5 Basic Shapes And Objects In Cantonese

Close your eyes, imagine the world without shapes. Would it be as amazing as what we have now? So, why not learn about shapes and objects in Cantonese? 形狀 & 賓語

From the beautiful skyscrapers down to the forests and mountains, Hong Kong truly has many shapes to offer. Would it hurt to learn shapes and objects in Cantonese?  (形狀 | jing4 zong6) & (賓語 | ban1 jyu5). So, in this lesson, you will surely know some basic shapes in Cantonese and the example objects of these shapes. If you want to make it more fun and exciting, you may visit the Ling App site.


Cantonese: The Official Language Of Hong Kong

Most of us know that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of Mainland China. But, if you think that since it’s a Chinese country, they also speak Mandarin like the locals of Mainland China. Well, it’s a “no” because, in Hong Kong, the official language that the locals widely speak is Cantonese. But, don’t be a shock if most of them know how to speak English because, in Hong Kong, locals speak both Cantonese and English.

Cantonese and Mandarin have lots of differences. To start with, Cantonese is also called Traditional Chinese, while Mandarin is called Simplified Chinese. From this information, you can simply imply that Cantonese and Mandarin differ in both spoken and written languages. Do you want to learn more about these differences? So, click this link.

Now that we have cleared things up, let’s proceed with learning about shapes and objects in Cantonese.


Importance Of Shapes

Are you aware that our brain categorizes everything around us based on shapes and colors? Since we were young, shapes have been an integral part of our life. In fact, these have been part of our lessons in school since pre-school. So, when a child learns to identify shapes and be able to fit them in a toy puzzle, it is one of the proudest moments of the parents. So, how exactly do shapes can help us?

The first is literacy. A child who knows how to distinguish shapes and lines can easily translate them into reading and writing. This is an integral part of a child’s development because if they don’t have a strong foundation in reading and writing, it will be hard for them to progress academically. That’s why, if you can remember, children are first taught through tracing and imitating the shapes.

The second one is categorizing and comparisons. Being able to categorize and compare develops a child’s skills in observation. With this skill, they can pay attention to small details. They are also able to compare different shapes and similar group shapes. This is a really important skill as the child develops because they can use it in different aspects of life such as Science.

The third one is the Mathematical advantage. There are lots of people who are having a hard time in Math. Different factors affect that. Learning shapes at a very early age can help children recognize and identify numbers and operational symbols. For more advanced Math, shapes are also essential in Geometry which can be applied in daily lives.

Lastly, problem-solving. Remember how we make children do puzzles? It will look like just a game for some, but it helps children solve problems and integrate critical thinking in figuring out which shape of a puzzle fits the other. If they can develop these skills, they can use them in different tasks and the future, in their daily lives as well.


How Do We Say Shapes And Objects In Cantonese?

Since we are learning about shapes and objects in Cantonese, let’s look at how important shapes in Chinese culture are.

In Chinese culture, different shapes have significance to them. Like for example, the circle shape. The circle shape represents “unity,” “oneness,” “fulfilled,” and “perfection.” Just think of the Ancient Chinese philosophy called Yin and Yang, which pertains to dualism.

The square shape is another important shape in Chinese culture. See the straight lines and sharp edges? For them, it represents regulations and laws which are very different in other countries and cultures.

Before we learn the basic shapes and objects in Cantonese, let us first learn how to say those two words in the Cantonese language.

 形狀 (Jing4 Zong6) – Shape

To say “shape” in Cantonese, use the characters 形狀 pronounced as (Jing4 Zong6). Later, you might also notice that some shapes add the Cantonese character 形 (Jing4) to indicate shape.

(賓語 | Ban1 Jyu5) – Object

The Cantonese word for “object” is 賓語, pronounced as Ban1 Jyu5. When you got Hong Kong, there’s a lot of interesting objects that you’ll discover.


Basic Shapes In Cantonese Language

Shapes and Objects In Cantonese Language
Shapes and Objects In Cantonese Language

Hong Kong is truly a gem of east Asia. From the breathtaking skyscrapers, beautiful forests, and mountains down to the simple things you can find around is truly admirable. If you visit Hong Kong, you can see different shapes and objects that will amaze you. So here are some basic shapes and objects in Cantonese to help you get started. This will also be helpful to describe things when you are shopping or ordering food in a restaurant.

1. 圓圈 (Yun4 Hyun1) – Circle

One of the most common shapes that we see around is the circle (圓圈 | Yun4 Hyun1). Here are some examples of objects that are circular in shape: doughnut (冬甩 | dung1 lat1), wheel (車輪 | ce1 leon4),  Ferris wheel (摩天輪 | mo1 tin1 leon4), and (軚盤 | tai5 pun4) steering wheel.

