7 Beautiful Continents And Countries In Cantonese

Today, traveling to different beautiful countries 鄉下 Hoeng1 Haa2 is priceless. Part of the adventure is naming them. So, learn about these countries in Cantonese.

Hong Kong is one of the Four Asian Tigers. One of the reasons for their successful economy is their trade with different countries. They are trading and doing business not just in Asia but also worldwide. Aside from these, there are also lots of different nationalities in Hong Kong that work there. According to official statistics, about 5% of Hong Kong’s seven million residents are foreigners. That is why it is really important for them to learn to name countries in Cantonese and nationalities.

So, in this blog, we will be learning about country names in Cantonese. Yes, learning Cantonese might be hard at first, especially if you are not familiar with the language’s sentence structure. This blog will also provide you with the romanization and English translation of each word in English.


What The Chinese Language Used In Hong Kong?

Indeed, Chinese culture is widely known in the world. In fact, there are lots of Chinese restaurants all over the world. There are also lots of countries that are learning Chinese because of the fact that Chinese is one of the most spoken languages in the world. But, we have to remember that there are different Chinese dialects that are spoken not just in Mainland China but also in different Chinese countries.

There are two Chinese dialects that are spoken in Chinese countries – Mandarin and Cantonese. In Hong Kong, their official language is Cantonese, while in Mainland China, they speak Mandarin or Modern Standard Chinese. In fact, some Hongkongers do not classify themselves as Chinese because of their history and issues. They speak more English than Mandarin. There are lots of differences between these two Chinese dialects, so if you want to learn more about them, you can check this blog.

鄉下 (Hoeng1 Haa2) – Country

Before we learn about different countries in Cantonese, let us first learn how to say the word “country.” The Cantonese word 鄉下 (Hoeng1 Haa2) is used to say “country.” This is one of the most important words to learn in learning the countries in Cantonese.

Nationality and Countries in Cantonese

國籍 (Gwok3 Zik6) – Nationality

We will also learn about some nationalities aside from countries in Cantonese. To say the word “nationality,” Cantonese speakers use 國籍 Gwok3 Zik6.


Countries And Nationalities In Cantonese

Being Asia’s world city, Hong Kong is definitely one of the most developed countries in Asia. It is not called one of the “Asian Tigers” for no reason. Because of this, you are learning Cantonese Chinese can be beneficial, especially if you want to build your career in Hong Kong. One of the most important vocabulary that you should learn is the Cantonese language. So, here is the list of countries in Cantonese by continent.

Asia – 亞洲 (Aa3 Zau1)

Asia - 亞洲 (Aa3 Zau1)

Let’s start with the continent where Hong Kong belongs – Asia. Asia is the largest and most diversified continent on the planet. It makes up four-fifths of the massive Eurasian landmass. Asia is more of a geographical word than a homogeneous continent. Using the term to define such a large area risks masking the great variation among the regions it covers.

There are also lots of things to discover in Asia. Did you know that there’s a building in Singapore that was inspired by a Star Wars robot? Also, in Kyoto, Japan, there are about 1,600 temples. Asian countries have a lot of hidden gems, so here are the different Asian countries in Cantonese.

