Are you curious to know what the common animal names in French are? If this is the case, you have arrived in the right place. French people love pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and horses.
You will likely get into a conversation about pets and animals sooner or later. For this reason, it is always better to add to your vocabulary some of the most common animal names in French.
What Are The Most Common Animal Names In French
Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. One of the best ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills is to learn the names of animals in French. Not only is it useful for everyday conversation, but it’s also a fun way to explore French culture and wildlife.
Here are the words to add to your French animal vocabulary:
- Le chien – The dog
- Un chat – A cat
- Un poisson rouge – A goldfish
- Un oiseau – A bird
- Un hamster – A hamster
- Un âne – Adonkey
- Le cheval– The horse
- Un chaton – A kitten
- Une perruche – A parakeet
- Un Chiot – A puppy
- Un mouton – Asheep
- Une poule – A chicken
- Un taureau – A bull
- La vache – A cown
- Un bouc – A goat
- Le tigre – The tiger
- Un rat – A rat
- Un ours – A bear
- La girafe – The giraffe
- Le crocodile – The crocodile
- Le renard – The fox
- Le lion – The lion
- Le poisson – The fish
- Le serpent – The snake
- Un crapaud – A toad
- Un anglier – A boar
- Un agneau – A lamb
- Un canard – A duck
- Une jument – A mare
- Une dinde – A turkey
- Un bœuf – A ox
- Un cochon – A pig
- Un poney – A pony
- Un lapin – A rabbit
- Un coq – A rooster
- Un bélier – A ram
- La fourmi – The ant
- Le papillon – The butterfly
- Le cafard – Cockroach
- La coccinelle – The Ladybug
- L’araignée – The spider
- Le furet – Ferret
- Le loup – The wolf
- La tortue – The turtle
- L’éléphant – The elephant
- Le singe – The monkey
- Le zèbre – The zebraa
- La mouette – The seagull
- Le requin – The shark
These are not the only French animal names worth knowing; for example, there are a lot of farm animals and sea animals.
What Are The Most Common French Farm Animals
You can start with the farm animals if you want to add more words to your French animal vocabulary list. Some of the farm animals in french are already listed above, and here below, you can find more of them:
- Le caneton – The duckling
- L’oie – The goose
- Le lama – The llama
- Une souris – The mouse
- La mule – The mule
- Cochon d’Inde – The guinea pig
- L’autruche – The ostrich
- La renne – Reindeer
- Les buffles d’eau – Water buffalo
Related Words And Phrases To Animals In French
To complement your vocabulary of French animal words, you should be able to know a few expressions and questions that you can find helpful:
- Poissons et animaux marins – Fish and sea animals
- Animal de compagnie/Les animaux de compagnie – Pet/Pets
- Quel est ton animal favori? – What is your favorite pet?
- Mon animal de compagnie préféré est… – My favorite pet is …
- Quel est le nom de votre chien? – What is the name of your dog?
- Quel âge a ton chat [or other animal] ? – How old is your cat [or other animals]?
- Un chien errant – A stray dog
- J’aime apprendre sur différents animaux – I like to learn about different animals
Amusing Animal Expressions And Idioms
From the wise owl to the stubborn mule, French idioms bring a touch of humor and vivid imagery to everyday conversations. So, here are some quirky turns of phrase focusing on the animal kingdom.
Être Copain Comme Cochon
This farm animals idiom means “to be friends like pigs,” and it refers to two people who are extremely close and loyal to each other. The image of two pigs happily sharing a trough emphasizes the idea of mutual support and a deep connection between different animals and people.
Sage Comme Une Image
Translates to “wise as a picture.” It is used to describe someone who is well-behaved, calm, and composed. Just like the wise and serene owl, this expression conveys the idea of someone who possesses wisdom and grace.
Rusé Comme Un Renard
If someone is described as “rusé comme un renard,” it means they are as sly as a fox. This expression is used to describe someone cunning, clever, and quick-witted. The fox’s reputation for craftiness and cunning makes it the perfect metaphor for someone who is street-smart and resourceful.
