15 Easy Urdu Phrases For Expressing Appreciation

Everyone is clapping to appreciate- Urdu Phrases for expressing appreciation- Ling app

Appreciation and giving compliments are good ways to strengthen conversations and create strong friendship bonds with people.

Undoubtedly, kind words work like magic. Thus, appreciating someone brings a smile to that person’s face and makes him/her remember you for a long time. Specifically, as Urdu is Pakistan’s official language, foreigners visiting Pakistan can learn these phrases to enhance their Urdu conversations with the natives. So, look at the following 15 common Urdu phrases for expressing appreciation and leaving a warm impression.

15 Urdu Phrases For Expressing Appreciation

In the table below, you’ll find 15 famous phrases that native Urdu speakers use to show appreciation for their fellow beings. Note that the following Urdu sentences can be used in both formal and informal situations:

He is very hard-working. وہ بہت محنتی ہے۔wo bohat mehanti hai. 
Your sincerity is appreciated. میں نے ان کو آپ کی بہت تعریفیں کرتے سنا ہے۔ me ne un ko aap ki bohat tareefain karte sunna hai.
You are very talented.تم بہت باصلاحیت ہو۔tm bohat ba salahiyat ho.
Thank you very much for helping me!میری مدد کرنے کا بہت شکریہ!meri madad karne ka bohat shukriya.
It was impossible without you/ It would not have been possible without you.تمہارے بغیر یہ ناممکن تھا۔ tumhare bagair yeh na mumkin tha.
You are a very nice person. آپ بہت اچھے انسان ہیں۔aap bohat ache insaan hain.
Finally, your hard work paid off. آخرکار تمہاری محنت رنگ لے آئی۔akhir kaar, tmhari mehnat rang le ayi.
I am very thankful to you for whatever you did for me. آپ نے جو میرے لئے کیا، اُس کے لئے میں آپ کی بہت شگرزار ہوں۔aap ne jo mere liye kiya, uske liye me apki bohat shukar guzar hun.
Your sincerity is appreciable. آپ کا خلوص قابلِ قدر ہے۔aap ka khaloos qabil-e-qadar hai.
God will reward your good deeds with the best. اللہ آپ کی نیکیوں کا بہترین بدلہ دے گا۔Allah apki naikion ka behtareen badla de ga. 
I am grateful to you for your service. 
آپ کی اس خدمت کی میں بہت مشکور ہوں۔
aap ki is khidmat ki me bohat mashkoor hun.
I won’t ever forget your kindness.تمہارا یہ احسان میں کبھی نہیں بھولوں گی۔tumhara yeh ehsan me kabhi nahi bhooloon gi.

Nowadays people even avoid appreciating or praising others.
آج کل لوگ تعریف کرنے سے بھی کتراتے ہیں۔aj kal log tareef karne se bhi katrate hain.

Appreciating someone’s good speech can encourage them more.

کسی کی اچھی بات کو سراہنا اس کو مزید حوصلہ دیتی ہے۔
kisi ki achi baat ko sarahna us ko mazeed hosla deti hai.
Your commendation is significant to us.
آپ کی تحسین ہمارے لئے بہت اہمیت رکھتی ہے۔
aap ki tehseen hamare liye bohat ehmiat rakhti hai.

How Do You Say Appreciation In Urdu Language?

The Urdu word for appreciation is تعریف (tareef), داد دینا (daad dena) orقدر (qadar), which is used by native speakers in different ways. Let’s look at some exemplary Urdu phrases related to the term appreciation:

  • English: To appreciate/praise

Urdu Translation: تعریف کرنا

Transliteration: tareef karna

  • English: To value or appreciate

Urdu Translation: قدر کرو

Transliteration: Qadar karo

  • English: To hear appreciation

Urdu Translation: تعریف سننا

Transliteration: Tareef sun’na

  • English: To show gratitude

Urdu Translation: قدر کرنا

Transliteration: qadar karna

  • English: Appreciate

Urdu translation: تعریف کرو

Transliteration: Tareef karo

A person appreciating his fellow employee as other clap- Urdu phrases for expressing appreciation- Ling app

Nonetheless, Urdu is richly woven with expressive vocabulary and grammar. This richness gives rise to several words expressing different levels of emotion or mood, such as Urdu phrases for expressing grief. Considering this, look at the following table to learn distinct similar words and understand how you can use each word efficiently:

Appreciationقدر دانی qadar daniIt is to acknowledge or appreciate someone’s efforts.
Kindnessاحسان ehsanIt is used to encourage someone or when anyone encourages you
HelpمددmadadWhen someone helped or assisted you 
ServiceخدمتkhidmatIt is a more formal word used to appreciate someone’s kind service or efforts
Commendationتحسینtehseenappreciating or commending someone’s actions
Encouragementحوصلہ افزائیhosla afzaiEnthusiasm 
Enthusiasim جذبہjazbaIt is used to appreciate the passion or enthusiasm of someone who helped you
To praiseسراہناsirahnaTo praise or admire
To be thankfulتشکرtashakurYou can use this in formal meetings to say that you are greatly thankful/grateful 
CourageحوصلہhoslaRecognizing and praising someone’s courage or bravery

Frequently Asked Questions About Urdu Phrases For Expressing Appreciation

1. How To Congratulate Someone On Success In Urdu?

When we have to congratulate someone, we say مبارک ہو (mubarak ho), irrespective of the reason. Some people also give prayers as they convey their kind congratulations.

For instance, you want to say, ‘May God give you more success.’ You can say this in Urdu asاللہ تمہیں اور کامیابیاں دے ( Allah tallah tumhe or kamyabian de). To show more happiness or deep affection, you can also say ‘heartfelt congratulations to you.’ Its Urdu translation is آپ کو دل گی گہرائوں سے مبارکباد (aap ko dil ki gehraion se mubarakbad).

2. How Do You Respond To Appreciation In Islam?

Islam greatly encourages appreciating and praising people, whether they are your friends, family members, or strangers. In Urdu, the common way to respond to appreciation is شکریہ (thank you). However, the Islamic word to respond to appreciation is جزاکللہ (jazakallah) or جزاکللہ خیر (jazakallah khair). It means May Allah reward you. To add more information, you can reply to it by saying بارکاللہ (barikallah), which means blessing upon you. Moreover, شُکْراً لکم (Shukran Lakum) is another phrase used to thank someone formally in Islam.

3. How Do You Respond To Thank You In Urdu?

Thank you in Urdu translates as شکریہ. And to answer back, you can use the same term native speakers use which is خوش آمدید (khush amdeed).

Other related Urdu words are:

• No issues کوئی بات نہیں (koi baat nahi)

• No Problem کوئی مسلئہ نہیں (koi masla nahi)

Some people say you are welcome with the Urdu phrase: کوئی مسلیہ نہیں، اتنی سی بات تھی (koi masla nahi, itni si baat thi). In English, this phrase means: No problem, it was a small thing.

Words of appreciation types on a paper- Urdu phrases for expressing appreciation-Ling app

Closing Words

As you can see, these interesting phrases are really valuable. Additionally, if you want to master vocabulary, learn phrases to express moods, or communicate with your international guests, incorporating these phrases will improve your ability to interact effectively and boost your confidence in diverse social situations. Apps like the Ling app can be the best partner in your language-learning routine, helping you expand your phrase repertoire. As a result, you will be able to connect better with native speakers and have more meaningful exchanges.

You might also be interested in reading about compliments in Urdu:

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