Whether you are going on an exciting road trip through Slovakia or just catching the plane, the words about transportation in Slovak we will discuss in this blog post will come in handy.
Let’s check out more about the Slovak language with this important transportation vocabulary list.
Road Vehicles And Transportation In Slovak
The Slovak Republic is a Central European country that extends through several European areas (Danube region, Carpathian region, Pannonian plain). These circumstances enabled extraordinary conditions for the development of all types of traffic in and through the country. You can ride these vehicles no matter what the weather is like in Slovakia.
Slovakia has developed road, rail, air, and water transport. The central traffic hub in the country is the capital, Bratislava.
Slovak Language | English Translation |
preprava | the transport |
auto | a car |
autobus | a bus |
autobusová zastávka | a bus stop |
bicykel | a bicycle |
školský autobus | School bus |
mikrobus | a minibus |
motorka | a motorbike |
motocykel | motorcycle |
kolobežka | a scooter |
taxík, taxi | a taxi |
kamión | a van |
nákladné auto | a truck, lorry |
semafor | a traffic light |
dopravné znacky | a road sighs |
parkovisko | a car park |
cesta | a road |
batéria | a battery |
motor | a motor |
airbag | an airbag |
volant | a steering wheel |
koleso | a wheel |
bezpečnostný pás | a seatbelt |
pneumatika | a tyre |
brzdy | the brakes |
zadný kufor | a rear trunk |
automat na lístky | a ticket vending machine |
pokladňa | a ticket office |
radar | a radar |
stopár | a hitchhiker |
pouličné osvetlenie | a street light |
chodník | a pavement |
čerpacia stanica | a petrol station |
stavenisko | a construction site |
prechod pre chodcov | a pedestrian crossing |
dopravná zápcha | a traffic jam |
diaľnica | a motorway |
tank | a tank |
benzín | a petrol |
nafta | a diesel |
príves | a trailer |
skúter | a motor scooter |
križovatka | the crossroads |
križovatka | a crossing |
poistka automobilu | a car insurance |
porucha | a breakdown |
klúce | the keys |
dvere | a door |
garáž | a garage |
chodec | a pedestrian |
pešia zóna | a pedestrian zone |
cyklista | a cyclist |
cyklotrasa | a bike path |
Vehicles In Air And Water Transportation In Slovak
Slovakia is home to several airlines, the most famous of which is the low-cost airline Sky Europe.
The largest and most important airport in the country is Bratislava Airport “M. R. Štefanik ”in the suburb of Ivanka, 9 km northeast of the city center.
This interesting country is an inland country and therefore has no seaports. On the other hand, river traffic is very developed and of international importance. The Danube River, an important pan-European waterway (Corridor 7) that connects Central Europe with the Black Sea area. The most important Slovak river ports on the Danube are Bratislava and Komarno.
Ride these vehicles and transportation modes throughout the different Slovakian geography.
Slovak Language | English Translation |
lietadlo | a plane |
loď | a ship |
čln | a boat |
letisko | a airport |
aerolínia | an airline |
helikoptéra, vrtuľník | a helicopter |
let | a flight |
odchod | a departure |
príchod | an arrival |
ekonomická trieda | an economy class |
biznis trieda | a business class |
batožina | a luggage / a baggage |
batožinový pás | a baggage claim |
batožinový vozík | a baggage coach |
záchranná vesta | a life jacket |
kontajner | a container |
ponorka | a submarine |
výletná loď | a cruise ship |
kontajnerová loď | a container ship |
jachta | an yacht |
trajekt | a ferry |
prístav | a harbour |
záchranný čln | a lifeboat |
Slovak Railway Transportation
The largest railway junctions are: Bratislava, Košice, Galanta, Žilina, Zvolen. Currently, the railway network is being intensively renewed, especially the main railway line in the country, which connects Bratislava and Kosice. It is predicted that speeds of over 150 km / h will be possible with this renovation.
