#1 Best Guide To Job Titles In Russian You Need To Know

Do you want to learn Russian? These job titles in Russian are definitely the way to go! With these jobs translated into Russian words, you can increase your knowledge of the Russian workforce and learn new vocabulary while you’re at it!

Is The Russian Language Hard To Learn?

Notorious for being one of the hardest languages to learn and speak, this language often intimidates a lot of new language learners. However, it’s important to remember that it will only get easier after you take the first step!

job titles in russian

Like all other languages, learning new words, phrases, and pronunciation patterns can be challenging. But, with the right resources and practice, you can make progress, no matter the difficulty of the language!

Studying Russian can help you build and forge new relationships that you never dreamed and make life a lot easier if you’re considering living in Russia in the future!

Job Titles In Russian: Start Learning

It’s time to learn job titles in Russian! Who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself working in one of these positions at some point?!

BusinessmanБизнесмен (Biznesmen)
BusinesswomanБизнес-леди (Biznes-ledi)
Salesmanпродавец (Prodavets)
Salesladyпродавщица (Prodavshchitsa)
SecretaryСекретарь (Sekretar’)
JournalistЖурналистка (Zhurnalistka)
FarmerФермер (Fermer)
NurseМедсестра (Medsestra)
EngineerИнженер (Inzhener)
ManagerУправляющий делами (Upravlyayushchiy delami)
DoctorДоктор (Doktor)
DentistДантист (Dantist)
TeacherУчитель (Uchitel’)
Police officerПолицейский (Politseyskiy)
LawyerЮрист (Yurist)
ChemistХимик (Khimik)
BiologistБиолог (Biolog)
Communication ManagerМенеджер по коммуникациям (Menedzher po kommunikatsiyam)
Data SpecialistСпециалист по данным (Spetsialist po dannym)
IT SpecialistКомпьютерщик (Komp’yutershchik)
CarpenterПлотник (Plotnik)
FirefighterПожарный (Pozharnyy)
VeterinarianВетеринар (Veterinar)
Chemical engineerИнженер-химик (Inzhener-khimik)
Mechanical engineerИнженер-механик (Inzhener-mekhanik)
WriterПисатель (Pisatel’)
ArtistХудожник (Khudozhnik)

These are just some of the hundreds of careers translated to Russian. While it might seem overwhelming now, it’s important to know that as you study more Russian, the language will become easier to grasp and remember!

Learn More Russian Through These Sentences!

We’re not done just yet! By knowing these sentences in Russian, you can learn extra vocabulary and see how the Russian sentence structure works.

As a doctor, treating patients isn’t just something that I love, but it’s my responsibility.Как врач, лечить пациентов — это не только то, что я люблю, но и моя обязанность. (Kak vrach, lechit’ patsiyentov — eto ne tol’ko to, chto ya lyublyu, no i moya obyazannost’.)

The office that I have as a journalist is big enough for me to feel comfortable.Офис, который у меня есть как у журналиста, достаточно большой, чтобы мне было комфортно. (Ofis, kotoryy u menya yest’ kak u zhurnalista, dostatochno bol’shoy, chtoby mne bylo komfortno.)

As a teacher, I make sure that I don’t just teach subjects effectively, but I teach valuable life lessons.Я слежу за тем, чтобы не только эффективно преподавать предметы как учитель, но и получать ценные жизненные уроки. (YA slezhu za tem, chtoby ne tol’ko effektivno prepodavat’ predmety kak uchitel’, no i poluchat’ tsennyye zhiznennyye uroki.)

Although being a secretary is hard, it pays very well.Хотя быть секретарем тяжело, за это очень хорошо платят. (Khotya byt’ sekretarem tyazhelo, za eto ochen’ khorosho platyat.)

Working as an engineer has made me realize how important rest is in order to function well.Работа инженером помогла мне понять, насколько важен отдых для нормального функционирования. (Rabota inzhenerom pomogla mne ponyat’, naskol’ko vazhen otdykh dlya normal’nogo funktsionirovaniya.)

I was offered the manager position months ago because of my outstanding performance.Мне предложили должность менеджера всего несколько месяцев назад из-за моей выдающейся работы. (Mne predlozhili dolzhnost’ menedzhera vsego neskol’ko mesyatsev nazad iz-za moyey vydayushcheysya raboty.)

The most challenging part of being a business manager is not being able to have time for family and friends.Самое сложное в работе бизнес-менеджера — это отсутствие времени на семью и друзей. (Samoye slozhnoye v rabote biznes-menedzhera — eto otsutstviye vremeni na sem’yu i druzey.)

Being a lawyer might be tiring, but it is a very fulfilling job at the end of the day.Быть юристом может быть утомительно, но в конце концов это очень полезная работа. (Byt’ yuristom mozhet byt’ utomitel’no, no v kontse kontsov eto ochen’ poleznaya rabota.)

I love being an artist because of how it enables me to express myself.Мне нравится быть художником, потому что это позволяет мне создавать и выражать себя. (Mne nravitsya byt’ khudozhnikom, potomu chto eto pozvolyayet mne sozdavat’ i vyrazhat’ sebya.)

Learn With The Ling App Today!

Want to learn more Russian? Do it with the Ling App!

The Ling App is a language learning app that doesn’t just make learning languages a fun experience, but it’s actually designed to make the learning process easier!

Equipped with interactive lessons, engaging quizzes, and intensive grammar tips, the lessons are easy to understand and retain! The app is also convenient to use! No matter where you are or when you want to learn, you can do it anytime and anywhere with the Ling App.

Not to mention, the app offers lessons in over 60 languages! Whether you want to learn Estonian, Croatian, Tagalog, and so much more, there’s a high chance that Ling has it! With Ling, not only do you have access to high-quality lessons and fun activities, but you are opened up to a whole new world of language learning that is enjoyable and educational at the same time.

Download the Ling App today to get started on your language learning journey! счастливое обучение (schastlivoye obucheniye – happy learning in Russian)!

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