Busuu Vs Quizlet: A Quick Review Of 2 Great Apps

Are you looking for the best language learning app to start the year, right? Well, this Busuu Vs. Quizlet review will give you a headstart. These two applications have always been considered the top-performing ones for most language learners, especially for total beginners in a target language. Busuu is known for its engaging design, while Quizlet is an authority for interactive flashcards. Let’s learn more about these platforms in today’s post.

New year, new life. This 2022, you are bound to do more extraordinary things compared to the past year. As the new chapter of your life opens, new opportunities are also waving from afar, waiting for you to grab them. These opportunities can go way beyond your country; that’s why learning a new language might be a good hobby to start this year. Indeed, there’s no better way to start the year than going beyond your native language and start learning a foreign language.

To learn a new language, you have many factors to consider. You have to choose from various languages to learn, look for reliable resources, and use language learning tools such as language apps. You also have to consider your level as a learner and the type of learner you are. Some learners have an impoverished active vocabulary. Some learners need proper grammar training, and some don’t know anything.

That’s why, in this blog about Busuu VS Quizlet, we will discover which language learning app can help you learn your target language conveniently and effectively. You can also check the individual reviews of these language learning apps like Quizlet Review and Busuu Review. This might also give you tips about learning languages.


Language Learning Tips

Before we go any further about our topic Busuu VS Quizlet, here are some language learning tips that might help you learn languages by yourself. Remember, if you have successfully learned a new language, you can never be contented learning just one language so, remember these tips along the way.

Set Learning Goals

Have you heard the term S.M.A.R.T goals? This stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The first thing you need to remember when learning a new language is setting a goal. We all know that language learning can be frustrating and challenging at first, especially when it’s far from your native language so, make sure to set your goal first.

Setting goals will help you monitor your progress and focus on a specific skill that you want to develop. Remember, goal setting is an essential part of the learning process but make sure that your goal is realistic and attainable. Do not set a goal that you know to yourself is impossible to achieve in a certain amount of time you set because it can be frustrating. Take it one step at a time. Little progress is still progress.

Start Learning The Most Common Vocabulary

What new words to learn? Where should I start? What essential vocabulary to learn? These are probably the questions you have been asking yourself, especially if you don’t have a language teacher beside you. Knowing where to start is a big question if you are an absolute beginner and have a minimal vocabulary range. So, start with the most common vocabulary.

The common vocabulary refers to native speakers’ words in daily conversations like greetings, ordering food, essential words and phrases, shopping, traveling, and more. These are the things that most people use every day, so you might want to start with those words.

Discover Tools And Resources

The internet is like a sea of language tools and resources that you can easily download to start learning. But, the question is, are these resources reliable? Will these resources and tools aid your language learning needs? Do these language courses have well-structured lessons?

You see, there’s a lot of tools, resources, and courses out there, but language learners have different learning styles. There’s no such thing as a perfect language learning tool that can accommodate all the needs of the learners.

So, as a language learner, you should first determine what level you are at as a language learner. Are you a beginner or an advanced learner? What is your learning style? How much time can you give every day? Are you willing to spend some money on paid resources? Those are something to think about.

Practice Speaking

Spending hours, weeks, months, or even years to learn vocabulary will be useless if you don’t use them in conversations. In learning languages such as French and modern Greek, you will never achieve fluency if you don’t talk to other people using the words you have learned. There are also languages in which tones and gestures affect the meaning of the words. So, how will you get it right if you don’t practice speaking?

It is only natural to feel anxious and shy at first to talk to other people, especially to native speakers so, you can try talking to yourself first in front of the mirrors, during the shower, or when you’re alone. Try using a few words if there’s a restaurant or store from which your target language originated. Practice is still one of the best teachers.

Talk To The Natives

Nothing will be greater than learning a language from a native speaker. They know to use the word grammatically correctly, use accurate tones, form sentences, and combine conversational practice. Talking to native speakers will give you an authentic language learning experience because you’ll immediately get feedback. You can also ask for clarifications on the points that confuse you.

