15+ Polite Vietnamese Phrases: The Secret to Making a Good Impression

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It’s time to get your politeness game on because we’re diving into the world of polite Vietnamese phrases that will make you the most charming person in the room. In Vietnamese culture, making a good impression is key, whether meeting Vietnamese people for the first time or trying to close a business deal.

And lucky for you, mastering a few polite phrases can make all the difference. Not only will you impress the locals, but you’ll also show that you’re interested in their language and culture.

So, grab a cup of Vietnamese coffee and get ready to learn Vietnamese phrases that will make you the most polite person in the room.

Let’s go!

What Are The Honorifics In Vietnamese

Before we get into the essential phrases, we must cover some basics about how Vietnamese people address each other.

Honorifics are essential to Vietnamese culture, where showing respect and acknowledging someone’s position is paramount. These titles are used to address people of different ages, social statuses, and professional backgrounds. Moreover, honorifics are known as Đại từ nhân xưng, or personal pronouns.

Here are some pronouns and honorifics that are commonly used in Vietnam:

You (singular)Bạn
He/himAnh ta
She/herCô ta
We/usChúng tôi
You (plural)Các bạn
Older brotherAnh trai
Older sisterChị gái
Younger brotherEm trai
Younger sisterEm gái
GrandfatherÔng nội
GrandmotherBà nội
Father Bố
SonCon trai
DaughterCon gái

Polite Vietnamese Phrases For Greetings

The first step to making a good impression in Vietnamese culture is to master the art of polite greetings. Luckily, Vietnamese greetings are fairly easy to learn and pronounce.

Here are some polite Vietnamese phrases for greetings:

Hello – Xin Chào

This is the most common way to greet someone in Vietnam. It can be used in both formal and informal settings and is a great way to break the ice.

Good Morning – Chào Buổi Sáng

If you want to be a little more specific, you can use this phrase to greet someone in the morning. It’s a polite way to start the day and show respect, even to younger people.

Good Afternoon/ Good Evening – Chào Buổi Chiều

Similar to the previous phrase, this one is used to greet someone in the afternoon or evening. It’s a great way to show that you’re aware of the time of day and want to be polite.

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Polite Vietnamese Phrases For Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude is such a beautiful thing. It’s always nice to show appreciation for the people and things that make our lives better. In Vietnam, expressing gratitude is an important part of the culture. It shows respect and appreciation for the people you interact with. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in building relationships.

Here are some of the most common polite Vietnamese phrases for expressing gratitude:

Thank You – Cảm Ơn

This one’s a classic, and keeping it in your back pocket is always good. You can use it to thank someone for anything. It’s short, sweet, and to the point.

For instance, you’re enjoying a delicious bowl of phở at a local Vietnamese restaurant, and the server brings you extra herbs and lime. You can say “Cảm ơn!” to express your thanks for the extra ingredients.

Thank You (More Formal) – Xin Cảm Ơn

This phrase is a bit more formal and respectful than the first one. You can use it to formally thank someone, such as in a business or academic environment. It’ll definitely impress your Vietnamese colleagues or new acquaintances.

For example, you’re participating in a conference panel, and the moderator asks you to share your research. You can say “Xin cảm ơn!” to express your gratitude for the opportunity.

Thank You Very Much – Rất Cảm Ơn!

This phrase adds emphasis to the gratitude being expressed. You can use it to show extra appreciation for something someone has done for you.

For instance, you’re at a Vietnamese coffee shop, and the barista prepares your coffee just the way you like it. You can say “Rất cảm ơn!” to thank them for their attention to detail.

Thank You So Much – Cảm Ơn Bạn Nhiều

This phrase is similar to the previous one, but it includes the word “bạn,” which means “you” or “friend.” You can use it to thank a friend or someone you’re close to for something they’ve done.

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Polite Vietnamese Phrases For Asking Permission

In Vietnamese culture, asking for permission is essential to showing respect and politeness. And asking permission is about using the right words and your attitude and behavior toward others.

To help you navigate social situations with ease, here are some common Vietnamese phrases to add to your language arsenal:

Please – Xin Hãy

This phrase is the VIP ticket to getting what you want. Use this when you want to show deference and respect to someone while making a request.


  • English: Please give me a chopstick.
  • Vietnamese: Xin hãy cho tôi cái đũa.

Kindly – Xin Vui Lòng

These words are like a magic spell that opens many doorways. Use this when you want to make a request or in a polite and respectful manner.


  • English: Kindly show me the way.
  • Vietnamese: Xin vui lòng chỉ đường cho tôi.

I Would Like To – Tôi Xin Phép

This phrase is like the magic wand of politeness. It’s the ultimate way to show respect for someone’s authority or property. It’s the perfect way to ask for permission or to politely excuse yourself from a situation.


  • English: I would like to leave early.
  • Vietnamese: Tôi xin phép ra về sớm.
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Polite Vietnamese Phrases For Apologizing

Picture this: You’re navigating the bustling streets of Hanoi, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, when suddenly, you accidentally bump into someone. Oops! What do you say to apologize in Vietnamese?

Fear not! Here are some of the most polite Vietnamese phrases for apologizing:

I Am Sorry – Xin Lỗi

This phrase is your go-to for all situations where you need to apologize. Whether you accidentally step on someone’s toe or forget your friend’s birthday, “xin lỗi” is the perfect phrase to express your remorse. Think of it as the “I’m sorry” of Vietnamese, but with little extra politeness.

I Am Truly Sorry – Thật Xin Lỗi

This phrase is reserved for those situations where you’ve really messed up and want to show that you’re taking full responsibility for your actions. Think of it as the “I’m really, really sorry” of Vietnamese. Use it sparingly, though, because if you’re saying “thật xin lỗi” too often, you might want to re-evaluate your life choices.

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Polite Vietnamese Phrases For Making Small Talks

When it comes to language learning, it’s not just about mastering grammar and vocabulary – it’s also about learning the cultural nuances that make a language unique. In Vietnamese culture, one of those nuances is the art of small talk. Whether you’re meeting someone for the first time or catching up with an old friend, knowing how to make polite conversation can help you build relationships and show respect for the customs of Vietnam.

Here are some basic Vietnamese phrases and sentences for polite small talk:

How Are You? – Bạn Có Khỏe Không?

Literally translated as “Are you healthy?” this phrase is a common way to start off a conversation. This may seem like an odd question to ask, but in Vietnamese culture, it’s a way of showing concern for the other person’s well-being.

Where Are You From? – Bạn Đến Từ Đâu?

This is a classic small-talk question that never goes out of style. It’s a great way to learn more about the other person’s background and start a conversation about travel and culture.

Do You Like Vietnam? – Bạn Có Thích Việt Nam Không?

This is a great conversation starter to learn more about the other person’s opinions and experiences in Vietnam. It also shows that you are interested in their perspective and eager to learn more.

Master The Art Of Politeness In Vietnamese

Learning a new language is always a great idea in a world that’s becoming increasingly interconnected. And if you’re looking to add Vietnamese to your repertoire, learning and using polite Vietnamese phrases is a fantastic place to start. These phrases are a fantastic way to make a great impression on native speakers of this tonal language.

By taking the time to master these phrases, you’ll show that you respect and appreciate the culture and the people who speak it. Remember to use the appropriate pronoun and be mindful of your tone. And hey, if you do find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help or speak English if necessary.

With practice and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to impressing even the most discerning native speakers. So go forth and use your newfound knowledge to make a great impression in the Vietnamese language! If you want to learn more languages, check out the Ling app!

Learn Vietnamese with Ling

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