2. 方 (Fong1) – Square

Having four equal sides, square (方 | Fong1) is also used as the shape of many things in this world such as wall clock 掛牆鐘 (gwaa3 coeng4 zung1), board game 圖版遊戲 (tou4 baan2 jau4 hei3), and floor tiles 地磚 (dei6 zyun1).

3. 三角形 (Saam1 Gok3 Jing4) – Triangle

Triangle (三角形 | Saam1 Gok3 Jing4) is one of the most interesting shapes in the world. There are only a few things that have this shape because it only has 3 sides. Some common things that are triangular in shapes are pizza (slice) 薄餅 (bok6 beng2), watermelon (slice), 西瓜 (sai1 gwaa1), and roof (車頂 | ce1 deng2)

4. 長方形 (Coeng4 Fong1 Jing4) – Rectangle

Objects that are rectangular in shape provide more space. Some of the common rectangular objects we usually see are dining table (飯枱 | faan6 toi2), swimming pool (游泳池 | jau4 wing6 ci4), and door ( 車門 | ce1 mun4).

5. 橢圓形 (To5 Jyun4 Jing4) – Oval

Another interesting shape is oval (橢圓形 | To5 Jyun4 Jing4). To name some of the oval-shaped objects around us we have egg (蛋 | daan2), football (欖球 | laam2 kau4), and leaf (樹葉 | syu6 jip6).


Other Shapes In Cantonese Language

CantoneseJyutpingEnglish Translation
立方體lap6 fong1 tai2Cube
八邊形baat3 bin1 jing4Octagon
五角形ng5 bin1 jing4Pentagon
六邊形luk6 bin1 jing4Hexagon
錐體zeoi1 tai2Pyramid
圓筒jyun4 tung2Cylinder
拱形gung2 jing4Arch
環狀waan4 zong6Ring
球體kau4 tai2Sphere

Flat Objects

Flat objects refer to those that are uniform and consistent surfaces. Objects that are flat just like paper (紙| zi2) and card ( 牌 | paai2), and

Stick Like Objects

There are also stick-like objects that are usually used in supporting or holding something like a cane (蔗 | ze3), pen ( 原子筆 | jyun4 zi2 bat1), and pole (極 | gik6).


Chinese Classifiers

In learning about shapes and objects in Cantonese, you should also keep in mind the Chinese language has this thing called “classifiers” or “measure words.” These classifiers are important in the Chinese language because it is used in Chinese nouns when specifying a number. Researchers have varied perspectives on how classifier–noun pairings emerge: some believe they are motivated by analogy to prototypical pairings. In contrast, others believe they are motivated by the fundamental semantic properties of the word.

Cantonese Classifier

You’ll often hear two Chinese languages when you’re traveling among Chinese countries, Mandarin and Cantonese. The most common Mandarin Chinese classifier that you can hear is 个 個, which is a general classifier for common nouns. But, since we’re learning Cantonese, we will focus on learning a little bit about that.

Classifiers in Cantonese, also known as measure words, are words that appear between a number (or any other non-specific quantity) and the item it represents. Take a look at the example below:

I am going to buy a bed. (English) – I am going to buy a + classifier + bed. (Cantonese)


Let’s Try To Learn Some Sentences

CantoneseJyutpingEnglish Translation
佢 畫 一 個 圓 圈.keui5 waak6 yat1 go3 yun4 hyun1.He draws a circle.
一 個 足 球 係 球 狀 嘅。yat1 go3 juk1 kau4 hai6 kau4 jong6 ge3A football has a sphere shape.
一 個 箱 係 立 方 體 嘅。yat1 go3 seung1 hai6 laap6 fong1 tai2 ge3。A box has a cubic shape.
個 游 泳 池 係 一 個 長 方 形。go3 yau4 wing6 chi4 hai6 yat1 go3 cheung4 fong1 ying4。The swimming pool is a rectangle.


Maintain Your Language Skills In Shape!

Are you the type of person who wants to learn languages but doesn’t have enough time to take language classes or courses? Do you have a hard time finding language learning materials? If your answer is “Yes,” then congratulations! You got yourself free access to reliable language learning resources through Ling App. Then congratulations! You got yourself free access to reliable language learning resources through Ling App.

You don’t have to worry about not being able to take a language learning course or lessons with Ling App. You can learn different Cantonese words and phrases, with romanizations and English translations to support your learning. With Ling App, you can learn Cantonese and other languages in a game-like form so that you’ll be motivated in every progress you make. So, stay in shape of your language skills. Learn Cantonese now!

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