
Vietnamese words for video games
20+ Awesome Vietnamese Words For Video Games

Ever considered immersing yourself in the electrifying realm of the Vietnamese language for gaming, often referred to as “từ ngữ về trò chơi điện tử”

easy Vietnamese words for candies
8 Easy Vietnamese Words For Candies

Candies translate to “kẹo,” “cục kẹo,” or “bánh kẹo,” which you will first learn when looking for Vietnamese words for candies. Popular types include “kẹo

6+ Awesome Vietnamese Words For Textures

Have you ever experienced the comforting embrace of a beloved quilt or admired the granular feel of sand slipping through your fingers? If so, you’ve

7+ Easy Vietnamese Words For Scents

In bustling urban metropolises such as Ho Chi Minh City, the atmosphere weaves a complex tapestry of diverse fragrances and aromas. From the enticing scents

vietnamese superstitions banner with friday the 13th calendar on the background
#1 Best Guide: Vietnamese Superstitions!

Imagine you’re learning Vietnamese, and suddenly, you hear someone mention, “Áo màu xanh lá cây đậy, tài đức bền lâu” (A shirt of green color,