120+ Easy Words For Job Titles In German

Easy Words For Job Titles In German

When it comes to learning a new language, understanding the vocabulary related to employment is crucial, especially for those who are planning to work in a foreign country. In this article, we’ll explore the common Berufe or job titles in German and how to use them accurately in various contexts. After all, knowing the correct terminologies can make you appear more professional in front of your German colleagues and business partners. Now that’s something we can all get behind, right? Let’s begin!

Picture this: you’ve just landed your dream job in Frankfurt, and you’re about to meet your new colleagues for the first time. The excitement is through the roof as you strut your way to your new desk, but then it hits you – how exactly do you introduce yourself and your profession in German? Although it may seem like a simple point to worry about, nailing your introduction is mission-critical if you want to make a lasting impression.

Sure, as a foreigner, you might get a free pass to use English and be perfectly done with it. But as someone who has worked in different countries, I found out that taking the time to learn a few key phrases in the local language can go a long way in building meaningful connections and showing respect for the culture. It doesn’t matter if your short introductory spiel is memorized or something you strung together right on the spot, as long as you’re making an effort, you’re already ahead of the game.

The same thing proves to be true when you’re applying for a job in Germany. No matter what professions and industries you target, having the ability to read, write, and express yourself in German will certainly put you in a more favorable light and open up opportunities. In fact, the country has been consistently improving its visa policy to allow more foreign employees to work and live there. So if you put all that together, there is no better time to start learning German than today!

Now, before you start freaking out about signing up for expensive language apps or courses, you’ve got to remember one thing: It’s impossible to become fluent overnight! Our advice? Take it one step at a time and focus first on the sets of words and expressions that’ll be useful in real life, and that includes all the details we’ll cover in this post.

Ready to start learning? Let’s dive right into it!

Asking About Job titles In German

How To Ask About Someone’s Job In German

In most countries, asking someone about their profession is a harmless conversation starter. But in some parts of the world, like Asia, this small talk topic is practically thrown around by everyone – from taxi drivers to street vendors to restaurant waiters. It’s a way to break the ice and make foreigners feel welcome.

However, it’s important to remember that not every culture operates the same way. In Germany, for example, personal space and privacy are highly valued, so it’s not common for locals to ask strangers about personal matters like their profession. But, if you do happen to form a closer relationship with someone, they may ask you the questions we’ll cover below.

Was sind Sie von Beruf?

This expression literally translates to “What’s your occupation?” and is regularly used in professional settings, like an interview or correspondence with someone of higher authority. By using the formal pronoun “Sie” or you in English, you are indicating that you acknowledge the seniority or position of authority of the one you’re speaking with or because you’re trying to be more formal with someone you don’t know yet)

Casual Ways To Ask About Someone’s Occupation

Now what if you’re in a more informal setting? Using “Was sind Sie von Beruf?” is great and all, but it might sound too strict when you’re speaking with acquaintances and close friends. In this case, here are the alternatives that you may hear from native speakers.

What is your job?Was ist dein Beruf?
What is your profession?Was bist du von Beruf?
What do you do for a living?Was machst du beruflich
What do you do for a living?Was machst du beruflich?

Unsure of what version to use? If in doubt, it’s always better to stay on the side of formality, especially in professional or formal settings. As much as we’d like to give you pointers on how to determine the context of the conversation, this is something that you have to play by ear. Depending on the tone, you may need to switch between formal and informal registers throughout the interaction.

Responding about Job Titles In German

How To Talk About Your Job Title In German

Looking to add some flair to your professional introduction in German? Well, you’re in luck because there are a few creative ways to do just that! To make it even easier, we’ve broken them down into sentence formulas that you can use with just about any job title. Let’s begin!

Ich bin + Job

“Ich bin” is the direct version of “I am” in English. It’s a common phrase that is used in a variety of contexts to express one’s identity or state of being. For example, “Ich bin glücklich” means “I am happy,” and “Ich bin müde” means “I am tired.” In the context of our topic in this post, we can complete this sentence by adding a job title immediately after “ich bin.”

