Introducing Yourself In Latvian – #1 Easy Guide

In this modern era of technology, people spend most of their time using mobile phones and other gadgets, here, you should do something out of the box. If you are about to visit Latvia, introducing yourself in Latvian is what you need to learn.

In Latvia, people speak Latvian as the official language since 1918. Stop thinking of visiting a place where you could not understand the language of another person. Instead, get ready to learn the Latvian language and greet new people around the Globe. 

By speaking in Latvian like an expert, you may leave a lasting impact of a positive impression on the Latvians. So, let’s get started if you’re ready for us to drop the beans! First, let’s go over some standard self-introduction techniques that you can use to start a discussion or introducing yourself in Latvian to new friends.


3 Useful Steps For Introducing Yourself In Latvian

Start With Some Basic Greetings

Introducing Yourself  In Latvian

One of the first steps in learning the Latvian language is understanding essential meets and greets. When you meet someone in another country, you should greet them by saying some greetings in their language. First, greet someone with “Good morning!” in Latvian (pronounced “Labrit”). After that, state your name and begin the day with a fantastic chat. Some of the basic greeting terms are below.

English VocabularyLatvian Vocabulary
Good morningLabrīt
Good eveningLabvakar
Good afternoonLabdien
Goodbyeuz redzēšanos
Thank youPaldies
You are welcomeesiet laipni gaidīti
I am sorryman žēl
Mention NotNepiemini
Good to see youprieks tevi redzēt
Nice meetingjauka tikšanās

Useful Phrases For Introducing Yourself In Latvian

Introducing Yourself  In Latvian

Phrases like “My name is…” are used to speak with a stranger in a new country. In an area like Latvia, everyone cannot understand your language. In this situation, you should know the basics to introduce yourself in Latvian. Using introductory phrases can help you make new peeps; in the proceeding future, you guys can even exchange your mail ids to get connected. Ask someone “What is your name?” in Latvian “kāds ir tavs vārds?” and begin the conversation.

English SentencesLatvian Sentences
My name is…mani sauc…
What is your name?kāds ir tavs vārds?
Please come here!Lūdzu pienāc
I am not traveling alonees neceļoju viena
Call me your friendsauc mani par savu draugu
Can I have your name?vai es varu uzzināt jūsu vārdu?
Stay Onlinepalikt tiešsaistē
Feel easy to call mejūtos viegli man piezvanīt
I am available todayšodien esmu pieejams
The restaurant is probably on the right sideRestorāns, iespējams, atrodas labajā pusē
I am a little tired today.šodien esmu nedaudz noguris
Please get a cablūdzu, saņemiet taksometru
Introducing Yourself In Latvian

Formal Ways

While speaking with elders and women in another country, you should keep Introducing Yourself In Latvian formally. Being formal, you can be nice enough to impress someone. Do not jump into slang when you are in a new place. Speak like “Sir! How are you” Kungs! kā tev iet?”

Informal Ways

Greetings with people of your age can be fun. You can even use slang words to greet young people whose sense of humor is higher than the elder ones. Use informal ways of introducing yourself in Latvian and say, “Hi! How is your life going?” “Sveiki! Kā rit tava dzīve?” or you can even create a fun atmosphere saying words like “Howdy partner! What’s your plan this evening?” in Latvian “Sveiks partneris! Kāds tev šovakar plāns? “

Latvian Vocabulary And Phrases Used After Introduction

Introducing Yourself  In Latvian

When one person knows another person’s language, there are probably greater chances of making new friends. Learn the introductory vocabulary of Latvian and introduce yourself in Latvian with confidence. When you ask someone about their profession, you could say, “what do you do for a living” which in Latvian is “Kā tu nopelni iztiku.” Basics of any language are easy, and learning something new builds a sense of confidence in your mind. Use the following phrases to introduce yourself in the Latvian language and know other people speaking the Latvian language. 

English SentencesLatvian Sentences
I will be right backes tūlīt atgriezīšos
What do you do for a livingKā tu nopelni iztiku
Be politeesi pieklājīgs
Can you give me this address?vai vari man iedot šo adresi?
Add my name to your good books.pievieno manu vārdu savās labajās grāmatās
I forget to make a video call.aizmirsu veikt videozvanu
It sounds like youtas izklausās pēc tevis
Please say yeslūdzu saki jā
Can you sing?vai tiešām dziedāt?
Happy birthdaydaudz laimes dzimšanas dienā
Your country is beautiful.tava valsts ir skaista
Thank you so muchliels tev paldies


Start Learning The Latvian Language Today!

You could surprise to know that some people enroll themselves in Latvian language courses and take lessons to advance in this skill. The question is, what is the need to take courses when you have Ling App? It is the App introduced by Simya solutions that provides the best language courses free of cost. There are very few chances that you could not grab the primary language terms when you have all the audio and video recordings at your click. 

Complete explanation on introductory concepts of nouns, pronouns, and various forms of alphabets and different courses are available in Ling App. Really, it would be the best opportunity of learning a new skill without any hurdle. Don’t think twice and follow and download the Ling App. Read more articles on “basic words and phrases in Latvian” and “Latvian sentence structure” to learn more about learning the Latvian language

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Should you join us too? The answer is YES! Here’s why:
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