
3 Best Things I Learned At Simya

Before giving you the 3 best things I learned at Simya, I’d like to give you some background information about who I am and what

What Are Insects In Thailand Called?

I am not the biggest fan of creepy crawlies. Insects like spiders, ants, and centipedes make my skin crawl. As a tropical country, you may

500 Useful Common Thai Phrases For Travel

Every year, millions of people from around the world visit Thailand. Whether due to the lovely locals, wonderful weather, fantastic food or beautiful beaches, the

The Four Types Of Thai Salads

Like many other people, I am trying to eat healthier and make better choices with my food. As much as I love eating Pad Thai,

How To Practice Thai

Have you ever heard of the saying ‘practice makes perfect’? When it comes to languages, that is very much the case. Practising is an integral