Your Best and #1 Guide To Airport Vocabulary In Serbian!

If you think about it, it’s an important thing to know the words and phrases for when you are at the airport, especially when you will be out on vacation. Aside from how these can make your trip a lot easier, it can ensure you a more smooth-sailing journey to your destination. That said, we came up with the only guide that you will ever need if you find yourself having a beautiful and exciting holiday in Serbia!

Get ready and buckle up because from the airport vocabulary in Serbian down to the very many reminders that you should always keep in mind, we have it all for you! This is a very great way to get to know the Serbian language too so if this is something that you find interesting, definitely read on!


Is Serbia A Safe Place For Tourists?

Now, before we walk you through the airport vocabulary in Serbian that will surely come in handy, is the country safe for tourists to go to? Good news, Serbia is generally safe for tourists! Whether you are traveling with family and friends or exploring this magnificent country alone, we can assure you that this place is a safe destination to travel to!

And because Serbians are known to be very welcoming, friendly, and hospitable, you can certainly expect a wonderful time there! You surely don’t want to miss it!


Airport Vocabulary In Serbian? We Got You!

Without further ado, these are the words that will surely help as you navigate your way into the Serbian airport or if you find yourself talking to someone who speaks the Serbian language.

Aside from being able to know its very interesting language, this is also an awesome way for you to start building your Serbian vocabulary while being able to learn a thing or two! What makes a better impression than being to speak a different language too, right? If you still haven’t thought about it, you might even want to consider this as your sign to start learning Serbian too!

AirlineВаздушна линија (Vazdušna linija)
AirplaneАвион (Avion)
Airportаеродром (Aerodrom)
Arrival AreaПодручје доласка (Područje dolaska)
Baggage areaПростор за пртљаг (Prostor za prtljag)
Baggage claimХол за преузимање пртљага (Hol za preuzimanje prtljaga)
Boarding gateКапија за укрцавање (Kapija za ukrcavanje)
Boarding passБординг-карта (Bording-karta)
Boarding timeВреме укрцавања (Vreme ukrcavanja)
Check inПријавити (Prijaviti)
CustomsЦарине (Carine)
Departure timeВреме поласка (Vreme polaska)
FlightЛет (Let)
Flight stewardessСтјуардеса (Stjuardesa)
Immigrationимиграција (Imigracija)
PassportПасош (Pasoš)
PilotПилот (Pilot)
TerminalТерминал (Terminal)
VisaВиса (Visa)


Useful Phrases That You Can Use At The Airport!

Done learning a word or two? Then these Serbian phrases might be of help to you too!

Can I please have the window seat?-Могу ли добити седиште до прозора? (Mogu li dobiti sedište do prozora?)
How much luggage can I check in?Колико пртљага могу да пријавим? (Koliko prtljaga mogu da prijavim?)
Is this a non smoking flight?-Да ли је ово лет за непушаче? (Da li je ovo let za nepušače?)
I lost my passport, can you please help me?Изгубио сам пасош, можете ли ми помоћи? (Izgubio sam pasoš, možete li mi pomoći?)
I am a bit lost, please help me.Мало сам изгубљен, молим вас помозите ми. (Malo sam izgubljen, molim vas pomozite mi.)
Is my flight cancelled?Да ли је мој лет отказан? (Da li je moj let otkazan?)
This is a direct flight, right?Ово је директан лет, зар не? (Ovo je direktan let, zar ne?)
Where can I check in my luggage?Где могу да проверим свој пртљаг? (Gde mogu da proverim svoj prtljag?)
What time will the flight board?У које време ће се укрцати на лет? (U koje vreme će se ukrcati na let?)
Where is the nearest toilet?Где је најближи тоалет? (Gde je najbliži toalet?)
Where is the nearest exit?Где је најближи излаз? (Gde je najbliži izlaz?)
Why is my flight delayed?Зашто мој лет касни? (Zašto moj let kasni?)


Some Important Reminders For When You Are At The Airport!

Now that you already know the various words and phrases that will surely advance your Serbian vocabulary to the next level, as well as get to know the Serbian language a bit better, you should also know these safety measures to make your next flight more better!

Airport Vocabulary In Serbian

Always Check If You Have Your Passport And Tickets Ready

We cannot stress this enough, but don’t leave home without these two! Though it is uncommon to leave your tickets and passports, sometimes you might miss it because of how excited you are for the trip – and we definitely get you!

Know What Are The Things That Are Prohibited On Your Flight

Whether it is your charger or perfumes, oftentimes, there are things that are not allowed on your flight – make it a point to ask and check before packing! By doing this, you will surely save time, energy, and money too!

Go There Early!

If the place you are traveling to does not speak English, it is important that you give yourself enough time to get settled. Aside from that, by going early, you can also have a time allowance for when something does not go your way or if there are certain flight changes. It is definitely safer to go to your flights early than be sorry!

Though the Serbo Croatian language is notorious for being a very challenging language to learn, especially for the people that speak English, because of how this language uses the Cyrillic alphabet, it is definitely one of the languages that will open you to a different world of language learning! Good thing, the Ling App is here to make your experience better and easier!


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Airport Vocabulary In Serbian

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