The two largest cities in the country, Bratislava and Košice, have developed tram transport.
Slovak Language | English Translation |
vlak | a train |
vysokorýchlostný vlak | a high-speed train |
lokomotíva | a locomotive |
vlaková stanica | a train station |
železnicná stanica | a railway station |
električka | a tram |
metro | a metro |
vagón | a wagon |
prvá trieda | a first class |
cestovný lístok | a ticket |
Other Vehicles
Slovak Language | English Translation |
sanitka | an ambulance |
hasičské auto | a fire truck |
policajné auto | a police car |
dodávka | a delivery van |
bager | an excavator |
buldozér | a bulldozer |
vysokozdvižný vozík | a forklift |
traktor | a tractor |
kombajn | a harvester |
lanovka | a cable car |
Words About Transportation In Slovak: Directions
Slovak Language | English Translation |
Ako daleko je to? | How far is it? |
Blázko | Near |
Daleko od | Far from |
Chodte rovno. | Go straight. |
Další | Next |
Do Bratislavy | To Bratislava |
Z Bratislavy | From Bratislava |
Je toto linka k …..? | Is this the right line for ……? |
Je vpravo. | It is on the right. |
Kde je? | Where is? |
Kolko to stojí na den? | How much does it cost per day? |
Môžete mi ukázat cestu? | Can you show me the way? |
Na ako dlho? | How long would you like it? |
Rád by som si požical auto. | I would like to rent a car, please. |
Oproti | Opposite |
Otocte sa | Turn back |
Roh | a Corner |
Rovno | Straight |
Pozdlž, okolo | Past |
Vlavo | Left |
Vedla | Next to |
Vchod | an Entrance |
Vlavo, nalavo | On the left |
Vpravo | Right |
Vpravo, napravo | On the right |
Východ | Exit |
Vystúpit | Get off |
Zabocte vlavo | Turn left |
Zabocte vpravo | Turn right |
Zabocíte dolava, doprava | Turn left, right |
V blízkosti | Close to |
Other Transport And Travel Words
Slovak Language | English Translation |
dátum odovzdania | a return date |
dátum vyzdvihnutia | a pick up date |
medzinárodný vodicský preukaz | an international driver license |
medzinárodný vodicský preukaz | an international driving permit |
medzinárodný preklad vodicský preukaz | an international translation of driving permit |
vejená doprava | a public Transport |
vodicský preukaz | a driving licence |
povolenie | a permit |
rezervovat | to reserve, book |
cestovanie, výlet | a travel, trip |
cestovateľ | a traveler |
turistické | a tourist |
sprievodca | a travel guide |
turistická prehliadka | a tourist tour |
vízum | a visa |
cestovný pas | a passport |
Máš bicykel? (Do you have a bicycle?)
Kúpil nový traktor. (He bought a new tractor.)
Prišiel som autobusom. (I came by bus.)
Pôjdem autom. (I will go by car).
Neviem, koľko tento motocykel stojí. (I don’t know how much this motorcycle costs.)
Chcem si kúpiť skúter. (I want to buy a scooter.)
Ponáhľam sa, vezmem si taxík. (I am in a hurry, I will take a cab.)
Rád cestujem vlakom. (I like to travel by train.)
Čo sa nachádza v nákladnom vozidle? (What is in the truck?)
Táto jachta je veľmi drahá. (This yacht is very expensive.)
Nikdy som neletel lietadlom. (I’ve never flown by airplane.)
Vrtuľník letí veľmi nízko. (The helicopter is flying very low.)
Sanitka dorazila do niekoľkých minút od uskutočnenia hovoru. (The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made.)
Potrebovali buldozér, aby skalu vytlačili. (They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.)
Final Thoughts
If you want to learn more about Slovak vocabulary about transportation you can use the Ling app and do it in an easy, fast, and fun way. Using that app, you can also learn how to greet someone in Slovak, basic words and phrases in Slovak, and much more stuff.