Immerse With The Culture

Language and culture cannot be separated. It is always connected. The way people speak within a country is a product of their rich culture and traditions passed through generations. You will also find it interesting to learn where certain words came from or the cultural background of the words they use every day.

Immersing yourself in the culture of your target language is more than just learning the language. You are also learning how to appreciate their culture and the uniqueness of their country to others. Language is a cultural identity of a certain country.


Who doesn’t want to travel? In this time of the pandemic, I know that traveling is a terrible idea because of all the variants emerging. But, when the world will get back on its feet again, consider traveling. If you travel, you will meet many people and hear lots of different languages.

It is impossible not to pick up new words from different languages. Some people go to the country just to learn a new language. Where else can you best learn the language than the country itself?

For example, you want to learn German. Yes, you can learn some vocabulary on your own, but if you really want to learn German grammar properly, Germany is the perfect place. There you will understand seemingly abstract grammatical terms through the German lessons specialist. Just a few hours of staying there will have a different effect than learning with books and other apps.


Busuu VS Quizlet: Getting To Know The Language Learning Apps

We cannot make a comparison of Busuu VS Quizlet if we don’t get to know them first. How do they work? Who are their target users? What skills do these apps develop? If you’re not new in the language learning app business, then you have surely heard these apps because they are really on top of their games. But for those who are new, here’s for you!

What Is Busuu?


Let’s start with the origin of the name “Busuu.” If you’re into languages, you might have heard about this word. The name “Busuu” actually came from the Busuu language from Cameroon, which is already endangered. It is a language spoken by a small group of people only.

From this, we can say that Busuu really gives importance to languages. It is a language learning platform that aims to empower people through languages. Busuu uses a combination of self-paced learning, live classes with language experts and tutors, and the opportunity to practice with native speakers.

With Busuu, learners can create a personalized study plan. The lessons are expertly designed, and you can actually ask for help from the native speakers asynchronously. Learners will also have an opportunity to review the terms they got wrong from each lesson through smart technology.

Launched in 2008, Busuu has been one of the most popular language-learning apps up until this day.

Busuu Pros

1. Aesthetically Pleasing And Easy To Navigate Interface

Not so techy? New to language learning apps? No problem! Busuu has developed its interface to navigate and be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The fonts and colors used by the platform are simple, which makes it easy for the users to understand how it works.

It also uses videos, audio recordings, images, and even speech recognition software. In some videos, I noticed that Busuu seems to be using a green screen to make the illusion that the people in the videos are actually in the country. But it’s no biggie. At least they put an effort to make it visually relevant.

2. Language Learners Can Create Their Relevant Study Plan

As mentioned above, creating a goal or plan is essential when learning a language. But, it’s not just your ordinary study plan. Busuu lets users create a study plan. They will help you create a study plan relevant to your life. But, what does this mean?

If you have noticed other language learning apps, they will start at “The boy is …” or “The girl is …”. If you think about those sentences, it doesn’t actually make sense in your life. Did you learn a new word? – Yes. Will you remember those words? – Probably yes. Can you use those words in a particular real-life situation? – Maybe.

I’m trying to point out here that Busuu will help you choose grammar lessons or study plans based on your language goal. For example, if you want to learn German, are you up for German for Business, German for Travel, etc.

To make it short, Busuu will give you a meaningful language learning experience. It is connected to the learning theory, where learners will effectively learn if they have a meaningful grasp or connection to the topic they are learning. For me, this is a good idea.

3. Language Courses Are Structured According To CEFR Levels

The CEFR levels refer to the Common European Framework of Reference. These levels establish and determine how fluent you are in a specific language. But, how important are these CEFR levels in language learning?

When you start learning with Busuu, you’ll choose a level first – Beginner (A1), Elementary (A2), Intermediate (B1), and Upper Intermediate (B2)). The CEFR levels determine these levels. Therefore, when you start learning with Busuu, you’ll study structured courses based on your level.

But, I want you to know that learning languages are not a pool that has shallow sides. It is a sea. It will be hard for you if you don’t have a firm grasp of the foundations. In real life, no translation will pop out anywhere. You have to understand how words are used. This is where Busuu also shines.

