Got yourself hladný (Slovak word for hungry) or craving for something healthy? In today’s post, we will walk you through the most commonly used fruits and vegetables in Slovak cuisine so that you use them when speaking with the locals. In addition, we will also give you a glimpse of the basic phrases you can use when ordering food so that you can get started in speaking the Slovak language like a total pro. If you are up for that, then let’s get learning!
What Are The Healthiest Slovak Meals?
Whether you are a vegetarian or simply looking for a healthy alternative, eating your zelenina (vegetables in English) is important for keeping your body in tip-top shape. According to the basic dietary guidelines, adults should have at least 2 and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day in order to be labeled as “healthy.” Luckily, Slovakia is filled with amazing dishes that incorporate vegetables and fruits! Some of their top dishes healthy dishes include:
- Prívarok – An easy-to-cook soup made of pumpkin, dried dill, cayenne pepper, sunflower oil, and chopped onions. Other locals also throw in some cabbage, beans, lentils, potatoes, spinach, and some meat or eggs are served.
- Haluski – This very filling dish is a crowd favorite, according to the locals who choose to have something simple. It is mainly made of egg noodles, butter, and some cabbage and is mainly served with some potato dumplings of fish.
- Zemiakový Šalát – If you want something that will remind you of the classic potato salad, the Zemiakový Šalát is the Slovak version of it. This one is mainly potatoes, onions, sweet peas, pickles, mayonnaise, sweet peas, and some back paper and paprika.
- Uhorkový šalát – If you are craving some cucumbers as you dig into your baked chicken goodies or schnitzel, this vegetable dish is what you should consider. The uhorkový šalát is a cucumber salad that is easy to prepare and can be partnered with almost anything. To do this, you simply need one who cucumber, a clove of garlic, sugar, vinegar, pepper, and salt.
- Bean soup – The Slovak bean soup is perfect for cold rainy days and can be eaten as a side dish or the main dish! It is somewhat similar to lentil soup, but it is mainly made of beans, carrots, noodles, potatoes, and some pork pieces.
Do you want to recreate them by trying to cook the Slovak way? We hope that the short descriptions can help. But, if you want to know more about the recipes, there are many guides online. Or, you can even try practicing your Slovak by asking these recipes with your Slovak friend.
Now that we already know the list of the top veggie dishes to try out, it’s time that we explore next to the exact vocabulary words for vegetables and fruits in the Slovak language. Read below to check all the translations out.
Vegetables In Slovak Language
Unlike other cuisines that use meat all the time, the Slovak traditional dishes are perfect for weight-watches and health-conscious individuals. One reason behind this is that their food is filling yet not as calorific as you might expect!
In addition, you can find tons of restaurants serving fresh vegetables and fruits at a low price! To know exactly the translation of each of the vegetables in Slovak languages, read on below.
English Language | Slovak Language |
Artichoke | Artičok |
Asparagus | Špargľa |
Beans | Fazuľa |
Beetroot | Cvikla |
Bell Pepper | Paprika |
Bitter Gourd | Horká tekvica |
Bok Choy | Bok Choy |
Bottle Gourd | Fľaša tekvica |
Brussels Sprouts | Ružičkový kel |
Cabbage | Kel |
Carrot | Mrkva |
Cauliflower | Karfiol |
Cayenne Pepper | červená paprika |
Celery | Zeler |
Chili | čili |
Corn | Kukurica |
Eggplant | Baklažán |
Fennel | Fenikel |
Gherkins | Uhorky |
Kale | Pučiaca kapusta |
Leek | Pór |
Lettuce | Šalát |
Okra | Okra |
Olives | Olivy |
Onions | Cibuľa |
Pea | Hrach |
Parsley | Petržlen |
Peppers | Papriky |
Potato | Zemiak |
Pumpkin | Tekvica |
Red pepper | Paprika |
Radish | Reďkovka |
Tomato | Paradajka |
Zucchini | Cuketa |
Fruits In The Slovak Language
Now that we already learned the names of some of the most common vegetables in Slovak, it’s time that we move our attention to another category worth knowing: Fruits! While some may love having some ice cream or some desserts, others love to satisfy their sweet tooth with some sweet fruits! Check out the names of each ovocie(fruits in English) in Slovak below.
English | Slovak |
Avocado | Avokádo |
Banana | Banán |
Berry | Bobuľa |
Blood orange | červený |
Blueberries | Čučoriedky |
Cherry | čerešňa |
Cucumber | Uhorka |
Figs | Obr |
Grape | Hrozno |
Grapefruit | Grapefruit |
Lemon | Citrón |
Lime | Limetka |
Lychee | Liči |
Mango | Mango |
Melon | Melón |
Melon | Melón |
Orange | Pomaranč |
Papaya | Papája |
Peach | Broskyňa |
Pear | Hruška |
Pineapple | Ananás |
Plum | Slivka |
Pomegranate | Granátové jablko |
Raspberry | Malina |
Red currant | Červené ríbezle |
Star fruit | Hviezdne ovocie |
Strawberry | Jahoda |
Watermelon | Melón |
If there is something that you should not miss out on when traveling to Slovakia, then that is definitely their famous cuisine. Taste Atlas has even listed down the 10 most popular Slovakian food that every traveler should try out! Hopefully, you’ll be able to use the words we have above when reading the menu or ordering something during your visit to the country. Greet your Slovak friends with a surprise by talking to them about your favorite Slovak food!
Useful Phrases To Know For Ordering Food
As we reach this part of the post, perhaps you are wondering: How exactly can I use these in sentences? Well, to answer your question, we have below some useful phrases which you can use for all the vocabulary words we have learned above.
English Meaning | Slovak |
Enjoy your meal | Dobrú chuť! |
I want this salad | Chcem tento šalát |
I want this as main dish | Chcem to ako hlavné jedlo |
I want this soup | Chcem túto polievku |
Lime juice is better than water. | Limetková šťava je lepšia ako voda. |
I like bananas | Mám rada banány |
Can I have… | Môžem mať… |
Can I order some… | Môžem si objednať nejaké… |
I’m allergic to nuts. | Som alergický na orechy. |
This is my dessert | Toto je môj dezert |
This is my side dish | Toto je moja príloha |
This fruit is yummy! | Toto ovocie je vynikajúce! |
Wrapping Up
Which of these yummy vegetables and fresh fruits are your top favorites? Tell us more about this in the comment section below!
As we put this post to an end, we hope that you learned the correct translations in this post and that you’ll find a way to use them in your conversations. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to read our previous posts and language learning tips in Slovak, like the common Slovak family vocabulary words, the most popular Slovak nicknames, and how to structure a Slovak question-based sentence like a local.
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Interested in mastering the language of Slovakia and speaking it right away like a total pro? The Ling app is a language learning platform guaranteed to support language enthusiasts from being a “clean slate” into confident speakers. If you are interested in getting comprehensive lessons developed by real native speakers and language professionals, this is definitely for you! In addition, it also has a huge range of good-quality quizzes that will help you check your understanding of the lesson.