Têtu Comme Une Mule
The expression “têtu comme une mule” is a French expression meaning “stubborn as a mule.” It is used to describe someone who is extremely stubborn and refuses to change their mind. Just like the notoriously obstinate mule, this expression captures the image of someone who remains resolute in their opinions or decisions.
Bavard Comme Une Pie
If someone is described as “bavard comme une pie,” it means they are as talkative as a magpie. Pie is the French word for Magpie. This expression is used to describe someone chatty, talkative, and who tends to talk incessantly. Magpies are known for their noisy and social nature, making them a fitting metaphor for loquacious individuals.
Avoir Une Faim De Loup
When someone says “j’ai une faim de loup,” it means “I’m as hungry as a wolf.” This idiom conveys a strong sense of hunger and appetite. Wolves are associated with voracious appetites, and this French expression vividly captures the intensity of hunger.
Quand Les Poules Auront Des Dents
The expression “quand les poules auront des dents” translates to “when hens have teeth.” It is used to express the idea of something being highly unlikely or impossible. Since hens don’t have teeth, this expression playfully suggests that the mentioned event will likely never happen.
Avoir Un Chat Dans La Gorge
This expression translates to “to have a cat in one’s throat,” and it refers to a person experiencing a sudden and uncontrollable urge to cough. The image of a cat lodged in one’s throat may seem peculiar, but it effectively captures the sensation of discomfort that comes with a coughing fit. There are English equivalents, such as having a frog in one’s throat.
Donner Sa Langue Au Chat
This French idiom, which means “to give up,” literally translates to “to give one’s tongue to the cat.” It alludes to the idea of a cat playing with its prey, leaving them helpless and defeated. In the same way, giving up means surrendering to a situation that seems impossible to overcome.
Appeler Un Chat Un Chat
This expression means “to call a cat a cat,” and it refers to the act of speaking candidly and honestly. It suggests that there is no need for euphemisms or sugarcoating when speaking the truth, just as there is no need to call a cat anything other than a cat.
Avoir Du Chien
This expression means “to have some dog in oneself,” and it refers to a person who exudes charm and attractiveness. Just like a well-groomed and confident dog, such a person commands attention and admiration.
Chercher Midi à Quatorze Heures
An expression means “to look for noon at two in the afternoon,” and it refers to someone who is overcomplicating a situation. The phrase alludes to a dog that is endlessly chasing its tail, failing to realize that what it is looking for is already within reach.
Être Une Tête De Linotte
This expression means “to be a linnet’s head,” and it refers to a person who is forgetful and absent-minded. The Linnet is a small bird known for its charming but fickle nature, and the term suggests that someone who is a “tête de linotte” is similarly flighty and easily distracted.
Être Une Poule Mouillée
This French idiom refers to someone who is lacking in confidence or courage. Literally, “wet chicken” is a term that is usually found bandied around by children in the playground.
Which Animals Are Common In France?
France hosts over 120 mammal species, some of which are unique to France. If you visit the country, it is worth trying to see some of them. Here are some of the extraordinary animals you can find in France:
- Roe Deer
- Eurasian Pygmy Shrew
- Garden Dormouse
- European Mole
- European Hare
- False Killer Whale
- Flamingos
- Bears
- Marbled Newt
- Harbor Seal
- Chamois
- The North Wolf
Those traveling through the Pyrenees mountains could see bears. Their number has been increasing over the years, even though their specie is not considered yet out of danger. It is easier to see a bear in summer when they are out of lethargy.
Another unique animal you will find in France is the chamois. Typically is located in the Pyrenees mountains in southwest France. This animal is very experienced in climbing mountains to reach the top, especially in summer.
They like to find new places where to eat grass and herbs. But in winter you can see them often in the forest or at the foot of a hill. Another great predator you can see in France is the North Wolf. Migrating from Italy, now France counts over 200 wolves, mainly in the French Alps mountains or near the southern coasts.
Interesting isn’t it?
Now that you have learned about the common animal names in French, you could try the language if you still haven’t done it. You will have a lot of fun learning the French language! Read more vocabulary lessons such as the Easy French Words About Transportation, French pronouns, and adjectives to improve your French skills.
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