Easy List Of 9 Basic Polish Question Words

Are you considering traveling to Poland? Do you need to know the best way to learn Polish? Are you confused or overwhelmed about where to start?

Notice how this blog post opened with all questions? That’s because we’ll be talking about question words and, more specifically, question words in Polish! When it comes to language learning, it’s important to learn the basics first. That includes anything from greetings, essential verbs, numbers, transportation vocabulary, emergency phrases, and, finally, how to ask basic questions!

Polish Question Words To Memorize

To make things easy for you, here’s an essential list of the most important Polish question words to memorize!

  • Who – kto
  • What – co
  • When – kiedy
  • Where – gdzie
  • Why – czemu
  • Which – która
  • How – jak
  • How many – ile
  • What kind – jaka

Be sure to practice these words as well as listen to the audio recording. That way, your pronunciation will be perfect by the time you arrive in Poland!

Polish Questions To Ask Locals

However, it’s not enough to know these words by themselves. You should know how to incorporate them into sentences in order to form real questions. This can help you increase your Polish language skills and avoid miscommunication.

For example, in English, there’s quite a difference between asking “How much?” and “How much is this pair of pants?” The first question can be interpreted as rude because it’s too short and direct, so you need to add more details to make the question more polite.

Now, let’s learn some Polish questions that you can ask locals!

Can you help me?możesz mi pomóc?
Can you repeat that?możesz to powtórzyć?
Do you like me?lubisz mnie?
Do you like Poland?lubisz Polskę?
Do you love me?kochasz mnie?
Do you speak English?czy mówisz po angielsku?
How are you?jak się masz?
How old are you?Ile ty masz lat?
How did you learn Polish?jak nauczyłeś się polskiego?
How much is this?ile to kosztuje?
What did you say?co powiedziałeś?
What is this?co to jest?
What is your name?jak masz na imię?
What is your phone number?jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
When is your birthday?kiedy są twoje urodziny?
Where are you from?skąd jesteś?
Where do you live?gdzie mieszkasz?
Where do you work?gdzie pracujesz?
Where is the bathroom?gdzie jest łazienka?

There you have it! Those should be enough question words to get you through your trip to Poland!

Statements And Questions To Avoid In Poland

Now that we’ve talked about important Polish questions to know, let’s talk about some statements and questions to avoid when you’re in Poland!

Suggest Poland Is The Same As Russia Or Polish People Are Russian

You should definitely avoid this kind of statement at all costs. Due to the history between the two countries, Poland and Polish people don’t like being associated with Russian and Russians. There’s a major difference between the two, so make sure to educate yourself before your trip!

Alternatives to avoid include:

  • Isn’t Poland the same as Russia?
  • Aren’t Polish people also Russian?
  • Are Poland and Russia the same country?

Guess The Location Of Poland

If you’re traveling to Poland, you should know its precise location. Poland borders Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, Ukraine and Belarus to the east, and Lithuania and Russia to the northeast.

In case you didn’t know, yes, Poland is in Europe. You might be surprised how many people don’t know this, but it has to do with the fact that many people think Poland is part of Russia.

Claim That Other Nationalities Can Drink More

Yep, many Polish people don’t like to be challenged about drinking because they already think they are the champions!

Outside of Poland, there is still confusion as to whether vodka originated in Russia or Poland as early as the 8th or 9th century. But, if you’re ever in Poland, make sure you “remember” that vodka is from Poland and that you love the taste!

Learning Polish Made Fun With The Ling App!

polish question words

Who knew language learning could be so fun? If you want to learn even more useful vocabulary and phrases, try out the Ling App!

The Ling App is an application specifically designed to teach you a new language as easily and effectively as possible. Some key features of the app include comprehensive yet engaging lessons in over 60 languages, relevant words and phrases that can be used in daily life, grammar tips and tricks, exercises to help you practice your writing skills, and an interactive AI chatbot to give you feedback on your pronunciation. There are actually so many unique features on the app, but we want to leave that for you to discover on your own!

Apart from language content, many users have also praised Ling for its easy-to-navigate interface, clear audio recordings, and quick in-app response time. With such a smooth interface, this means people can learn with Ling easily and with minimal interruptions.

Even better, Ling is available in both the App Store and Play Store. So, no matter what device you have, you can experience the magic of the Ling App!

But, don’t just take our word for it; be sure to download the Ling App today to start your language learning journey! ciesz się nauką polskiego (Polish for “Enjoy learning Polish”)!

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