all about the Korean stores and markets as soon as you step into Korea. You would need guidance, such as directions in Korean.

Also, it’s recommended to learn the proper ways to disagree or say “no” without sounding rude to the locals. Every single detail is important to understand, as it is not just another language, it’s an entire different culture you should consider.

Korean sentencesRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
가게는 금요일에 문을 열지 않습니다.gageneun geum-yoil-e mun-eul yeolji anhseubnida.The shop isn’t open on Fridays.
맛있는 식당 좀 추천해주세요.mas-issneun sigdang jom chucheonhaejuseyo.Please suggest me a pleasant restaurant?
최고의 레스토랑은 아마존 몰에 있습니다.choegoui leseutolang-eun amajon mol-e issseubnida.The best restaurant is in the Amazon mall.
모퉁이만 돌면 레스토랑을 찾을 수 있습니다.motung-iman dolmyeon leseutolang-eul chaj-eul su issseubnida.You can find the restaurant just around the corner.
가장 가까운 곳은 10km 떨어져 있습니다.gajang gakkaun gos-eun 10km tteol-eojyeo issseubnida.The nearest one is 10 kilometers away.
마스크팩은 어디서 구할 수 있나요?maseukeupaeg-eun eodiseo guhal su issnayo?Where can I get some face masks from?
편의점에서 찾으시면 됩니다pyeon-uijeom-eseo chaj-eusimyeon doebnidaYou can try to find it in the convenience store
가장 가까운 북카페는 어디인가요?gajang gakkaun bugkapeneun eodiingayo?Where is the nearest book cafe?
여기 호텔에서 구입할 수 있습니다.yeogi hotel-eseo gu-ibhal su issseubnida.You can buy that here in the hotel.
도매 시장으로 안내해 주시겠습니까?domae sijang-eulo annaehae jusigessseubnikka?Could you direct me to the wholesale market, please?
이 지역에 애니메이션 서점이 있습니까?i jiyeog-e aenimeisyeon seojeom-i issseubnikka?Is there an anime bookstore in this area?
가장 가까운 쇼핑센터는 어디인가요?gajang gakkaun syopingsenteoneun eodiingayo?Where is the nearest shopping centre?

How Do You Select Items While Shopping? Korean Vocabulary

Selecting items at the market in korean vocabulary

If you speak English only then choosing items in Korea is a sport in itself. This is because the Korean people tend to have very different rules. For instance, ordering Korean food might not be the same as ordering food elsewhere. Even the Korean food menu is different.

You might have gained enough vocabulary from Korean dramas but visiting Korea requires a lot more. Let’s learn how to talk about the price of food to be able to choose items like food etc.