Afghanistan阿富汗aa3 fu3 hon6
Armenia亞美尼亞aa3 mei5 nei4 aa3
Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆aa3 coi3 baai3 goeng1
Bahrain巴林baa1 lam4
Bhutan不丹bat1 daan1
Brunei文萊man4 loi4
Bangladesh孟加拉國maang6 gaa1 laai1 gwok3
China中國zung1 gwok3
Cambodia柬埔寨gaan2 bou3 zaai6
Cyprus塞浦路斯coi3 pou2 lou6 si1
Georgia格魯吉亞gaak3 lou5 gat1 aa3
Hong Kong香港hoeng1 gong2
India印度jan3 dou6
Indonesia印尼jan3 nei4
Iran伊朗ji1 long5
Iraq伊拉克ji1 laai1 hak1
Israel以色列ji5 sik1 lit6
Japan日本jat6 bun2
Jordan約旦joek3 daan3
Kazakhstan哈薩克斯坦haa1 saat3 hak1 si1 taan2
Kyrgyzstan吉爾吉斯斯坦gat1 ji5 gat1 si1 si1 taan2
Kuwait科威特fo1 wai1 dak6
Laos老撾lou5 gwo1
Lebanon黎巴嫩llai4 baa1 nyun6
Macau澳門ou3 mun2
Malaysia馬來西亞maa5 loi4 sai1 ngaa3
Maldives馬爾地夫maa5 ji5 dei6 fu1
Mongolia蒙古mung4 gu2
Myanmar (Burma)緬甸min5 din6
Middle East中東zung1 dung1
Nepal尼泊爾nei4 bok6 ji5
North Korea朝鮮ciu4 sin1
Oman阿曼aa3 maan6
Pakistan巴基斯坦baa1 gei1 si1 taan2
Palestine巴勒斯坦baa1 lak6 si1 taan2
Philippines菲律賓fei1 leot6 ban1
Qatar卡塔爾kaa1 taap3 ji5
Russia俄羅斯ngo4 lo4 si1
Saudi Arabia沙地阿拉伯saa1 dei6 aa3 laai1 baak3
Sri Lanka斯里蘭卡si1 lei5 laan4 kaa1
Syria敘利亞zeoi6 lei6 aa3
Singapore星加坡sing1 gaa3 bo1
Tajikistan塔吉克斯坦taap3 gat1 hak1 si1 taan2
Thailand泰國taai3 gwok3
Taiwan台湾toi4 waan1
Turkmenistan土庫曼tou2 fu3 maan6
Timor-Leste東帝汶dung1 dai3 man6
United Arab Emirates阿拉伯联合大公国aa3 laai1 baak3 lyun4 hap6 daai6 gung1 gwok3
South Korea南韓naam4 hon4
Yemen也門jaa5 mun4
Vietnam越南jyut6 naam4

Africa – 非洲 (Fei1 Zau1)

Africa - 非洲 (Fei1 Zau1)

Africa is the world’s second-largest continent, both in terms of area and people but, even so, it has the shortest coastline. It is the only continent in the globe that is different from the other seven continents. Africa’s culture is quite diversified. It has a diverse cultural legacy, abundant natural resources, and spectacular tourism sites. In terms of religion, Islam is the most widely practiced in Africa. The second is Christianity. Arabic is also Africa’s most commonly spoken language.

After learning a little bit about Africa, let’s discover the different African countries in Cantonese.

Algeria阿爾及利亞aa3 ji5 kap6 lei6 aa3
Angola安哥拉on1 go1 laai1
Benin貝寧bui3 ning4
Botswana博茨瓦納bok3 ci4 ngaa5 naap6
Burundi布隆迪bou3 lung4 dik6
Cameroon喀麥隆kaa3 mak6 lung4
Cape Verde佛得角fat6 dak1 gok3
Comoros科摩羅fo1 mo1 lo4
Chad乍得zaa3 dak1
The central African Republic中非共和國zung1 fei1 gung6 wo4 gwok3
Democratic Republic of Congo剛果民主共和國gong1 gwo2 man4 zyu2 gung6 wo4 gwok3
Djibouti吉布提gat1 bou3 tai4
Egypt埃及aai1 kap6
Ethiopia埃塞俄比亞aai1 coi3 ngo4 bei2 aa3
Eritrea厄立特里亞aak1 laap6 dak6 lei5 aa3
Equatorial Guinea赤道幾內亞cek3 dou6 gei1 noi6 aa3
Gabon加蓬gaa1 pung4
Ghana加納gaa1 naap6
The Gambia甘比亞gam1 bei2 aa3
Guinea幾內亞gei1 noi6 aa3
Guinea-Bissau幾內亞比索gei1 noi6 aa3 bei2 sok3
Ivory Coast象牙海岸zoeng6 ngaa4 hoi2 ngon6
Kenya肯雅hang2 ngaa5
Libya利比亞lei6 bei2 aa3
Lesotho萊索托loi4 sok3 tok3
Liberia利比里亞lei6 bei2 lei5 aa3
Madagascar馬達加斯加maa5 daat6 gaa1 si1 gaa1
Malawi馬拉威maa5 laai1 wai1
Mali馬里maa5 lei5
Mauritania茅利塔尼亞maau4 lei6 taap3 nei4 aa3
Mauritius毛里裘斯mou4 lei5 kau4 si1
Mozambique莫桑比克mok6 song1 bei2 hak1
Morocco摩洛哥mo1 lok6 go1
Namibia納米比亞naap6 mai5 bei2 aa3
Nigeria尼日利亞nei4 jat6 lei6 aa3
Republic of Congo剛果共和國gong1 gwo2 gung6 wo4 gwok3
Rwanda盧旺達lou4 wong6 daat6
São Tomé and Príncipe聖多美普林西比sing3 do1 mei5 pou2 lam4 sai1 bei2
Senegal塞內加爾coi3 noi6 gaa1 ji5
Seychelles塞舌爾sak3 sit3 ji5
Sierra Leone塞拉利昂coi3 laai1 lei6 ngong4
Somalia索馬里sok3 maa5 lei5
Sudan蘇丹sou1 daan1
South Sudan南蘇丹naam4 sou1 daan1
South Africa南非naam4 fei1
Swaziland斯威士蘭si1 wai1 si6 laan4
Tanzania坦桑尼亞taan2 song1 nei4 aa3
Togo多哥do1 go1
Tunisia突尼斯dat6 nei4 si1
Uganda烏干達wu1 gon1 daat6
Zambia贊比亞zaan3 bei2 aa3
Zimbabwe津巴布韋zeon1 baa1 bou3 wai5

