3+ Dreamy Ways To Say Good Night In Slovenian

Good Night In Slovenian

Sleeping is one of the most rejuvenating human activities. It recharges out bodies and also feels absolutely fantastic.

Did you know that a good night’s sleep isn’t just about feeling rested, but also improves memory? And you’ll need that if you’re trying to learn a language. Let’s learn how to say good night in Slovenian, along with some useful Slovenian vocabulary.

Saying Good Night In Slovenian

The most basic way of wishing someone a good night in the Slovenian language is by saying lahko noč (lah-koh notch).

You can say this when someone’s going to bed, or simply as a goodbye as well.

You don’t need to add anything else, especially in a formal setting. But here are some other phrases that you can use at evenings and at night:

Good nightLahko nočLah-koh notch
Sweet dreamsSladke sanjeSlaad-keh sahn-ye
Sleep wellDobro spiDoh-bro spee
See you tomorrowSe vidimo jutriSeh vee-dee-moh yoo-tree
Good eveningDober večerDoh-ber veh-cher

You know how you can say in English: ”Good night, and don’t let the bed bugs bite”?

Slovenian also has a funny equivalent. It goes: Lahko noč in eno bolho za pomoč! It essentially translates to “Good night and one flea for help!”.

Sleeping girl

Nightlife In Slovenia

If you’re more of a night owl instead of going to sleep quickly, then you might not be so interested in learning how to say good night, but rather how to HAVE a good night.

Lucky for you, Slovenia has a relatively active nightlife, especially during summer. As soon as the sun goes down, you can hear bars setting up their business and musicians warming up as they get ready to rock your night! In fact, some of the festivals in Slovenia are even better during nighttime!

Some of the most incredible spots to experience the local nightlife is Metelkova City, which offers alternative clubs with diverse music genres and different art installations.

For a more laid-back evening, the riverside area along the Ljubljanica River is perfect for enjoying drinks at outdoor cafes or hopping between cozy wine bars. In other cities like Maribor, you can find a mix of trendy bars and clubs catering to both locals and tourists, creating a lively atmosphere well into the night.

If you aren’t fond of loud music or drinking in bars, you may visit a city on the seaside and unwind at a wine bar in a tranquil setting. These pubs have a live music playing, and the breeze adds to the relaxing ambiance. You can even enjoy delicious Slovenian food on a romantic night or just discover hole-in-the-wall restaurants that are yet to be seen by the public! Or you may embark on a boat excursion at dusk to enjoy the stunning Slovenian evening. Trust me. There is a lot to do at night in Slovenia.

How Do You Say Nighttime In Slovenian?

The word for nighttime in Slovenian is nočni čas, or you can also use the adverb ponoči (at night).

The word for night in Slovenian is noč, and the word for evening is večer.

Want to know how to say other times of day as well? This kind of vocabulary can always come handy if you’re planning activities in Slovenia. Below is a table that outlines these key times of day along with their Slovenian translations.

Do you find this kind of learning interesting? Let me suggest downloading the Ling app. There you’ll find easy ways to learn useful vocabulary and grow your knowledge of the Slovenian language every day!

SunriseSončni vzhod
Late morningDopoldne
SunsetSončni zahod
SunsetSončni zahod

Frequently Asked Questions About Learning Slovenian

What Are Common Slovenian Greetings?

Besides lahko noč, common Slovenian greetings are formal ones like dobro jutro (good morning), dober dan (good day), dober večer (good evening), and the informal živjo, or zdravo (hi).

What Are Common Phrases In Slovenian?

When you want to say thank you in Slovenian, you can use hvala or hvala lepa.

To say you’re welcome in Slovenian, you say prosim or ni za kaj.

When you want to ask how are you in Slovenian, you can say kako si? And to respond, you can say dobro (good) or super (great).

To say goodbye in Slovenian, you can use the formal nasvidenje (goodbye) or the informal adijo (bye).

All of these phrases are common and used in everyday conversations.

How Do You Introduce Yourself In Slovenian?

If you want to ask someone’s name in Slovenian, you can say kako ti je ime? To answer, you can say ime mi je and then say your name.

Waking up rested

Why Send A Good Night Message?

In general, sending good-night texts or saying sweet goodnight messages is meant to let your loved ones know that you’re thinking about them before bed. If you’re dating a Slovenian, don’t forget to text them lahko noč in sladke sanje, to make sure they go to bed with a huge smile on their face!

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