#1 Best Guide To Job Titles In Estonian You Should Know

Do you want to advance your Estonian language skills? Do it by learning these job titles in Estonian! Learning this vocabulary can help you understand more about how the Estonian language works and is a great way to introduce you to learning Estonian in case you’re a beginner.

Get familiar with the Estonian workforce by learning these job titles now!

Why Should I Learn Estonian?

Whether it is for fun, education purposes, or for employment, knowing Estonian can be to your advantage in the future!

Job Titles In Estonian

Besides the fact that it’s a beautiful language from a culturally-rich country, learning Estonian can open you up to so many opportunities and bring you closer to so many people that you never dreamed of. In case you didn’t know, Estonian is spoken as either a first or second language all around the world, so there are plenty of people for you to practice the language with!

We know that language learning can be difficult, intimidating, and time-consuming, but don’t let those factors stop you! Remember that, in the end, you’ll be fluent in another language, which is the best reward for all your hard work. Nothing is impossible if you put in the time, effort, and use the right learning resources! Of course, believing in yourself is the most important!

Important Job Titles In Estonian

Besides advancing your vocabulary skills, learning these Estonian job titles is essential if you plan on applying for jobs and/or working in Estonia!












IT SpecialistIT specialist














Construction workerEhitustööline

Data specialistAndmespetsialist



Hopefully you’ve learned the Estonian translation for the job you plan on applying for or are currently working in at the moment!

Even if you don’t plan on working in Estonia, it’s still important to build your vocabulary when learning a new language because you never know when you might need to use it. Plus, if you plan on becoming fluent, you’re going to have to learn every word eventually, right?

Did you know that the longest Estonian word is sünnipäevanädalalõpupeopärastlõunaväsimatus? This word refers to how you’d feel on a Sunday evening after having a weekend birthday party.

Learn Extra Estonian With These Sentences

Advance your Estonian language skills even more by practicing these sentences!

My job as a lawyer is not just limited to protecting a woman and her child, but to fight for the human rights of all individuals.Minu töö juristina ei piirdu ainult naise ja tema lapse kaitsmisega, vaid ka inimõiguste eest võitlemisega.

As an IT Specialist, I make and design websites.Valmistan ja kujundan IT-spetsialistina kindla veebilehe.

The office location of each employee varies on the job title that they have.Töötajate kontori asukoht erineb nende ametinimetusest.

As a business owner, I’m always searching for new ways to satisfy my customers without compromising my employees.Ettevõtte omanikuna otsin ma võimalusi, kuidas rahuldada kliente ilma oma töötajaid kahjustamata.

I was offered a lot of positions in this Estonian company that I applied to.Mulle pakuti selles Eesti ettevõttes, kuhu kandideerisin, väga palju kohti.

As a doctor, I thoroughly search for any signs of trauma and discomfort with my patients so I can make the most accurate diagnosis possible.Arstina otsin ma põhjalikult oma patsientidel trauma ja ebamugavustunde märke, et saaksin panna võimalikult täpse diagnoosi.

I teach a lot of subjects as it is part of my job as a teacher.Õpetan palju aineid, kuna see on osa minu õpetajatööst.

Employment now is very competitive and limited.Tööhõive on praegu väga konkurentsivõimeline ja piiratud.

Being a veterinarian can sometimes be a demanding job, but it is very fulfilling.Loomaarsti amet võib mõnikord olla nõudlik töö, kuid see on väga rahuldust pakkuv töö.

Because I am a dentist, I see various cases of toothaches from person to person daily.Kuna olen hambaarst, näen iga päev erinevaid hambavalu juhtumeid inimeselt inimesele.

Data specialists download a lot of data to analyze and interpret.Andmespetsialistid laadivad analüüsimiseks ja tõlgendamiseks alla palju andmeid.

Keep Learning With The Ling App Today!

Want to keep building your Estonian language skills? Try using the Ling App!

Learn Estonian Ling

With the Ling App, language learning is made both easy and fun! Even better, this application is designed to help you achieve your specific language needs and goals!

From mini-games, quizzes to track your progress, helpful grammar tips, and comprehensive lessons, you can find everything you could need as a language learner with Ling. The app even offers courses in over 60 languages, including both popular and smaller languages.

Being an app, Ling is very convenient to use. Once you download it onto your phone, you can learn anytime, anywhere. Regardless of your schedule, Ling helps you make language learning a priority!

Ling also has an incredible free language blog that’s filled with content related to different languages, countries, cultures, food, and even language learning tips. If you’re ever stumped on an Estonian phrase or you simply want to learn more, the blog has everything you could ever need!

Be sure to download the Ling App to start learning Estonian and 59+ other languages! head õppimist (“happy learning” in Estonian)!

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