North America –  北美洲 (Bak1 Mei5 Zau1)

North America -  北美洲 (Bak1 Mei5 Zau1)

North America is one of the world’s largest continents, although not being the largest. In fact, when you consider its sheer magnitude, it ranks third. Other interesting geography facts about North America can be found here. It is the location of the world’s largest island – Greenland. The largest country on this continent is Canada. North America is also one of the most interesting continents to visit because of its beautiful countries. So, let’s learn about North American counties in Cantonese.

Antigua And Barbuda安提瓜和巴布達on1 tai4 gwaa1 wo4 baa1 bou3 daat6
Belize貝里斯bui3 lei5 si1
Bahamas巴哈馬baa1 haa1 maa5
Barbados巴巴多斯baa1 baa1 do1 si1
Canada加拿大gaa1 naa4 daai6
Cuba古巴gu2 baa1
Costa Rica哥斯達黎加go1 si1 daat6 lai4 gaa1
Dominican Republic多明尼加共和國do1 ming4 nei4 gaa1 gung6 wo4 gwok3
Dominica多米尼克do1 mai5 nei4 hak1
El Salvador薩爾瓦多saat3 ji5 ngaa5 do1
Guatemala危地馬拉ngai4 dei6 maa5 laai1
Grenada格林納達gaak3 lam4 naap6 daat6
Greenland格陵蘭gaak3 ling4 laan4
Haiti海地hoi2 dei6
Honduras洪都拉斯hung4 dou1 laai1 si1
Jamaica牙買加ngaa4 maai5 gaa1
Mexico墨西哥mak6 sai1 go1
Montserrat蒙特塞拉特mung4 dak6 sak1 laai1 dak6
Nicaragua尼加拉瓜nei4 gaa1 laai1 gwaa1
Panama巴拿馬baa1 naa4 maa5
Puerto Rico波多黎各bo1 do1 lai4 gok3
Saint Lucia盧西亞sing3 lou4 sai1 aa3
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines聖文森及格瑞那丁sing3 man4 sam1 kap6 gaak3 seoi6 naa5
Saint Kitts And Nevis聖基茨和尼維斯sing3 gei1 ci4 wo4 nei4 wai4 si1
Trinidad and Tobago千里達和多巴哥cin1 lei5 daat6 wo4 do1 baa1 go1
The United States美國mei5 gwok3

South America – 南美洲 (Naam4 Mei5 Zau1)

South America - 南美洲 (Naam4 Mei5 Zau1)

Now, let’s talk about the home of the world’s second-largest swimming pool -South America. It is the world’s fourth-largest continent. It is the southernmost part of the landmass known as the New World, Western Hemisphere, or simply the Americas. But, do you know what’s more interesting about South America? It has the world’s largest mountain ranges and salt flats.

After knowing some basic facts, let’s learn about South American countries in Cantonese.