Korean sentencesRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
사용해 보시겠습니까?sayonghae bosigessseubnikka?Would you like to try it on?
가성비 좋은거 있나요?gaseongbi joh-eungeo issnayo?Do you have something affordable?
이것들은 얼마입니까?igeosdeul-eun eolmaibnikka?How much are these?
얼마예요?eolmayeyo?How much is this?
이 품목에 재고가 있습니까?i pummog-e jaegoga issseubnikka?Do you have this item in stock?
도와주시겠어요?dowajusigess-eoyo?Could you help me, please?
제가 도와드릴 수 있는 다른 것이 있습니까?jega dowadeulil su issneun daleun geos-i issseubnikka?Is there anything else I can help you with?
어떤 사이즈를 원하세요?eotteon saijeuleul wonhaseyo?What size would you like?
더 싼거 있나요?deo ssangeo issnayo?Have you got anything cheaper?
리본은 어디에서 찾을 수 있나요?libon-eun eodieseo chaj-eul su issnayo?Where can I find the ribbon?
식료품의 무게는 어디에서 측정할 수 있습니까?siglyopum-ui mugeneun eodieseo cheugjeonghal su issseubnikka?Where can I weigh my groceries?
도와드릴까요? / 도와드릴까요?dowadeulilkkayo? / dowadeulilkkayo?Can / May I help you?
이거 다른색으로 해주실래요?igeo daleunsaeg-eulo haejusillaeyo?Would you have this in another color?
찻잔 있으신가요?chasjan iss-eusingayo?Do you have any teacups?
환불 정책이 있습니까?hwanbul jeongchaeg-i issseubnikka?Do you have a refund policy?
터번을 찾고 있습니다.teobeon-eul chajgo issseubnida.I’m looking for a turban.
잘 맞아?jal maj-a?How does it fit?
실례합니다, 여기에서 일하십니까?sillyehabnida, yeogieseo ilhasibnikka?Excuse me, do you work here?
이 스커트 다른 사이즈 없나요?i seukeoteu daleun saijeu eobsnayo?Do you have other sizes for this skirt?
다른 것을 원하십니까?daleun geos-eul wonhasibnikka?Would you like anything else?
어떤 색을 원하세요?eotteon saeg-eul wonhaseyo?What color would you like?
보증/보증과 함께 제공됩니까?bojeung/bojeung-gwa hamkke jegongdoebnikka?Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?
이거 세일중인가요?igeo seiljung-ingayo?Is this in the sale?
내가 당신을 위해 무엇을 할 수?naega dangsin-eul wihae mueos-eul hal su?What can I do for you?
나는 이 양말의 다른 한 켤레를 찾으려고 노력하고 있습니다.naneun i yangmal-ui daleun han kyeolleleul chaj-eulyeogo nolyeoghago issseubnida.I’m trying to find another pair of these socks.
어떻게 배달합니까?eotteohge baedalhabnikka?How do you deliver?
거기 셔츠 얼마에요?geogi syeocheu eolma-eyo?How much is that shirt over there?
이 스커트는 어디에서 입어볼 수 있나요?i seukeoteuneun eodieseo ib-eobol su issnayo?Where can I try these skirts on?
이 얼마예요?i eolmayeyo?How much does this cost?
다른 건 없나요?daleun geon eobsnayo?Anything else?
그게 좋은거야?geuge joh-eungeoya?Is that any good?
내가 시도할 수 있는 다른 곳이 어디인지 아십니까?naega sidohal su issneun daleun gos-i eodiinji asibnikka?Do you know where else I could try?
카운터가 어디 있는지 알려주시겠습니까?kaunteoga eodi issneunji allyeojusigessseubnikka?Could you tell me where the counter is, please?
이건 어때?igeon eottae?How about this one?
젓가락 팔아요?jeosgalag pal-ayo?Do you sell chopsticks?
뭔가 찾는 걸 도와드릴까요?mwonga chajneun geol dowadeulilkkayo?Can I help you find something?
탈의실은 어디에 있습니까?tal-uisil-eun eodie issseubnikka?Where is the changing room?

Open Hours

store timings in Korea - photo of a korean market

Koreans love to eat so most of the time you will find yourself at pubs or restaurants if you are with your Korean friends. But besides food, the other thing that Korean love is beauty products. The obsession with looking pretty all the time is real in Korean culture.

Let’s look at the vocabulary about opening and closing timings of South Korean markets.

Korean sentencesRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
우리는 항상 열려 있습니다.ulineun hangsang yeollyeo issseubnida.We’re open all the time.
평일에만 영업합니다.pyeong-il-eman yeong-eobhabnida.We’re open on weekdays only.
하루 종일 열려 있습니까?halu jong-il yeollyeo issseubnikka?Are you open all day?
보통 몇시에 닫나요?botong myeochsie dadnayo?What time do you usually close?
주말에는 몇시에 문을 여나요?jumal-eneun myeochsie mun-eul yeonayo?What time do you open on weekends?
수요일에 열려 있습니까?suyoil-e yeollyeo issseubnikka?Are you open on Wednesdays?
오전 10시부터 오후 10시까지 영업합니다.ojeon 10sibuteo ohu 10sikkaji yeong-eobhabnida.We’re open from 10 am to 10 pm.
주말에도 열어요?jumal-edo yeol-eoyo?Are you open on the weekends?
영업시간은 어떻게 되나요?yeong-eobsigan-eun eotteohge doenayo?What are your opening hours?
점심시간이 오후 2시~3시라 문을 닫습니다.jeomsimsigan-i ohu 2si~3sila mun-eul dadseubnida.Our lunchtime is 2-3 pm, so we are closed.
우리는 일주일 내내 열려 있습니다.ulineun ilju-il naenae yeollyeo issseubnida.We’re open throughout the week.
특정 공휴일은 휴무이지만 전부는 아닙니다.teugjeong gonghyuil-eun hyumu-ijiman jeonbuneun anibnida.We’re closed on specific holidays but not all.
오전 11시부터 오후 9시까지 영업합니다.ojeon 11sibuteo ohu 9sikkaji yeong-eobhabnida.We’re open from 11 am to 9 pm.
일주일 중 아무 날이나 올 수 있습니까?ilju-il jung amu nal-ina ol su issseubnikka?Can I come by any day throughout the week?
몇시까지 영업하시나요?myeochsikkaji yeong-eobhasinayo?What time are you open?