  • I am a student = Ich bin Student (masculine) or Ich bin Studentin (feminine)
  • I am a translator = Ich bin Übersetzer (masculine) or Ich bin Übersetzerin (feminine)

Hold up! Did you catch that the German translations only contain three words? That’s right! Unlike in English, where we use the article “a” to complete the sentence, in German, you can omit the article, and the sentence will remain correct. Additionally, it’ll sound more colloquial. This means that the examples we gave earlier are grammatically correct and literally translate to “I am student” and “I am translator,” respectively.

Ich arbeite als + Job

This sentence formula is translated to “I work as” and is considered a more laid-back response. In this formula, we use the verb “arbeite,” which means “work” in English, and the word “als,” which means “a” or “an.”

  • I work as a pilot = Ich arbeite als Pilot (masculine) or Ich arbeite als Pilotin (feminine)
  • I work as a teacher = Ich arbeite als Lehrer (masculine) or Ich arbeite als Lehrerin (feminine)

Job Titles In German

Now that you’re no longer a stranger to how to formulate questions and responses, let’s now focus on the terminologies for the common job titles in German. Check out the table below to see which words you can use to complete the sentence formulas we covered in the previous section.

creative field job titles in german

Creative Fields

The creative industries are an important part of the workforce in Germany. In fact, many companies are looking for talent in areas such as advertising, media, film, fashion, and design. If you find yourself in this field, here are the words that’ll surely help out.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Actorder Schauspielerdie Schauspielerin
Artistder Künstlerdie Künstlerin
Choreographerder Choreografdie Choreografin
Composerder Komponistdie Komponistin
Dancerder Tänzerdie Tänzerin
Designerder Designerdie Designerin
Musiciander Musikerdie Musikerin
Photographerder Fotografdie Fotografin
Singerder Sängerdie Sängerin
Stage directorder Regisseurdie Regisseurin
Voice actorder Synchronsprecherdie Synchronsprecherin
professional field job titles in german

Professional Fields

Professional fields are a crucial part of the German workforce, and companies are always on the lookout for skilled professionals in areas such as engineering, law, medicine, finance, and education. If you are planning to work in Germany, use these words when explaining your professional experiences.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Accountantder Buchhalterdie Buchhalterin
Analystder Analystdie Analystin
Architectder Architektdie Architektin
Chefder Chefdie Chefin
Consultantder Beraterdie Beraterin
Dentistder Zahnarztdie Zahnärztin
Doctorder Arztdie Ärztin
Economistder Betriebswirtdie Betriebswirtin
Engineerder Ingenieurdie Ingenieurin
Financial advisorder Finanzberaterdie Finanzberaterin
Graphic designerder Grafikdesignerdie Grafikdesignerin
Interpreterder Dolmetscherdie Dolmetscherin
IT specialistder IT-Spezialistdie IT-Spezialistin
Journalistder Journalistdie Journalistin
Lawyerder Anwaltdie Anwältin
Marketing managerder Marketingmanagerdie Marketingmanagerin
Pharmacistder Apothekerdie Apothekerin
Pilotder Pilotdie Pilotin
Political scientistder Politikwissenschaftlerdie Politikwissenschaftlerin
Programmerder Programmiererdie Programmiererin
Psychologistder Psychologedie Psychologin
Social workerder Sozialarbeiterdie Sozialarbeiterin
Statisticiander Statistikerdie Statistikerin
Supervisorder Vorgesetztedie Vorgesetzte
Surgeonder Chirurgdie Chirurgin
Teacher (university level)der Dozentdie Dozentin
Translatorder Übersetzerdie Übersetzerin
Web developerder Webentwicklerdie Webentwicklerin
Service field job titles in german