Argentina阿根廷aa3 gan1 ting4
Brazil巴西baa1 sai1
Bolivia玻利维亚bo1 lei6 wai4 aa3
Chile智利zi3 lei6  
Colombia哥倫比亞go1 leon4 bei2 aa3
Ecuador厄瓜多爾ak1 gwaa1 do1 ji5
Guyana圭亞那gwai1 aa3 naa5
Paraguay巴拉圭baa1 laai1 gwai1
Peru秘魯bei3 lou5
Suriname蘇里南sou1 lei5 naam4
 Uruguay烏拉圭wu1 laai1 gwai1
Venezuela委內瑞拉wai2 noi6 seoi6 laai1

Europe – 歐洲 (Au1 Zau1)

Europe - 歐洲 (Au1 Zau1)

The next set of countries in Cantonese that we will learn about is from the continent where the Royal family resides, Europe. It is the world’s second-smallest continent, is made up of the westward-projecting peninsulas of Eurasia, and covers almost one-fifth of the planet’s total geographical area. Europe is also an interesting continent. Did you know that The Louvre is Europe’s most visited attraction? Also, one of the most bizarre facts about Europe is that you can receive a letter from the Queen of England if you live in the Commonwealth!

Now, let’s learn about European countries in Cantonese.

Albania阿爾巴尼亞aa3 ji5 baa1 nei4 aa3
Andorra安道爾on1 dou6 ji5
Austria奧地利ou3 dei6 lei6
Bosnia波斯尼亞bo1 si1 nei4 aa3
Bulgaria保加利亞bou2 gaa1 lei6 aa3
Belarus白俄羅斯baak6 ngo4 lo4 si1
Belgium比利時bei2 lei6 si4
Czech, Czech Republic捷克共和國zit3 hak1 gung6 wo4 gwok3
Croatia克羅地亞hak1 lo4 dei6 aa3
Denmark丹麥daan1 mak6
Estonia愛沙尼亞oi3 saa1 nei4 aa3
England / the UK英國jing1 gwok3
Faroe Islands法羅群島faat3 lo4 kwan4 dou2
Finland芬蘭fan1 laan4
France法國faat3 gwok3
Gibraltar直布羅陀zik6 bou3 lo4 to4
Greece希臘hei1 lip6
Germany德國dak1 gwok3
Hungary匈牙利hung1 ngaa4 lei6
Italy意大利ji3 daai6 lei6
Ireland愛爾蘭oi3 ji5 laan4
Iceland冰島bing1 dou2
Kazakhstan哈薩克斯坦haa1 saat3 hak1 si1 taan2
Kosovo科索沃fo1 sok3 juk1
Latvia拉脫維亞laai1 tyut3 wai4 aa3
Liechtenstein列支敦士登lit6 zi1 deon1 si6 dang1
Lithuania立陶宛laap6 tou4 jyun2
Luxembourg盧森堡lou4 sam1 bou2
Malta馬耳他maa5 ji5 taa1
Macedonia馬其頓maa5 kei4 deon6
Moldova摩爾多瓦mo1 ji5 do1 ngaa5
Monaco摩納哥mo1 naap6 go1
Montenegro黑山hak1 saan1
Netherlands荷蘭ho4 laan1
Norway挪威no4 wai1
Poland波蘭bo1 laan4
Portugal葡萄牙pou4 tou4 ngaa4
Russia俄羅斯ngo4 lo4 si1
Romania羅馬尼亞lo4 maa5 nei4 aa3
San Marino聖馬力諾sing3 maa5 lik6 nok6
Sweden瑞典seoi6 din2
Serbia塞爾維亞coi3 ji5 wai4 aa3
Slovakia斯洛伐克si1 lok6 fat6 hak1
Slovenia斯洛文尼亞si1 lok6 man4 nei4 aa3
Spain西班牙sai1 baan1 ngaa4
Switzerland瑞士seoi6 si6
Turkey土耳其tou2 ji5 kei4
Vatican City梵蒂岡faan4 dai3 gong1
Ukraine烏克蘭wu1 hak1 laan4

Australia – 澳洲 (Ou3 Zau1)

Australia - 澳洲 (Ou3 Zau1)

Another wonderful set of countries in Cantonese that we will learn about is from the continent of Australia. It is the only continent with a single country that offers truly unique landscapes, natural wonders, and travel experiences. Australia is also the world’s smallest continent and one of the world’s largest countries, located in the Southern Hemisphere between the Pacific and Indian seas.

