Happy New Year In Bosnian: 20+ Best Phrases

Are you curious to know how to say Happy new year in Bosnian? Saying “Happy new year” in Bosnian “Sretna Nova Godina,” means you can offer New Year wishes to your Bosnian friend.

Many people consider saying “Happy New Year” essential because it marks the beginning of the year. The New Year in Bosnian is more than simply a time for parties and resolutions.

It represents hope for many fresh beginnings. Furthermore, Christmas and New Year are two of the most popular holidays.

This blog is brought to you by Ling- the app that is becoming increasingly popular for teaching lesser-known languages, including Bosnian. Learn to say “Happy new year” “Srecna Nova Godina” in Bosnian with Ling App, as well as much more.

Celebrating “New Year,” Or “Nova Godina” In Bosnia

Happy new year in Bosnian

Everyone celebrates and greets the New Year worldwide, and Bosnia is no exception. At this celebration, lots of singing, hugs, and gift-giving contribute to creating a welcoming environment.

Moreover, the largest festivity takes place on Trg Djece Sarajevo in Sarajevo. At 9:00 p.m., the city hosts a party with live music and concerts. Thousands of people go to the festival to enjoy the views.

Furthermore, a firework show entertains the crowd as the clock strikes midnight. So, if you are in Sarajevo, you must celebrate the “New Year” festival.

Common Ways To Say Happy New Year In Bosnian

English phrasesHappy New Year In Bosnian
Happy New Year!Sretna Nova godina!
New Year!Nova godina!
Have a sparkling new year!Neka vam blistava nova godina!
New Year wishes!Novogodišnje želje!
Wish you a happy new year!Želim vam srećnu novu godinu!
Have a blissful new year!Neka vam je srećna nova godina!

Bosnian Words Related To New Year Celebrations

English wordsBosnian words
New year!Nova godina!
New year’s eve!Novogodisnje vece!
New year snacks!Novogodišnje grickalice!
New year speech!Novogodišnji govor!

Phrases To Wish Happy New Year In Bosnian

English phrasesBosnian phrases
Happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year.Srećni praznici i sve najbolje u Novoj godini.
Happy New Year, dear friend.Srećna Nova godina, dragi prijatelju.
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in the New Year ahead.Želim vam zdravlje, bogatstvo i sreću u novoj godini koja je pred nama.
Friends bring happiness throughout the year. Especially a friend like you! Happy New Year!Prijatelji donose sreću tokom cijele godine. Pogotovo prijatelj kao što si ti! Sretna Nova godina!
Happy New Year! I hope all your dreams come true!Sretna Nova godina! Nadam se da će vam se svi snovi ostvariti!
Wishing you peace, love, and laughter in the New Year. Želim vam mir, ljubav i smeh u Novoj godini.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Sretan Božić i sretna nova godina!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a Happy New Year.Najtoplije misli i najbolje želje za sretnu Novu godinu.
May 2023 be an extraordinary one!Neka 2023. bude izuzetna
Have a happy and successful New Year!Srećnu i uspješnu Novu godinu!
A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.Sretan Božić i Nova godina.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.Želim svima sretan Božić i uspješnu Novu godinu.
Wishing you all a joyful Christmas, Happy New Year.Želim vam svima sretan Božić, sretnu Novu godinu.

Quotes For Happy New Year In Bosnian

English phrasesBosnian phrases
New ambitions, desires, and accomplishments, everything is waiting for you. Forget about setbacks – correct your errors. You will undoubtedly be successful – New Year’s greetings.Nove ambicije, želje i postignuća, sve vas čeka. Zaboravite na zastoje. Ispravite svoje greške. Nesumnjivo ćete biti uspješni. Novogodišnje čestitke.
I wish you a Happy New Year before the old sunsets and calendars are destroyed before someone starts to wish, and the cellphone network goes down. Take in every minute.Želim vam srećnu Novu godinu pre nego što stari zalasci sunca i kalendari unište pre nego što neko počne da želi, a mreža mobilnih telefona nestane. Iskoristite svaki minut.
In this new year, my hopes for you are to keep smiling, forget the tears, cherish the good, and toss away the bad. New Year’s wishes!U ovoj novoj godini, nadam se da ćete se i dalje smiješiti, zaboraviti suze, cijeniti dobro i odbaciti loše. Novogodišnje želje!
May this New Year offer you new adventures, new opportunities to explore, and new accomplishments! Happy New Year!Neka vam ova Nova godina ponudi nove avanture, nove prilike za istraživanje i nova dostignuća! Sretna Nova godina!

Master The Bosnian Language With The Ling App!

Why not search the Ling app to learn your target language if you are sick of using Google Translate? You can learn Bosnian, and if you study every lesson, you can go from beginner to expert level. In addition, the Ling app offers lessons in over 60 languages. 

Happy new year in Bosnian

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To explore and enhance your understanding of Bosnian, read other Bosnian articles here. Click on the blogs “Bosnian greetings” and “Basic Bosnian phrases for beginners” and enjoy learning.  


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