Making Complaint

Photo of Korean traditional clothes at a store

In many situations, you might not like the food. 삼겹살 (Samgyeopsal) and 갈비찜 (Galbijjim) might taste funny once you eat the original Korean cuisine. So you should learn some good and nice ways of complaining about the things you buy in Korea. Let’s learn about that.

Just be sure not to complain against the cultural elements like having Korean music in the restaurant etc. You should know about the rules in Korea for Meokbang(Korean word for binge eating food in front of an audience)if you ever need more food. Being polite is the key to everything so even while making a complaint, be polite.

Here are the most common vocab and phrases to make complaints.

Korean sentencesRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
불만 제기에 대해 누구와 이야기할 수 있습니까?bulman jegie daehae nuguwa iyagihal su issseubnikka?Who can I speak to about making a complaint?
환불을 부탁드려도 될까요?hwanbul-eul butagdeulyeodo doelkkayo?Could I have a refund, please?
매니저와 통화할 수 있습니까?maenijeowa tonghwahal su issseubnikka?Can I speak to the manager, please?
반품 부탁드립니다.banpum butagdeulibnida.I’d like to return this, please.
불만을 제기하고 싶습니다.bulman-eul jegihago sipseubnida.I’d like to make a complaint.
이거 다른 사이즈 없나요? 교환해야 합니다.igeo daleun saijeu eobsnayo? gyohwanhaeya habnida.Is there another size for this? I need to exchange.
영수증 원본이 있습니까?yeongsujeung wonbon-i issseubnikka?Do you have the original receipt?
다른 매장에서 구매하셨나요?daleun maejang-eseo gumaehasyeossnayo?Did you buy it from one of our other stores?
우리가 그것을 채울 수 있도록 이 교환을 하는 이유는 무엇입니까?uliga geugeos-eul chaeul su issdolog i gyohwan-eul haneun iyuneun mueos-ibnikka?What is the reason for this exchange so that we can fill it in?
환불이 필요한 이유를 말씀해 주시겠습니까?hwanbul-i pil-yohan iyuleul malsseumhae jusigessseubnikka?Would you mind telling me why do you need a refund?
작동하지 않습니다.jagdonghaji anhseubnida.It doesn’t work.
맞지 않습니다.maj-ji anhseubnida.It doesn’t fit.
선물이었는데 마음에 들지 않습니다.seonmul-ieossneunde ma-eum-e deulji anhseubnida.It was a gift, but I don’t like it.
더 큰 사이즈를 원하시는 분을 위해 구매했습니다.deo keun saijeuleul wonhasineun bun-eul wihae gumaehaessseubnida.I bought it for someone who wanted a bigger size.

Paying for Items

If you purchase food then you should be aware of methods to pay for food. There are also other situations in which you need to pay, for instance, for Korean makeup, paying for your wedding.

Did you know that Korean Beauty Standards are different from Western Beauty Standards, just like the payment methods?

