Learn About 3 Thrilling Sports In Mongolian

Major Sports in Mongolian Ling

Sports have been an integral part of Mongolian culture for centuries. From the galloping horses of horse racing to the grappling fighters of Bokh wrestling, Mongolians have been participating in athletic activities for leisure and competition purposes. Join us as we delve into the thrilling world of sports in Mongolia and discover why it continues to be a cherished part of the nation’s cultural identity.

Sports or спорт (sport) are not just a way to pass the time but rather a celebration of the nomadic lifestyle, horsemanship skills, and the strength and endurance of the people. Here are 3+ major sports you should know about if you are learning Mongolian culture.

Sports In Mongolian

Horse Racing

Horse racing, or Хурдан морины уралдаан (Khurdan moriny uraldaan), is one of the most popular sports in Mongolia and dates back to the time of Genghis Khan. It remains to be a cherished part of the country’s cultural heritage. During the Naadam Festival, the national holiday celebrated every year in July, horse racing takes center stage as riders race against each other to see who is the fastest and most skilled.


Wrestling, known as Бөх (bökh), is one of the most popular sports in Mongolia and is considered a manly sport among Mongolian athletes. This form of folk wrestling has a rich history in Mongolian culture and has been passed down from generation to generation.

Бөх (bökh) tournaments are a staple of the Naadam Festival, a national holiday celebrated every year in July, where professional wrestlers from all over Mongolia gather to compete for prestige and glory.

Бөх (bökh) has also made its mark on Olympic history, with Mongolian wrestlers earning Olympic medals and a silver medal in the 2022 Asian Wrestling Championships. Wrestling is popular in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, where it continues to be an essential part of the region’s cultural heritage.

Sport in Mongolia is an essential part of the country’s history, and Бөх (bökh) wrestling is no exception, as it showcases the strength, endurance, and skills of Mongolian athletes.


Archery Байт харваа (Bait kharvaa) has been enjoyed by Mongolians for centuries and was a crucial skill for the Mongolian army during their conquests. Today, archery remains a popular pastime for many, with competitions occurring during the Naadam Festival. Participants aim to shoot arrows at targets from horseback, displaying their horsemanship skills and accuracy.

Modern Sports In Mongolia

In addition to these traditional sports, modern sports such as football (soccer) which is хөлбөмбөг (khölbömbög), basketball which is сагсан бөмбөг (sagsan bömbög), and ice hockey which is мөсөн хоккей (mösön khokkyei) are gaining popularity in Mongolia. The country also has a thriving national football league, and the Mongolian national team has been competing in international competitions, bringing a new level of excitement to the country’s sports scene.

Words For Sports In Mongolian

Words For Sports In Mongolian Ling
Air SportsАгаарын СпортAgaaryn Sport
AthleticsХөнгөн АтлетикKhöngön Atlyetik
Ball SportsБөмбөгний СпортBömbögnii Sport
Board SportsУдирдах Зөвлөлийн СпортUdirdakh Zövlöliin Sport
Combat SportsБайлдааны СпортBaildaany Sport
Cycle SportsДугуйн СпортDuguin Sport
Ice SportsМөсөн СпортMösön Sport
Indoor SportsТасалгааны СпортTasalgaany Sport
Mind SportsОюун Санааны СпортOyuun Sanaany Sport
Racket SportsРакет СпортRakyet Sport
Strength SportsХүчний СпортKhüchnii Sport
Target SportsЗорилтот СпортZoriltot Sport
Water SportsУсан СпортUsan Sport

Board Sports

Board Sports Ling
All-Terrain WindsurfingБүх Газрын Салхин СерфингBükh Gazryn Salkhin Syerfing
KneeboardingӨвдөгний УралдахÖvdögnii Uraldakh
MountainboardingУуланд ГулгахUuland Gulgakh
SurfingСерфинг ХийхSyerfing Khiikh

Athletic Sports

Athletic Sports Ling
ArcheryБайт ХарвааBait Kharvaa
High JumpӨндөр ҮсрэлтÖndör Üsrelt
Javelin ThrowЖад ШидэлтJad Shidelt
Pole VaultТулгууртай ХарайлтTulguurtai Kharailt
SwimmingУсанд СэлэхUsand Selekh
WrestlingБөхийн БарилдаанBökhiin Barildaan