Service Industry

The service industry is an important sector in the German economy, employing a large number of people in fields such as hospitality, tourism, transportation, and customer service. Check out the words we rounded up below related to this field.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Airline attendantder Flugbegleiterdie Flugbegleiterin
Barberder Friseurdie Friseurin
Beauticiander Kosmetikerdie Kosmetikerin
Conciergeder Conciergedie Concierge
Cookder Kochdie Köchin
Delivery personder Lieferbotedie Lieferbotin
Event plannerder Eventmanagerdie Eventmanagerin
Hotel receptionistder Hotelrezeptionistdie Hotelrezeptionistin
Housekeeperder Zimmermanndie Zimmerfrau
Masseurder Masseurdie Masseurin
Personal trainerder Personal Trainerdie Personal Trainerin
Physical therapistder Physiotherapeutdie Physiotherapeutin
Tour guideder Reiseführerdie Reiseführerin
Valetder Parkplatzwächterdie Parkplatzwächterin
Wedding plannerder Hochzeitsplanerdie Hochzeitsplanerin
Bartenderder Barkeeperdie Barkeeperin
Chef de cuisineder Küchenchefdie Küchenchefin
Cook assistantder Küchenhilfedie Küchenhilfe
Food serverder Kellnerdie Kellnerin
Gardenerder Gärtnerdie Gärtnerin
Head gardenerder Oberhauptgärtnerdie Oberhauptgärtnerin
Landscaperder Landschaftsgärtnerdie Landschaftsgärtnerin
Restaurant managerder Restaurantleiterdie Restaurantleiterin
Sous chefder Souschefdie Souschefin
science field job titles in german


Germany is known for its advancements in science and technology, making it a popular destination for professionals in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. With that said, here are the top translations for occupations in the German language that may prove useful to you.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Astronomerder Astronomdie Astronomin
Biochemistder Biochemikerdie Biochemikerin
Botanistder Botanikerdie Botanikerin
Chemistder Chemikerdie Chemikerin
Entomologistder Entomologedie Entomologin
Geneticistder Genetikerdie Genetikerin
Immunologistder Immunologedie Immunologin
Marine biologistder Meeresbiologedie Meeresbiologin
Medical researcherder Medizinforscherdie Medizinforscherin
Microbiologistder Mikrobiologedie Mikrobiologin
Neurologistder Neurologedie Neurologin
Ornithologistder Ornithologedie Ornithologin
Paleontologistder Paläontologedie Paläontologin
Physicistder Physikerdie Physikerin
Physiologistder Physiologedie Physiologin
Zoologistder Zoologedie Zoologin
academe field job titles in german

Academic Field

Planning to teach? Germany is home to some of the world’s top universities and research institutions, making it a hub for academic professionals in fields such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. To help you translate what you do for work, here are the top words you may use.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Deander Dekandie Dekanin
Graduate studentder Doktoranddie Doktorandin
Professorder Professordie Professorin
Research assistantder wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterdie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Teaching assistantder Lehrassistentdie Lehrassistentin
Tenure-track professorder Juniorprofessordie Juniorprofessorin
Lecturerder Dozentdie Dozentin
Department chairder Fachbereichsleiterdie Fachbereichsleiterin
Academic counselorder Studienberaterdie Studienberaterin
Librariander Bibliothekardie Bibliothekarin
Student advisorder Studienberaterdie Studienberaterin
Lab assistantder Laborassistentdie Laborassistentin
Coachder Trainerdie Trainerin
Elementary school teacherder Grundschullehrerdie Grundschullehrerin
Middle school teacherder Hauptschullehrerdie Hauptschullehrerin
High school teacherder Gymnasiallehrerdie Gymnasiallehrerin
Special education teacherder Sonderpädagogedie Sonderpädagogin
School counselorder Schulberaterdie Schulberaterin
School nurseder Schulkrankenschwesterdie Schulkrankenschwester
School psychologistder Schulpsychologedie Schulpsychologin
School social workerder Schulsozialarbeiterdie Schulsozialarbeiterin
School administratorder Schulverwalterdie Schulverwalterin
School secretaryder Schulsekretärdie Schulsekretärin
Physical education teacherder Sportlehrerdie Sportlehrerin
Music teacherder Musiklehrerdie Musiklehrerin
Art teacherder Kunstlehrerdie Kunstlehrerin
Foreign language teacherder Fremdsprachenlehrerdie Fremdsprachenlehrerin
government field job titles in german

Government Services

Germany has a well-established government system, with a variety of opportunities available for professionals in areas such as law enforcement, public administration, foreign affairs, and civil service. If you find yourself being invited to work for the German government, here are the translations you need to learn.

