The List Of 8+ Epic Funny Serbian Phrases

A vast number of people in Serbia use Serbian slang expressions or funny Serbian phrases on a daily basis, most commonly in informal interactions with friends, family, or colleagues. They aren’t all aware of the extraordinary amount of terms that make up jargon.

If you have a “special someone” with whom you want to converse in Serbian or are planning a trip to Serbia shortly, you should learn some Serbian slang or funny Serbian phrases. You won’t have to worry about the locals not understanding you this way.

My recommendations for phrases to learn are listed below. The majority of them will make you chuckle, assist you in communicating with locals without stumbling blocks, and make your time in Serbia more enjoyable.

When you’re in an uncomfortable or irritating position, laughing your way out is sometimes the greatest way to get out of it. Remember these snappy retorts and utilize Serbian phrases with the help of the Ling app when needed.


Funny Serbian Phrases With Meanings

Here are some funny Serbian phrases and words and expressions, as well as their definitions. Enjoy these excellent explanations of exciting terms and idioms while smiling. Use any sentence when you talk to Serbs or have a conversation to have a little laugh.

EnglishUsage (literally meaning)Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin)
Screw you?When you don’t care about someone or what someone is doing.Носи се?Nosi se?
You know what—dynamite comes in small packages.When someone makes a comment about your small statureЗнате шта – динамит долази у малим паковањима.Znate šta – dinamit dolazi u malim pakovanjima.
I’m something you don’t see very often!When someone calls you weird or strangeЈа сам нешто што не виђате често!Ja sam nešto što ne viđate često!
Unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything.When someone is oversharing their vast knowledge  Осим ако се не зовете Гоогле, престаните да се понашате као да знате све.Osim ako se ne zovete Google, prestanite da se ponašate kao da znate sve.
I’m not lazy. I’m just highly motivated to do nothing.When some complaints about you lazinessнисам лењ. Само сам веома мотивисан да не радим ништа.nisam lenj. Samo sam veoma motivisan da ne radim ništa.
Life is a bowl of soup, and I’m a fork.When nothing is going your wayЖивот је чинија супе, а ја сам виљушка.Život je činija supe, a ja sam viljuška.
If it were a good morning, I’d still be sleeping and not talking to people!When you’re not a morning personДа је добро јутро, још бих спавао и не бих разговарао са људима!Da je dobro jutro, još bih spavao i ne bih razgovarao sa ljudima!
The best part of going to work is coming home at the end of the day.When someone asks how you like your jobНајбољи део одласка на посао је повратак кући на крају дана.Najbolji deo odlaska na posao je povratak kući na kraju dana.
Cancel my subscription—I don’t need your issues.When someone won’t stop complaining  Откажите моју претплату – не требају ми ваши проблеми.Otkažite moju pretplatu – ne trebaju mi vaši problemi.


Funny Serbian Words To Describing A Person

It’s important to note that a large number of young Serbs in Serbia are increasingly adopting animal-related Serbian words while employing slang words to describe individuals. As a result, a handsome man will be a “While a boy is referred to as a “maor” or “macan,” a girl is referred to as a “maka” (cat) (fish)…

A beautiful girl or a woman can also be a “avion” (plane), whereas someone whose beauty is disliked is sometimes referred to as “Gabor,” “krampaa,” or “krava.” “.. These final three are exceedingly impolite, and I believe they wouldn’t be used. However, if you are a good friend of young Serbian people, you may hear some of them — they don’t always consider other people’s sentiments.

“Lupaš” or “lupetaš” are words you can hear frequently when someone says something stupid or something that is not true. In literal translation, it means they’re banging/pounding


Why the Ling App Is Perfect To Learn Serbian?

I hope that these Funny Serbian Phrases and sentences were not amusing just to me! Ling was created to make language learning as simple, enjoyable, and accessible as possible. Thanks to a range of small games and interactive learning approaches, you’ll be willing to involve yourself in the Serbian language using only your smartphone.

If you are a skilled or a newbie speaker looking to expand your vocabulary or brush up on your skills, our Ling Serbian app can help.

Traditional language classes may be tedious, boring, and uninteresting. That’s why we’ve made learning entertaining by incorporating puzzles, games, challenges, and quizzes into the process of teaching you how to read, write, and speak Serbian.

To help you refine your pronunciation, Ling employs native Serbian speakers. For example, see our articles on whether learning Serbian is complex and a simple tutorial to Serbian Alphabets.

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Also, we have ensured that Ling App users get the most value for the money by providing 60+ languages in a single app. You may even test out the Ling language learning app for free to see whether it suits your needs.

So, if you speak English, take out your mobile phone or laptop and open your browser and download this cool app by Simya Solutions now, and give it a try to communicate in a new language.

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