Do you want to know coll things about Australia? First, it is the world’s leading coal exporter. Mount Kosciuszko, at 2,228 meters/7,310 feet, is Australia’s highest peak. Of course, we cannot forget about Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock, the world’s biggest single standing rock located in the heart of Australia.

Now that you have learned a few exciting things, let us learn about the different Australian countries in Cantonese.

Sydney悉尼sik1 nei4
Melbourne墨爾本mak6 ji5 bun2
Fiji斐濟fei2 zai3
American Samoa美属萨摩亚mei5 suk6 saat3 mo1 ngaa3
Cook Islands曲克群岛kuk1 hak1 kwan4 dou2
French Polynesia法属波利尼西亚faat3 suk6 bo1 lei6 nei4 sai1 ngaa3
Kiribati基里巴斯gei1 leoi5 baa1 si1
The Marshall Islands馬紹爾群島maa5 siu6 ji5 kwan4 dou2
Micronesia密克羅尼西亞mat6 hak1 lo4 nei4 sai1 aa3
Nauru诺鲁nok6 lou5
New Caledonia新喀里多尼亚san1 haak3 leoi5 do1 nei4 ngaa3
Niue纽埃nau2 aai1
Palau帕劳paak3 lou4
Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚baa1 bou3 ngaa3 san1 gei2 noi6 ngaa3
Solomon Islands所罗门群岛so2 lo4 mun4 kwan4 dou2
Samoa西萨摩亚sai1 saat3 mo1 ngaa3
Tonga东加dung1 gaa1
Tuvalu图瓦卢tou4 ngaa5 lou4
Vanuatu瓦努阿图ngaa5 nou5 aa3 tou4

Antarctica – 南極 (Naam4 Gik6)

Antarctica - 南極 (Naam4 Gik6)

Antarctica is not just the world’s southernmost continent but also a continent of superlatives. It is also the tallest, driest, windiest, coldest, and iciest continent on the planet. Antarctica is a one-of-a-kind continent in that it lacks a local population. Antarctica has no countries, yet it is claimed by seven countries: New Zealand, Australia, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Chile, and Argentina. Although we have no Antarctican countries in Cantonese to learn, I think it is nice to know the Cantonese word for Antarctica 南極 (Naam4 Gik6).



After learning the different countries in Cantonese, let us learn some nationalities in Cantonese.

Australian澳洲人ou3 zau1 jan4
Bulgarian保加利亞人bou2 gaa1 lei6 aa3 jan4
Chinese中文zung1 man2
Czech捷克人zit3 haak1 jan4
Dutch荷蘭人ho4 laan1 jan4
Danish丹麥人daan1 mak6 jan4
English英國人jing1 gwok3 jan4
French法文faat3 man2
Filipino菲律賓人fei1 leot6 ban1 jan4
Finnish芬蘭人fan1 laan4 jan4
German德國dak1 gwok3 jan4
Indian印度jan3 dou6
Japanese日本人jat6 bun2 jan4
Korean韓國人hon4 gwok3 jan4
Mexican墨西哥人mak6 sai1 go1 jan4
Norwegian挪威人no4 wai1 jan4
Pakistani巴基斯坦baa1 gei1 si1 taan2
Polish波蘭人bo1 laan4 jan4
Russian俄文ngo4 man2
Romanian羅馬尼亞人lo4 maa5 nei4 aa3 jan4
Portuguese葡萄牙人pou4 tou4 ngaa4 jan4
South African南非人naam4 fei1 jan4
Thai泰國人taai3 gwok3 jan4
Turkish土耳其人tou2 ji3 kei4 jan4
Vietnamese越南jyut6 naam4


Learn Cantonese Now!

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Beautiful Continents And Countries In Cantonese

Yes, learning Cantonese can be daunting at first, but with Ling App, you can learn in a fun but meaningful way. You can choose whatever topic that you want and learn words and phrases with audio recordings, images, romanization, and English translation. You can use what you have learned through conversating with chatbots. After all, using the language in actual conversations is the most effective way to master language learning and achieve fluency.

Do not limit yourself to just your first language. Widen your horizons. Communicate with people in different countries. Start learning Cantonese and other languages now!

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