EnglishGerman (masculine)German (feminine)
Ambassadorder Botschafterdie Botschafterin
Civil servantder Beamtedie Beamtin
Diplomatder Diplomatdie Diplomatin
Elected officialder Mandatsträger die Mandatsträgerin
Government administratorder Verwaltungsbeamtedie Verwaltungsbeamtin
Government attorneyder Staatsanwaltdie Staatsanwältin
Judgeder Richterdie Richterin
Law enforcement officerder Strafverfolgungsbeamtedie Strafverfolgungsbeamtin
Legislatorder Gesetzgeberdie Gesetzgeberin
Public defenderder Pflichtverteidigerdie Pflichtverteidigerin
Tax collectorder Steuereintreiberdie Steuereintreiberin
Auditorder Rechnungsprüferdie Rechnungsprüferin
Customs officerder Zollbeamtedie Zollbeamtin
Foreign service officerder Beamte im auswärtigen Dienstdie Beamtin im auswärtigen Dienst
Intelligence officerder Geheimdienstmitarbeiterdie Geheimdienstmitarbeiterin
Mayorder Bürgermeisterdie Bürgermeisterin
Ministerder Ministerdie Ministerin
Policy analystder Politikanalytikerdie Politikanalytikerin
Political scientistder Politikwissenschaftlerdie Politikwissenschaftlerin
Public affairs specialistder Pressesprecherdie Pressesprecherin
Firefighterder Feuerwehrmanndie Feuerwehrfrau
Paramedicder Rettungssanitäterdie Rettungssanitäterin
Police officerder Polizistdie Polizistin

How To Talk About Where You Work In German

If you find yourself asked the question, “Wo arbeiten Sie?” it would be wrong to answer using our Ich bin and Ich Arbeite Als formula. In this case, your answer should be structured like the following:

  • I work at Google = Ich arbeite bei Google.
  • I work in Berlin = Ich arbeite in Berlin.

Basically, you use the “bei” version when you want to mention the specific name of the company. On the other hand, you use the “in” version for more general contexts, like when you want to state the place, city, or country where you’re working.

Your Top Questions Answered

What Is Occupation Called In Germany?

In Germany, the word for occupation is “Beruf.” Other related words include “Arbeit” (work), “Job” (job), and “Tätigkeit” (activity or occupation).

How Do You Introduce Your Profession In German?

To introduce your profession in German, you can use the phrase “Ich bin + your profession” or “Ich arbeite als + your profession.”

How Do You Ask About Someone’s Occupation In German?

To ask someone’s occupation in German, you can use the question “Was sind Sie von Beruf?” which translates to “What is your profession?”

What Are The Main Occupations In Germany?

The main occupations in Germany include professionals in the fields of engineering (Ingenieurwesen), IT (Informationstechnologie), healthcare (Gesundheitswesen), education (Bildungswesen), finance (Finanzwesen), and business management (Unternehmensführung).

Over To You

Learning the translations for job titles in German may seem daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with the language. However, being able to express yourself in German when introducing yourself and your profession is a valuable skill that can help you make connections and succeed in your career in Germany.

Don’t be discouraged by the initial difficulty of learning these translations, as there are many great educational resources available that can help you improve your German language skills. Whether it’s through language courses, language learning apps, or online resources, there are many ways to learn and practice your German skills. By dedicating time and using our most recommended app for German, you can improve your communication skills and increase your chances of success in the German job market.

Ready to find out what this app is?


Learn German With Ling

If you’re looking for resources to help you learn German and improve your communication skills in the workplace, Ling is a great option. This powerful language-learning app offers a range of in-depth language lessons not just for German but also for 60+ languages! From basic vocab to actual grammatical structures, this app got your back!

Its secret to success? Ling comes with interactive exercises, engaging gamified lessons, and a chatbot to help you improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills at your own pace. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, Ling can help you advance your proficiency steadily. Download it now from the App Store or Play Store to give it a spin!

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