60+ Body Parts In Cantonese: A Useful List

body parts in cantonese

Essential words, you say? Learn the body parts in Cantonese. Start with the head ( 頭 tau4) down to the body (身體 san1 tai2).

In this blog, we will learn about the different body parts in Cantonese. You will also learn the different body organs and other vocabulary related to the body. If you’re just a beginner and reading Chinese characters might be challenging for you, worry no more because Jyutping romanization and English translations are provided.

Body Parts In Cantonese

Knowing body parts will also help language learners in doing exercises, make-ups, or when they need the right word in Cantonese for emergencies. Lastly, learning body parts in Cantonese will also be helpful in your career or in studying.

Head – 頭 (Tau4)

The first group of body parts in Cantonese that we will learn are those found in the head 頭 (Tau4). Here’s a list of body parts in Cantonese that are found in the head. These might be helpful when you’re talking about appearance, doing make-up, and more.

beard鬍鬚wu4 sou1
cheek臉頰lim5 haap3
chin下巴haa6 baa1
eyebrow眉毛mei4 mou4
eyelash睫毛zit6 mou4
eyelid眼皮ngaan5 pei4
ears耳仔ji5 zai2
hair頭髮tau4 faat3
nose鼻哥bei6 go1
tooth牙齒ngaa4 ci2

Body- 身體 (San1 Tai2)

The Cantonese word for body is 身體 (san1 tai2). The group of body parts that we will learn about next is those found in the outer part of the body. This group will be divided into subgroups — upper body and lower body. These might be helpful, especially when you’re shopping for clothes or doing things that involve your body, like working out and more.

Upper Body


Your arms, forearms, shoulders, chest, and hands are all considered parts of your upper body. These muscles construct a bridge that connects the torso, chest, and limbs to the spinal column in your back.

arm手臂sau2 bei3
armpit胳肋底gaak3 laak6*1 dai2
back背脊bui3 zek3
elbow手掙sau2 zaang1
finger手指sau2 zi2
fingernail指甲zi2 gaap3
forearm前臂cin4 bei3
index finger食指sik6 zi2
little finger小指siu2 zi2
middle finger中指zung1 zi2
ring finger無名指mou4 ming4 zi2
shoulder膊 頭bok3 tau4
stomach/ bellytou5
thumb拇指mou5 zi2
wrist手腕sau2 wun2

Lower Body

Body-Parts-In-Cantonese-Ling-Lower Body

The lower extremity is the portion of the body that extends from the hip all the way down to the toes. The lower extremity is comprised of the joints found in the hip, knee, and ankle, in addition to the bones found in the thigh, leg, and foot.

ankle腳眼goek3 ngaan5
bottom屁股pei3 gu2
heel脚跟goek3 gan1
knee膝蓋sat1 koi3
penis陰莖jam1 ging3
sole腳板goek3 baan2
toe腳趾goek3 zi2
toenail腳趾甲goek3 zi2 gaap3
vagina陰道jam1 dou6

Organs And Other Body Parts In Cantonese

It is also important to learn Cantonese words for the basic organs of the body, especially if you’re planning to work or study in the field of medicine or body fitness. Or, you may just be a Cantonese health innovations enthusiast. You might need to learn more than these parts and organs, but this is a good way to start. So, here’s a list of other body parts and organs that are easy to learn.

artery動脈dung6 mak6
backbone脊骨zek3 gwat1
bladder膀胱pong4 gwong1
bone骨頭gwat1 tau4
breastbone胸骨hung1 gwat1
eardrum耳膜ji5 mok6
gall bladderdaam2
larynx咽喉jin1 hau4
muscle肌肉gei1 juk6
nerve神經san4 ging1
organ器官hei3 gun1
rib肋骨lak6 gwat1
skin皮膚pei4 fu1
uterus/womb子宮zi2 gung1
vein靜脈zing6 mak6

More Vocabularies Of Body Parts In Cantonese

After learning about the different body parts in Cantonese, let’s learn some additional Cantonese vocabulary related to the body. It is also important to learn these in case of emergencies or when you’re not feeling well. Check out this different Cantonese vocabulary:

English CantonesePronunciation
booger/snot鼻屎bei6 si2
exercise運動wan6 dung6
headache頭痛tau4 tung3
height高度gou1 dou6
menstruation月經jyut6 ging1
overweight超重ciu1 cung5
saliva口水hau2 seoi2
sinus headache偏頭痛pin1 tau4 tung3
stomachache肚痛tou5 tung3
toothache牙痛ngaa4 tung3
weight重物cung4 mat6

Frequently Asked Questions About Body Parts In Cantonese

How Do You Ask In Cantonese If Someone Got A Headache?

To ask if someone is experiencing head pain, you say ” 你有冇頭痛? (Nei5 jau5 mou5 tau4 tung4?)”

What Are Cantonese Titles About “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”?

In Cantonese, it is “头,肩膀,膝盖,脚 (Tau4, Gin1 Bong2, Sat1 Goi3, Goek3)

Cantonese has a rich collection of idioms and expressions related to body parts.

If you describe someone “too blind to see something” you would say “睇唔到眼 (tai2 m4 dou3 ngaan5)”

If you want to say “sweetheart”, you would say” 心肝 (sam1 gon1)”.

It Only Takes A Brain And A Hand To Learn Cantonese Now!

Now that you have learned the basic body parts in Cantonese, what’s next?

Well, why not further your knowledge by learning Cantonese with the Ling app? Choose from a variety of topics and learn them in a fun and engaging way. Practice your speaking skills with audio recordings from a native speaker and a voice recognition feature. You can also develop your grammar skills with its extensive grammar explanation. Learn more about the culture by reading blog posts like this.

So, Start your first Cantonese lesson with Ling now!

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