Your #1 Best Guide To Russian Sports Vocabulary!

Interested to learn Russian? Do so with Russian sports vocabulary! Not only are these terms a great way to get acquainted with Russian, but they are fun to learn!

Russian Sports Vocabulary: The Only Guide You Need

Knowing other languages is fun and rewarding, especially if you’re using the right resources and course materials. Whether you’re learning through blog posts like these, on the internet, or mobile applications, learning about languages has never been easier!

If you’re a beginner and looking for a sign to learn Russian, this is it. With these words, not only will you be able to learn more about how the language is spoken and used, but you will be able to immerse yourself in the beauty of the language. While Russian can be hard at first, all it takes is time and effort. After all, no language is impossible to learn!

That being said, let’s start learning some Russian sports vocabulary!

Figure skatingФигурное катание (Figurnoye kataniye)
TennisБольшой теннис (Bol’shoy tennis)
BasketballБаскетбол (Basketbol)
VolleyballВолейбол (Voleybol)
Football/SoccerФутбол (Futbol)/Футбольный (Futbol’nyy)
TennisБольшой теннис (Bol’shoy tennis)
Table tennisНастольный теннис (Nastol’nyy tennis)
BadmintonБадминтон (Badminton)
SwimmingПлавание (Plavaniye)
FencingФехтование (Fekhtovaniye)
RunningБег (Beg)
Track and fieldЛегкая атлетика (Legkaya atletika)
CyclingКататься на велосипеде (Katat’sya na velosipede)
GolfГольф (Gol’f)
HockeyХоккей (Khokkey)
RugbyРегби (Regbi)
KarateКаратэ (Karate)
Taekwondoтхэквондо (tkhekvondo)
JudoДзюдо (Dzyudo)
Chessшахматы (Shakhmaty)
SurfingСерфинг (Serfing)
ArcheryСтрельба из лука (Strel’ba iz luka)
WrestlingБорьба (Bor’ba)
TeamКоманда (Komanda)
SportsСпортивный (Sportivnyy)
GoalЦель (Tsel’)
PointТочка (Tochka)
ScoreСчет (Schet)
FoulГрязный (Gryaznyy)
MatchСоответствие (Sootvetstviye)
TimeoutТайм-аут (Taym-aut)

These are just some of the words that can get you kickstarted learning Russian. While these might be a bit overwhelming and foreign to read right now, it is important to remember that being proficient in a language takes time. You won’t become fluent overnight!

Also, unlike other languages, the resources to learn Russian are quite limited, so that makes the process of learning the language even harder!

Learn More Through These Russian Sentences!

What better way to remember these words than to read them in sentences, right? Not only will this help you retain the vocabulary better, but now you actually have some phrases that you can practice with locals!

Russian sports vocabulary

Whether you want to visit Russia, communicate better with your Russian partner, or just avoid miscommunication with Russians in general, these sentences can help you out!

The site gave a free course on the basics of football.Сайт дал бесплатный курс по основам футбола. (Sayt dal besplatnyy kurs po osnovam futbola.)

A lot of volleyball fans are determined not to accept defeat because they think the call from the referee was unfair.Многие любители волейбола полны решимости не смириться с поражением команды, потому что считают решение судьи несправедливым. (Mnogiye lyubiteli voleybola polny reshimosti ne smirit’sya s porazheniyem komandy, potomu chto schitayut resheniye sud’i nespravedlivym.)

My favorite sport is American football.Мой любимый вид спорта — американский футбол. (Moy lyubimyy vid sporta — amerikanskiy futbol.)

Most soccer players monitor their health so that they can play in the tournament better.Большинство футболистов следят за своим здоровьем, чтобы лучше выступить на турнире. (Bol’shinstvo futbolistov sledyat za svoim zdorov’yem, chtoby luchshe vystupit’ na turnire.)

Russian children are extremely interested in sports because most parents encourage them to take part in them.Российские дети безмерно интересуются спортом, потому что родители поощряют их заниматься им. (Rossiyskiye deti bezmerno interesuyutsya sportom, potomu chto roditeli pooshchryayut ikh zanimat’sya im.)

Since it is basketball season, there are a lot of advertisements on websites to promote the games.Поскольку сейчас баскетбольный сезон, на страницах и сайтах было много рекламы для продвижения игр. (Poskol’ku seychas basketbol’nyy sezon, na stranitsakh i saytakh bylo mnogo reklamy dlya prodvizheniya igr.)

What interests me about sports is how the athletes are very disciplined and committed to their sport.Что меня интересует в спорте, так это то, насколько спортсмены очень дисциплинированы и преданы своему делу. (Chto menya interesuyet v sporte, tak eto to, naskol’ko sportsmeny ochen’ distsiplinirovany i predany svoyemu delu.)

Russians can’t wait to see the performance of the hockey team this season.Россиянам не терпелось увидеть выступление хоккейной команды в этом сезоне. (Rossiyanam ne terpelos’ uvidet’ vystupleniye khokkeynoy komandy v etom sezone.)

Security is very strict when it comes to American football games.Безопасность очень строгая, когда дело доходит до игр в американский футбол. (Bezopasnost’ ochen’ strogaya, kogda delo dokhodit do igr v amerikanskiy futbol.)

These are just some of the sentences that can help you learn Russian better. Not only that, but maybe these vocabulary words have now convinced you to learn Russian!

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