It teaches you to think and understand from the context. Of course, Busuu will occasionally ask you to translate because it’s part of the language learning process. But, Busuu teaches learners to infer, which is an essential skill in learning a language. Not all popular apps use this kind of technique.

4. Get Help From Other Native Speakers

This is another wonderful thing that Busuu offers. It is also mentioned above that one of the best ways to learn a new language is through native speakers. Busuu, they have this feature where you can actually ask help from millions of native speakers if your speaking skills or vocabulary is right. What’s more interesting about this is that you can do it asynchronously meaning, you can send it to them, and you can get back at it whenever you’re free again.

This feature is not just for asking for help but to actually helo you use what you have learned in conversation. Usually, these native speakers will ask you to write in a full sentence, and they will give their suggestions and comments. You will also start receiving messages from people who are learning your target language, and you can also reply to them to practice.

5. Mastering New Vocabulary Through Comprehension Check

Comprehension check and review are integral in language learning for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners. Almost any typical language course knows the importance of it. But, Busuu’s Comprehension Check feature is not just asking the meaning of a word or a phrase. It is more on understanding the phrase or sentence’s meaning based on the contexts and inferences.

One perfect example is that you will be presented with a lot of words you have learned from the lesson. Then you’ll be the one to figure out how you will arrange that to fit in the dialogue that is presented to you. It will make you think and analyze the situation first before coming up with the right word to use.

6. Provides Grammar And Cultural Tips

Learning and teaching grammar are probably some of the hardest parts of learning a language. This is why grammar explanations should be in-depth and accurate. Language learning apps should have a rigorous quality control system with their content because every language has differed. Busuu has a light bulb icon that you can click for some grammar explanations. This is very useful, especially for an absolute beginner course.

Busuu also has cultural tips, which are very helpful, especially when you’re going to speak the language in your target language’s origin. Sometimes, textbooks teach you formal rules, so these cultural tips will help you understand how to really speak like natives.

7. Uses Audio Recordings From Native Speakers

Busuu uses audio recordings from native speakers, which is a good idea because you will hear the correct pronunciation and tones. This will also help improve the listening skills of the learners, so I think this feature is really great.

8. Offers Free Version

Busuu’s free version can already go a long way. You can access the free version if you want to try the app but don’t want to pay yet. You will be provided with a variety of interactive flashcards, dialogues that show words in the real-life context, and insights into the culture of the language.

Busuu Cons

1. Limited To 12 Languages Only

Although Busuu is one of the learning language apps nowadays, it offers a few languages to learn. I am pretty sure that the developers are already working on expanding but as of now, learners will only get a chance to learn 12 languages from Busuu.

2. Quality Of Lessons Is Varies Depending On The Language

Language learning apps have common problems that they should address – achievability, content, and features. If one of these has been compromised, then the goal for fluency may be hard to achieve. With only 12 languages offered, some contents and courses are extremely better than the others. The courses have different qualities. Some have better audio, videos, exercises, and activities.

3. Incorrect Corrections Is Possible

Since it was mentioned above that Busuu will let you ask for help from native speakers and other language learners, it will create a social community. So, you cannot remove the possibility that you might get the wrong corrections from other people. Just beware of that.

4. Activities That Can Keep Learners Engaged Can Be Improved

Although Busuu gives you a variety of activities, these can be repetitive to others. Busuu can still improve on including more engaging media, visuals, and activities to keep learners motivated.

What Is Quizlet?


Quizlet is a platform that offers free study tools like flashcards, quizzes, and games. It was initially launched as a language learning app back in 2005. At first, it was just a studying tool that helped the founder, Andrew Sutherland, ace his French test.

Since then, this simple study tool has grown into seven different study modes to help learners achieve their study goals. Quizlet is no longer just a language learning app, but it also covers other subject matters.

Quizlet uses expert explanations, an AI Learning Assistant, and flashcards in learning. Today, it is a flashcard app helping millions of students master their desired topics and ace their tests.