Korean sentencesRomanized HangulEnglish Translation
선물 영수증을 주시겠습니까?seonmul yeongsujeung-eul jusigessseubnikka?Could I have a gift receipt, please?
현금 할인을 제공합니까?hyeongeum hal-in-eul jegonghabnikka?Do you offer a cash discount?
카드를 기계에 넣어주세요.kadeuleul gigyee neoh-eojuseyo.Put your card into the machine, please.
현금으로 할 것인가, 신용으로 할 것인가?hyeongeum-eulo hal geos-inga, sin-yong-eulo hal geos-inga?Will that be cash or credit?
서비스를 받고 있습니까?seobiseuleul badgo issseubnikka?Are you being served?
가방을 여기에 두고 나중에 찾으면 될까요?gakkaun gos-eulo gaya haneunde jamsi jim-eul matgyeodo doelkkayo?I need to go to a nearby place, can I leave my belongings for some time?
이게 다입니까?ige daibnikka?Will that be all?
오늘은 여기까지입니다.oneul-eun yeogikkajiibnida.That’s it for today.
우리는 모든 주요 신용 카드를 받습니다.ulineun modeun juyo sin-yong kadeuleul badseubnida.We accept all major credit cards.
로열티 카드가 있습니까?loyeolti kadeuga issseubnikka?Do you have a loyalty card?
카드결제할게요kadeugyeoljehalgeyoI’ll pay by card
영수증을 주시겠습니까?yeongsujeung-eul jusigessseubnikka?Could I have a receipt, please?
현금으로 결제하겠습니다hyeongeum-eulo gyeoljehagessseubnidaI’ll pay in cash
캐시백을 원하십니까?kaesibaeg-eul wonhasibnikka?Would you like any cash back?
선물 영수증을 원하십니까?seonmul yeongsujeung-eul wonhasibnikka?Would you like a gift receipt for that?
현금만 받습니다.hyeongeumman badseubnida.I’m afraid we take cash only.
대기열에 있습니까?daegiyeol-e issseubnikka?Are you in the queue?
다음 사람?yeogi 5dalleoga issseubnida. jandon-eul bogwanhaseyo!Here’s 5 dollars. Keep the change!
죄송합니다. 수표는 받지 않습니다.joesonghabnida. supyoneun badji anhseubnida.Sorry, we don’t accept cheques.
보증/보증이 있습니까?bojeungseoga issnayo?Does it have a warranty?
그게 다야, 고마워.geuge daya, gomawo.That’s all, thanks.
다른 일을 도와드릴까요?daleun il-eul dowadeulilkkayo?Can I help you with anything else?
그 선물을 포장하시겠습니까?geu seonmul-eul pojanghasigessseubnikka?Would you like that gift wrapped?
저를 위해 선물 포장해 주시겠습니까?jeoleul wihae seonmul pojanghae jusigessseubnikka?Could you gift wrap that for me, please?
너는 신용 카드를 챙 겼니?neoneun sin-yong kadeuleul chaeng gyeossni?Do you take credit cards?
….(가격), 제발.40dalleolo juseyo.That comes to 40 dollars, please.
PIN을 입력하세요.PINeul iblyeoghaseyo.Enter your PIN, please.
그건 ….(가격), 제발.4dalleo juseyo.That’s 4 dollars, please.
어떻게 지불 하시겠습니까?eotteohge jibul hasigessseubnikka?How would you like to pay?
합계는 ..(가격)입니다.habgyeneun geum-aeg-ibnida.The total is …
가방을 원하십니까?gabang-eul wonhasibnikka?Would you like a bag?
물건 하나 다시 넣어도 될까요? 나는 이것에 대해 생각을 바꿨다.naneun igeos-eul wonhaji anhneunda, naneun igeos-eul wonhandaI don’t want this one. I want that one.
수표로 지불할 수 있습니까?supyolo jibulhal su issseubnikka?Can I pay by cheque, please?
선물로 포장해 드릴까요?seonmul-inde pojang butagdeulyeodo doelkkayo?This is a gift, so could you please wrap it?
다음으로 부탁드립니다!da-eum-eulo butagdeulibnida!Next, please!
감사합니다. 좋은 하루 보내세요!gamsahabnida. joh-eun halu bonaeseyo!Thank you. Have a good day!

What Are The Shopping Korean Manners?

Here are some of the most common Korean etiquettes and manners to remember while shopping in Korea.

  • It is important to remember that each person in Korea respects the dignity of the other person. Even if you are talking to a waiter, try to be nice and polite.
  • You do not necessarily need to bow at every step but thanking the waiter or other shopkeepers is always considered good.
  • Have a nice and decent introduction. Korean people don’t like cutting to the chase as you might know from watching Korean dramas.
  • You might like to ask for their Korean surname but don’t be pushy if they show even a tiny bit of hesitation.
  • Feel free to ask their age since Korean people are not extremely shy about such things.
  • If you are going shopping, then you might want to ask the members of your Korean family to come along and thus buy them some nice presents.

Learn The Korean Language With Ling

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