Water Sports

Water Sports Ling
Barefoot Water-SkiingХөл Нүцгэн Усан Цанаар ГулгахKhöl Nütsgen Usan Tsanaar Gulgakh
Horse SurfingМорин СерфингMorin Syerfing
Jet BoatingТийрэлтэт Усан ОнгоцTiireltet Usan Ongots
Scuba DivingУсанд ШумбахUsand Shumbakh
Sea WalkingДалайн АлхахDalain Alkhakh
Sub-Wing DivingДалайн ШумбахDalain Shumbakh
Underwater HockeyУсан Доорх ХоккейUsan Doorkh Khokkyei
Wake-SkatingСэрэх ТэшүүрSerekh Teshüür

Air Sports

Air Sports Ling
AeromodellingНисэх ЗагварчлалNisekh Zagvarchlal
Air RacingАгаарын УралдаанAgaaryn Uraldaan
BallooningБөмбөлөг ХөөргөхBömbölög Khöörgökh
BodyflightБиеийн НислэгBiyeiin Nisleg
Drone RacingДрон УралдаанDron Uraldaan
High DivingӨндөр ШумбалтÖndör Shumbalt
Kite FightingЦаасан Шувууны ТулаанTsaasan Shuvuuny Tulaan
Powered ParaglidingХөдөлгөөнт ПараглайдKhödölgöönt Paraglaid
Rally FlyingРалли НисдэгRalli Nisdeg
Ultralight AviationХэт Хөнгөн Нисэх ОнгоцKhet Khöngön Nisekh Ongots

Target Sports

Target Sports Ling
ArcheryБайт ХарвааBait Kharvaa
Five Pin BowlingТаван Зүү БоулингTavan Züü Bouling
HuntingАн АгнуурAn Agnuur
Knife ThrowingХутга ШидэхKhutga Shidekh
Lawn BowlingЗүлгэн БоулингZülgen Bouling
Miniature GolfБяцхан ГольфByatskhan Golif


Gymnastics Ling
Acrobatic GymnasticsАкробатын ГимнастикAkrobatyn Gimnastik
Aerobic GymnasticsАэробик ГимнастикAerobik Gimnastik
Artistic GymnasticsУран Сайхны ГимнастикUran Saikhny Gimnastik
Rhythmic GymnasticsУран Сайхны ГимнастикUran Saikhny Gimnastik
Useful Sentences Ling

Useful Sentences

Want to interact with the locals better? Use these Mongolian sentences to make it easier.

Gymnastics and athletics are two different sports.Гимнастик ба хөнгөн атлетик бол хоёр өөр спорт юм.Gimnastik ba khöngön atlyetik bol khoyor öör sport yum.
Board sports have seen a decline in popularity.Удирдах зөвлөлийн спортын нэр хүнд буурчээ.Udirdakh zövlöliin sportyn ner khünd buurchee.
Have you tried your hand at air sports yet?Та агаарын спортоор хичээллэж амжаагүй юу?Ta agaaryn sportoor khicheellej amjaagüi yuu?
Ball sports are a mystery to me.Бөмбөгний спорт бол миний хувьд нууцлаг зүйл юм.Bömbögnii sport bol minii khuvid nuutslag züil yum.
Watching athletics brings me joy.Хөнгөн атлетик үзэх нь надад баяр баясгаланг авчирдаг.Khöngön atlyetik üzekh ni nadad bayar bayasgalang avchirdag.
Target sports can improve your focus.Зорилтот спорт нь таны анхаарлыг сайжруулж чадна.Zoriltot sport ni tany ankhaarlyg saijruulj chadna.
Water sports provide a sense of calm and increase flexibility.Усан спорт нь тайван байдлыг өгч, уян хатан байдлыг нэмэгдүүлдэг.Usan sport ni taivan baidlyg ögch, uyan khatan baidlyg nemegdüüldeg.
Strength sports are great for building muscle.Хүчний спорт нь булчин барихад маш сайн.Khüchnii sport ni bulchin barikhad mash sain.

Wrapping Up

Learn Mongolian With Ling App- CTA

These sports continue to bring people together, celebrate the country’s rich cultural heritage, and showcase the Mongolian people’s strength, endurance, and skills. If you want to learn more about Mongolian culture and language, check out Ling, as it has the best features to help you learn 60+ languages. Download the Ling today from Google Play Store or App Store and start your journey to fluency in Mongolian!

Enjoyed this post? Also, check out our guide for Mongolian phrases and shopping vocabulary.

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