Quizlet Pros

1. Provided Differentiated Review

Quizlet’s main feature is the flashcard. With this feature, learners can review the terms in a typical card-flipping method which is a proven effective way to learn and memorize vocabulary. You can create your own flashcard sets, or you can access ready-made flashcards by other users.

If you want to have a different approach to your study set, you can choose from different learning modes and game modes. Let us start with the learning modes.

The Learn Mode evaluates how well you know about your material.

The Write Mode requires learners to type in the blanks the answer to the questions.

The Spell Mode lets learners type what they hear from the audio.

The Test Mode is like an actual test that you answer in school.

After the learning modes, Quizlet also offers two game modes.

Gravity is a game where learners answer the question correctly before hitting an asteroid.

Match mode is also a game where learners must match definitions to the terms.

2. Learners/ Educators Can Create Their Own Flashcards / Study Sets

Creating your own flashcards is one of Quizlet’s strong features, which makes it one of the most popular flashcard apps today. Creating own study sets will help learners personalize their learning.

It’s totally easy to create your own flashcards. Just click “CREATE,” which is located in the upper part of the website or the app. Click “Study Set,” give a title to your study set, put a description, then you may now add your terms and descriptions.

After creating your own study set, you can now choose from different learning modes and game modes—no need to redo it in every mode you want. Just click on the left side which mode you want to use.

3. Promotes Collaboration

Quizlet has this thing called Quizlet Live, where educators can conduct online classes to build a collaborative environment among learners. With this, the learners will be able to share ideas and help each other answer the teacher’s questions.

4. Generous Free Plan

Another thing that users love in using Quizlet is that you can get it by using the free plan. You can go a long way even without subscribing to a premium plan. But of course, there are lots of things that you can unlock in a premium version, but for review, the free plan is good enough.

Quizlet Cons

1. Activities Do Not Develop Other Language Skills

The five study modes and two game modes of Quizlet provide learners with a variety of ways to review and learn their study sets. It is actually an effective way to memorize terms and meaning, but for other language skills, like speaking skills, do not expect Quizlet to do it.

This totally makes sense because, like what’s mentioned above, it’s not just a language learning app anymore. It’s more of a study tool for almost all the subject matters. So, do not expect that it will provide extensive grammar points, extensive cultural tips, and other exercises that develop other language skills.

2. Some Contents Are Not Verified

Anyone can create their own study sets for free and share them publicly. So, the problem with this is that not all the contents you see in Quizlet are 100% verified. You should at least do your research first to confirm if the information is correct or, better yet, create your own.

3. Free Plan Is Distracted By Ads

If you don’t mind these ads, then I think there’s nothing to worry about. As mentioned above, Quizlet provides a generous free plan version that is already extremely helpful to learners. But, aside from not being able to experience other unique features of the app, you will also get distracted by the ads while you are learning.


Busuu VS Quizlet: Which Language Learning App Is More Useful?

Busuu VS Quizlet

Now that you have gotten to know Busuu and Quizlet, let us now compare the two learning apps in terms of the following factors:

Aesthetic And Interface

Design is a personal thing, but I think Busuu has more multimedia content for language learning that can help learners. In Busuu VS Quizlet, in terms of Aesthetic and interface, Quizlet has a very minimalist design and less multimedia compared to Busuu. Both are easy to navigate, and it only takes a while to understand how these platforms work.

If you’re not into videos and audio and you want to focus first on the vocabulary, then Quizlet is enough for you.

Languages Offered

Quizlet is not solely for language learning so, the languages offered by Quizlet are not as extensive as other apps. Although Busuu only offers twelve languages, which is a lot lesser than other apps, it still has a lot compared to Quizlet. So, for Busuu VS Quizlet in languages offered, Busuu is still winning. Aside from the languages below, Quizlet also offers Arts and Humanities, Math, Science, Social Science, and more.

Here are the languages offered by Busuu:


Here are the languages offered by Quizlet:



Developing unique features should be one of the apps’ major priorities because these features will help the students learn effectively. If you have read what’s written above, Busuu has more essential elements for language learning. It has extensive grammar explanations, cultural explanations, comprehension checks, study goals, and more.

