10+ Useful Mongolian Phrases: Your Complete Guide

Mongolian Phrases

If learning about Mongolian phrases interests you, then you have come to the right place. The Ling app is here to help you speak Mongolian! In this post, you will learn about a couple of basic Mongolian phrases that can be used when you travel to the country and when interacting with native speakers.

To truly help you communicate, we also added some pronunciation guides. If you are ready for that, then let’s learn now!

Mongolian Phrases Culture

What Is Mongolia’s Culture?

Mongolia is a country that is situated between Russia and China. It is a hotspot of Shamanistic and Buddhist beliefs. Influenced by Nomadic practices, this country is culturally diverse and historically rich.

Most of this country’s population is still rooted in its traditional lifestyle and clings to the simple way of life. It is actually divided into two regions – inner Mongolia and the outer region, which is known as Mongolia.

In the outer areas of the country, the Mongolian government practices democracy and is considered a “free country.” Inner Mongolia, in which the traditional Mongolian script is used more often, is considered to be an autonomous region and is a part of China. However, no matter which region, the Mongols are very hospitable, genuine, and really warm-hearted.

With Nomadic influences, this makes Mongolia the perfect place for interesting customs, a culturally diverse heritage, and a rich history, this place is the perfect one for you and your wanderlust!

Is It Hard To Learn Mongolian?

Yes, the rumors are true. The Mongolian language is one of the hardest languages to learn.

This isn’t just because the Mongolian script is a challenge to learn and understand, but it is also because of how the language is spoken. For English speakers, in order to speak the Mongolian Language as well as its Mongolian phrases fluently, it needs so much time to get used to it as well as the patience to really learn it.

Grammatically, it is also a bit complex since the structure of these sentences is not the same as the English language. Don’t let these scare you! We will learn more as we go on. For now, let us learn about phrases in Mongolian in order to immerse you and give you a brief glimpse of what it is like

Currently, the language uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

This alphabet is used by most Eurasian countries. Furthermore, this was mainly rooted in the Greek language and has evolved ever since. The script might be confusing and challenging, all it takes is a few minutes of your day, and you are already set in knowing a new language.

If you want to learn more about these, read on!

Useful Mongolian Phrases

Useful Mongolian Phrases: Your Complete Guide

Below are a couple of phrases that you can learn instantly in order to sharpen your vocabulary!

From knowing what “Sain! baina uu? (Сайн байна уу?)” and “Ödriin mend (Өдрийн мэнд)” means, there’s a lot to learn about this fantastic language! Read on to find out more!

HelloSain uu (Сайн уу)
Good morningÖglöönii mend (Өглөөний Мэнд)
Good afternoonÖdriin mend (Өдрийн мэнд)
Good eveningOroin mend (Оройн мэнд)
GoodbyeBayartai (Баяртай)
Hello! How are you?Sain! baina uu? (Сайн байна уу?)
I’m good, thank youBi saĭn, bayarlalaa. (би сайн, баярлалаа)
I’m from….Bi …ees irsen (Би …ээс ирсэн)
What is your name?Tanii ner khen be? (Таны нэр хэн бэ?)
My name is….Minii neriig…. (Миний нэрийг)
See you laterDaraa uulzii (Дараа уулзъя.)
What is this?Enu yu ve? (Энэ юу вэ?)
I don’t understandBi oilgokhgui baina (Би ойлгохгүй байна)
I understandBi oilgoj baina (Би ойлгой байна)
Good luck!Amjilt husey (Амжилт хүсье)
I’m sorryUuchlaarai (Уучлаарай)
Thank youBayarlalaa (Баярлалаа)
You’re welcomeZugair zugair (Зүгээр зүгээр)
Please speak a little slowerIluu udaan yarina uu (Илүү удаан ярина уу)
I am lostBi toorchihloo ( Би төөрчихлөө. )
How much is this?En hed ve (Энэ хэд вэ?)
PleaseGuij baina (Гуйж байна.)
Pleased to meet youTantai uulzsandaa bayartai baina (Тантай уулзсандаа баяртай байна)
I’m sickBi uvchtei baina ( Би өвчтэй байна. )
Mongolian Phrases How Do Mongolians Greet

How Do Mongolians Greet?

You don’t want to miss these tips! It comes in handy when you travel to Mongolia in the future.

Most people in Mongolia practice Zolgokh. It is a traditional way of greeting someone formally. This is done through two people holding both their arms out, while the younger person’s arms are placed underneath, the older person’s arms and then grasping the elderly’s elbows. This is a way of showing support for the elderly. After that, the two people then touch each other’s cheeks and greet each other. To be polite is one of the things that they look out for, so take note of this!

Aside from its picturesque views and landscapes, its beautiful festivals, and even people, one should still be able to know the ropes in the country that he or she is visiting.

A few of the things that are considered to be rude for them are refusing the drink or food that is offered as well as rolling up your sleeves inside someone’s house. For the latter, it is usually interpreted as an invitation for a fight. Remember to keep these in mind!

Introducing Yourself In Mongolian

Now that you know the basics and the Mongolian phrases, it’s time to use these to the test!

Although there are numerous ways you can start practicing Zolgokh if you are meeting with someone close to you who is elderly. If it is your boss or someone that you just met, shaking hands will do the job.

Afterward, you can start by greeting them by saying hello. Other than that, you can also say “Öglöönii mend” if it is in the morning, but if it is not, you can proceed to say a greeting that is in accordance with the time and situation. You can refer to the table above!

Speak Mongolian Now With The Ling App!

If you are interested and want to be able to speak languages other than Mongolian or your native one, then the Ling app is a solid resource to try out.

The Ling app is here to help you! From a variety of languages that you can choose from and activities that are tailored to you and your language needs, this platform is the best out there!

Not only is the Ling app convenient, but it is very easy to use as well! Not only can you learn about the Mongolian language and Mongolian phrases, but you can also learn about Thai, Filipino, and even Russian! There are so many languages that you can choose from.

Learning the Mongolian language might be your goal now, but you never know what’s next language you want to learn next. Good thing the Ling app is easy to download on the Play Store or App Store!

If you are interested in speaking the Mongolian language and know what to say besides “Guij Baina” or “Minii neriig,” then you definitely have to check the Ling app now! It is language learning made easy.

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