2 Essential Rules for Tamil Sentence Structure

Tamil Sentence Structure Ling app

Tamil language has a rich history which is spanning over 2,000 years. The Tamil language and modern Tamil have specific sentence structures. But it is important to note that not all Tamil sentences follow a structure. Spoken Tamil may not always follow them. In Tamil script though, people tend to be more constructive and formal. Let’s look at the Tamil sentence structure and understand it better!

Understanding Tamil sentence structure is vital for both native speakers and language enthusiasts. Diving into this topic is a stepping stone to appreciating its depth and complexity.

Tamil Sentence Formation

Unlike English which follows Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) format, In Tamil Phrases, they are primarily formed on the Subject-Object-Verb(SOV) format. It lends to flexible and expressive communication. Let’s look at this example. 

Subject : Refers to the person who is doing action 

Object : Refers to the receiver of the action 

Verb : Refers to the action

Example : He is playing with ball

In Tamil, அவன் பந்துடன் விளையாடுகிறான், Avan panthudan vilayadukiran

Here, He refers to the subject, playing refers to the verb and the ball refers to the object. 

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Building Blocks To Make A Sentence

Sentence structure is the way in which words and phrases are combined to form a grammatically correct sentence. It includes the order of the subject, verb, and object, as well as the use of modifiers and other Tamil grammatical elements.

In Tamil, the basic sentence structure is mainly Subject-Verb only, which follows a verb-final word order. That’s right! An object is not always necessary. Word order is important in Tamil since it affects the meaning of a sentence. Modifiers come after the word they modify, and adverbs come before the verb.

When talking about this, Tamil verbs are really important. A sentence undergoes a sentence construction that involves a beginning middle and end. The job of auxiliary verbs is to support the main verb. So, we can call it a helping verb.

To start, here are some words that are often the subject of a sentence in Tamil. It is usually a noun or a pronoun.


Here are some Tamil verbs. Each of the verbs is from a root word. Using a verb stem, it is conjugated and used in a sentence.

Tamil EnglishPronounciationSound

Objects can again be nouns, pronouns, noun clauses, noun phrases, and so on. They are what the subject and verb are talking about. But as mentioned before, a subject and verb are enough to make sense in Tamil, and objects are not always needed.

Must Known Rules In Tamil Sentence Structure

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Before we get into the Tamil sentence structure, we need to understand what is a subject-object-verb combination.

There are certain steps to follow when creating a sentence in the Tamil language. In this language, a lot of words are derived from a root word and are changed using suffixes. So firstly, choose the root words and suffixes that you need to create the sentence. Then, determine the verb tense you need to use.

Next, choose the appropriate inflections for the nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. Place the words in the correct order to form a sentence. Then, use the appropriate conjunctions and particles to join the words. Finally, check your sentence for accuracy.

In English, sentences typically follow a Subject-Verb-Object structure, which means that the subject of the sentence is placed first, followed by the verb, and then the object. In Tamil, following the subject-verb structure, let’s look at the same sentence. For example: நாய் குரைத்தது. Nāy kuraittatu (The dog barked). Just two words!

Here are some sentences using Tamil sentence structure.

Tamil EnglishPronounciationSound
நான் பள்ளிக்கு நடந்து செல்கிறேன்I walk to schoolnāṉ paḷḷikku naṭantu celgiren.
அவருக்கு மூன்று மகன்கள்He has three sonsAvarukku mūṉṟu makaṉkaḷ.
டாம் மிக வேகமாக ஓடுகிறான்Tom runs very fastṬām mika vēkamāka ōṭukiṟāṉ.
அவன் ஓட விரும்புகிறான்He likes to runAvan ōṭa virumpukiṟān
இந்த ஆப்பிள் இனிப்பாக இருக்கிறதுThis apple is sweetInta āppiḷ iṉippaga irukirathu
அவன் ஏரியில் நீச்சலடித்தான்He swam in the lakeAvan eariyil neechaladithan
நாங்கள் திருடனுக்குப் பின்னால் ஓடினோம்We ran after the thiefNaankal thirudanuku pinnal odinom
இந்த புத்தகம் அவளுக்குச் சொந்தமானதுThis book belongs to herInta puthakam avaḷukku sontamāṉatu.
அவன் ஒரு நாயின் படத்தை வரைந்தான்He draws a dog pictureAvan oru nāyiṉ paṭathai varaintān.

Tamil Sentences vs. English Sentences

Let’s dive into the comparison of Tamil and English which highlights the need to adapt thinking patterns . The major structural differences highlight unique aspects of both languages.

Sentence orderSubject-Object-VerbvSubject-Verb-Object
Gender usageExplicit in nouns, verbs, and adjectivesNeutral, except for pronouns
Word agreementFollows case markers and suffixesDepends on word placement and tense

How To Say Sentence Structure In Tamil?

In Tamil, we can say it as வாக்கிய அமைப்பு vaakiya amaipu for sentence structure.

Tips To Identify Tamil Sentence Structure

Check Endings : Check for suffixes which denote subject or verb agreement Ex : ஆன், இன், ள்

Verb : Verbs often provide tense and subject information

Context : Understanding context helps to piece together sentence with meanings. 

Frequently Asked Questions For Tamil Sentence Structure

What Is The Order Of Tamil Sentences?

It typically follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) order, unlike English, which follows Subject-Verb-Object (SVO).

How Are Question Sentence Formed In Tamil?

Questions in Tamil are formed by adding question markers such as ஆ (ā) or by using interrogative words like எப்படி (Eppaḍi – How) or எங்கே (Eṅkē – Where).

List out some common sentence connectors in Tamil?

Here is the list,

  • But – ஆனால் (Aanal)
  • Therefore – அதனால் (Athanal)
  • And – மற்றும் (Matrum)
  • Because – ஏனெனில் (Eanenil)
  • Moreover – மேலும் (Melum)
  • Then – பிறகு (Piragu)
  • If – என்றால் (Endral)
  • Or – அல்லது (Allathu)
  • Hence – இதனால் (Ithanal)
  • Thus – ஆகவே (Agave)
  • However – இருப்பினும்(Irupinum)


In this blog, we explored how Tamil sentences are formed with examples. Additionally, the comparison of Tamil with English highlighted the distinctive features of Tamil. For learners and enthusiasts of Tamil, understanding sentence structure is a gateway to mastering this ancient yet modern language. It helps in improving writing skills, speaking fluency, and comprehension of Tamil literature.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, exploring Tamil sentence structure is a journey into its rich Tamil cultural and linguistic heritage.

So, why wait? Dive into the rhythmic beauty of Tamil today!

To help you in your journey to understanding Tamil sentence structure, partner with the Ling App. It can be used to learn Tamil by providing interactive lessons and quizzes to help users learn the language. The app also offers audio recordings of native Tamil speakers to help users with pronunciation and listening comprehension. It also has a built-in dictionary and flashcards to facilitate vocabulary learning.

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