But, this doesn’t mean that Quizlet has no use at all. A lot of Quizlet users say that it is effective in learning vocabulary. It’s just that Quizlet is not just for language learning anymore. For the sake of this review, between Busuu VS Quizlet, Busuu still wins this round.


Now, let’s look at Busuu VS Quizlet in terms of gamification. Gamifying language learning app is a great way to keep learners engaged and motivated. Luckily, both apps have gamification features. Busuu has its app’s reward system where you get points for every correct answer and lesson you have finished. Quizlet has the Match and Gravity feature.

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition system is another essential feature that language learning apps use to help learners learn languages effectively. It is the time interval when your encountered words will re-appear. So let’s see if these apps have this feature.

Busuu has a spaced repetition system which, in my experience, is effective since its technique is to let learners learn through context and inferences. On the other hand, Quizlet does not have spaced repetition anymore. It used to have this feature, but since it’s not just for language learning anymore, this feature has been dropped. So, for Busuu VS Quizlet in spaced repetition, Busuu wins.

Operating System

Another important thing to talk about Busuu VS Quizlet is the operating system. This will help learners learn through whatever gadget they use. Luckily, both are available in the web and mobile app versions.

Subscription Plan

The last thing to consider about Busuu VS Quizlet is the subscription plan. Suppose you take a look at the prices below. Busuu is indeed more expensive than Quizlet. Aside from this, Quizlet also offers a more generous free plan than Busuu. But, take note that these two are incredibly different from one another. I suggest looking at the figures themselves and the features and language learning experience they provide to users. That’s when you’ll know if it is worth it to buy a subscription plan.

Subscription Plan For Busuu

Busuu (1 Month)
Busuu (1 Month)
Busuu (12 Months)
Busuu (12 Months)
Busuu (24 Months)
Busuu (24 Months)

Subscription Plan For Quizlet

Quizlet Subscription Plan


Busuu VS Quizlet: Final Thoughts

To summarize this review, let me begin by saying Busuu and Quizlet are totally different platforms. They serve other purposes, so comparing them is not really necessary. If you want to review all the vocabulary you have learned, Quizlet is undoubtedly one of the most effective platforms. But, if you’re looking for a more wholesome platform that caters to other language skills, Busuu will suit your needs.

Just remember, in choosing a language learning tool, make sure to make use of the free trial version first. It may be limited, but it will somehow give you a glimpse of what an app can offer.

Busuu and Quizlet have been on the top of their game, and it’s really up to the users’ learning styles which of these two platforms is beneficial to them. But, instead of comparing these two, why not use both of them simultaneously?


Learning A Foreign Language?

After hearing about Busuu VS Quizlet, there’s still a lot of language learning apps out there that are worthy of trying. One of these apps is Ling App. But, what’s with the Ling app that will make learners learn languages effectively.

First, Ling App has a wide range of usual topics that language learners learn. You can pick any matter you want and learn them through smart flashcards with translations, sample sentences, audio recordings from native speakers, images, and more.

Learning will be fun and engaging because Ling App provides mini-games and quizzes. This feature will also help you master the language quickly without getting bored.

You can also practice dialogues and talk to the chatbots to use what you have learned in the entire lesson. Of course, using the language is one of the most effective ways to learn the language.

If you’re asking about grammar and culture tips, don’t worry because Ling App also covers it for you. You simply have to go to the site or download the app and start learning. There are lots of things to discover with the Ling App, but I won’t spoil it to you that much and will let the app speak for itself and do wonders for your language learning journey.

10,000+ people use the Ling app every day to learn languages!

Should you join us too? The answer is YES! Here’s why:
  1. Core Learning Tools
    • Essential vocabulary and useful phrases in bite-sized lessons
    • Realistic dialogues for comfortable conversations
    • Listening and speaking practice with native speaker audio
    • Culture and grammar notes for extra context

  2. Interactive & Engaging Features
    • Fun games for vocabulary review
    • Finger-tracing exercises to practice writing
    • Daily streaks and badges to keep you motivated

  3. Over 40+ Asian and Eastern European languages unlocked

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