learn malay fast

malay pronouns
12 Basic Malay Pronouns You Should Learn

Pronouns are words that replace nouns to avoid repetition and carry a great deal of meaning and significance. This is one of the first lessons

Malay Addresses
How To Read Malay Addresses: #1 Best Guide

You’ve been informed about Malay numbers in the past few weeks and how to count and read time and date in Malay. This week’s blog will look

10 Best Ways To Say Beautiful In Malay

Bahasa Melayu, if you haven’t known it yet, is one of the easiest languages to learn. Apart from knowing its most popular Malay slang words in 2021,

6 Best Ways To Say You’re Welcome In Malay

Our daily routine can never get away from the act of appreciating – we convey our gratitude by saying thank you and you’re welcome every
