Expand Your Relationship Vocabulary In Serbian – #1 Guide For Better Relationships

Relationship Vocabulary in Serbian

Did you spot the love of your life in the streets of Belgrade and want to improve your relationship by expressing your love in the Serbian language? As a faithful wingman, I got you covered! In this article, I will teach you relationship vocabulary in Serbian that you can use with your new partner!

Let’s start from the beginning: Family is the first relationship we have and is often considered the most important one. Our porodic (family) is the foundation upon which we build our lives and shapes who we are as individuals. It is a bond that cannot be broken and a source of love, support, and guidance. The importance of a Serbian family is deeply ingrained in the culture, and many words and phrases reflect this. For example, majka (mother) and otac (father) are terms of endearment and respect. Brat (brother) and sestra (sister) are terms of affection and closeness.

Serbian Relationship Vocabulary

As we grow older, new relationships fill our lives, and love is a new variable in the equation of Serbian people. Love stories are created when you least expect them, so you never know when or where you might meet that special someone, so it’s always important to be prepared. Who knows, while wandering the streets of Belgrade, admiring the beautiful architecture, you might stumble upon someone that catches your eye. Their ljepota (beauty) is undeniable, and you must talk to them. You’ll have to get your Serbian expertise to strike up a conversation and eventually start building your ljubavna priča (love story).

Whether you’re looking for love or friendship or want to deepen your understanding of the language, learning the keywords and phrases related to relationships will help you navigate conversations and make the most of your time in Serbia. Thus, this article is designed to help you feel ready for the next time you meet someone special and you want to say what you think in Serbian!

Common Relationship Vocabulary In Serbian

Those first few months of a new relationship are one of the best moments you’ll have in your life. Everything is new and exciting, and you feel like you can conquer the world.

If you haven’t found your soulmate yet, Belgrade is the perfect place to look for it, and for that, you should have a few terms stored in your memory to approach that special someone. So, here are a few terms that you might find helpful to get the ball rolling.

Single – једно (jedno)

Being single is not in any way a bad status. As a single, you’re able to find yourself as a person and discover things about yourself that you couldn’t have if you were in a relationship. 

Couple – Пар (par)

Once you find your soulmate, you become a couple that should act as one. You complete one another in a way that one’s faults are the strengths of the other. You want to spend the rest of your life with that person and share every accomplishment and every downside with them.

Married in Serbian

Married – Ожењен (Oženjen)

Marriage officializes your desire to spend the rest of your life together. I consider myself a true romantic, and marriage is a beautiful process where you express your true love in front of the ones you consider dearest.

Broken Up – Раскинули (Raskinuli)

Sadly, sometimes a relationship doesn’t stay strong for long, and you’re forced to break up. When things are not working out, someone loses interest, or even a cheating situation occurs, sometimes the best option is to break up, and each one follows his own path.

In Love – Заљубљен (Zaljubljen)

Let’s come back to a happy place and talk about how it is to be in love. Isn’t it one of the best feelings in the world? The nervous laughter, the butterflies in the belly, and the first times for everything are overwhelmingly thrilling!

Relationship in Serbian

Relationships Status In Serbian

The last relationship status I taught you are the most common in our society. However, there are other situations, a bit more complicated, where these simple attributions might not be the best way to describe your situation. From friends with benefits to the sad situation of becoming a widow, there is a whole array of terms that you can use to describe your situation relationship-wise. Hopefully, in the list below, we will have a description you can use to describe your relationship.

  • Love At First Sight – Љубав на први поглед (Ljubav na prvi pogled)
  • Mutual Affection – Мутуал Аффецтион (Mutual Affection)
  • Dating – Упознавање (Upoznavanje)
  • Online Dating – Онлине Датинг (Online Dating)
  • In A Relationship – У вези (U vezi)
  • Engagement – Ангажовање (Angažovanja)
  • Complicated – Компликован (Komplikovan)
  • Divorced/ To Get Divorced – Разведен/Разведен (Razveden/Razveden)
  • Widow – удовица (udovica)
  • Acquaintance – Познанство (Poznanstvo)
Vocabulary about Relationship in Serbian

Other Vocabulary About Relationship

Aside from relationship status, other words might be helpful for you to know if you want to talk about your relationship with your Serbian partner.

Here are some common Serbian words and phrases that you might find yourself needing to use in your relationships.

  • Love – Лјубав (Ljuba)
  • Romantic relationship – Романтична веза (Romantična veza)
  • Family – Породиц (Porodi)
  • Mother – Мајка (Majka)
  • Father – Отац (Otac)
  • Brother – Брат (Brat)
  • Sister – Сестра (Sestra)
  • Friend – Пријатељ (Prijatelj)
  • Boyfriend – Дечак/Момак (Dečak/Momak)
  • Girlfriend – Девојка (Devojka)
  • Married couple – Брачни пар (Bračni par)
  • To love – Вољети (Voljeti)
  • First date – Први састанак (Prvi sastanak)
  • Conversation – Разговор (Razgovor)
  • Connecting – Повезивање (Povezivanje)
  • Understanding – Разумијевање (Razumijevanje)
  • Beauty – Љепота (Ljepota)
  • Romantic – Романтичан (Romantičan)
  • Love story – Лјубавна прича (Ljubavna priča)
  • Cheating -Варање (Varanje)
  • Lying – Лагање (Laganje)
  • Truth – Истина (Istina)
  • Soulmate – Сродна душа (Srodna duša)
  • Happy – Срећна (Srećna)
  • Sad – Сад (Sad)
  • Tired – Уморан (Umoran)

These are just a few examples of the many words and phrases used to describe relationships in Serbian. Remember that you should also learn the grammatical rules to use these words correctly in a sentence.

Over To You!

Keeping your relationship healthy is now in your hands! I can already tell you that learning Serbian is not the solution to all the problems. Still, if you have a Serbian partner, I can guarantee that they will enjoy knowing that you can discuss your relationship in their native language. They will be much more comfortable, and you’ll be able to resolve any issue you might have!

Learn Serbian CTA

Maintain The Connection With The Ling App

If learning Serbian can be a way you can improve your relationship, then why don’t invest in it? Let me present The Ling app, a language-learning application that will help you take your Serbian to the next level!

Ling is a language learning application that uses games, puzzles, and quizzes to teach you over 60 languages, one of them being Serbian! This application fits perfectly in your phone, so you can access it anytime, anywhere. Make sure you can tell your Serbian friends that Ја сам у вези (Ja sam u vezi – I am in a relationship) by learning Serbian with Ling!

With only 15 minutes a day, you’ll be proposing to your partner in full Serbian in no time! Get your ring ready, and let’s learn Serbian! Download the Ling app from Play Store or App Store to start your Serbian language-learning journey.

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