40+ Basic Malayalam Words And Phrases: An Easy Guide

Basic Malayalam Words and Phrases-ling app

Learn basic Malayalam words and phrases with the Ling App, designed to make language learning as simple as possible. Also, it uses a variety of interactive learning methods and mini-games to make learning workable and enjoyable.

Malayalam is a Dravidian language family member belonging to the South Dravidian subgroup. Over 35 million people speak the language in the early twenty-first century. Malayalam is primarily spoken in India, where it is the official language of Kerala and Lakshadweep, both of which are union territories. However, in some areas of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, multilingual people also speak it. 

Basic Malayalam Words And Phrases

Are you interested in the culture of the Kerala people? Malayalam is the native language of Kerala, a state in India with a significant population. If you plan to visit Kerala or interact with Malayalam speakers, knowing basic words and phrases will enable you to communicate more effectively and build connections with the locals. And let’s not forget about the beauty of Kerala! It is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning backwaters, beautiful beaches, and vibrant festivals. Knowing basic Malayalam words and phrases can make your travel experience more convenient, as you’ll be able to navigate through the local areas, order food, ask for directions, and engage in basic conversations with ease.

Overall, learning basic Malayalam words and phrases not only encourages language learners to push beyond their language interests. It also deepens cultural understanding, boosts personal growth, enhances travel experiences, and expands career possibilities.

Here are some introductions in Mayalam to start learning!

Introductions In Malayalam

EnglishPronunciationMalayalam Script
Good morningsuprabhātaṁസുപ്രഭാതം
Thank younandiനന്ദി
Good nightśubha rātriശുഭ രാത്രി
How are you?sukhamāṇēā?സുഖമാണോ?
I am fineenikk sukhamāṇഎനിക്ക് സുഖമാണ്
What is your name?ninṟe pērentāṇ?നിന്റെ പേരെന്താണ്?
My name is…enṟe pērഎന്റെ പേര്
Thanks a lotottiri nandiഒത്തിരി നന്ദി
I am…ñān…ഞാൻ…
Where is this?it eviṭeyāṇ?  ഇത് എവിടെയാണ്?
Glad to meet youniṅṅaḷe kaṇṭatil santēāṣaṁനിങ്ങളെ കണ്ടതിൽ സന്തോഷം

Important Malayalam Short Dialogues

Excited to learn more Malayalam? Let’s keep going! The following short dialogues will save you time in learning the Malayalam language conveniently.

I am hungryenikk viśakkunnuഎനിക്ക് വിശക്കുന്നു
How much is this?it etramātramāṇ?ഇത് എത്രമാത്രമാണ്?
Where are you going?niṅṅaḷ eviṭe pēākunnu?നിങ്ങൾ എവിടെ പോകുന്നു?
I am lost!ñān naṣṭappeṭṭu!ഞാൻ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടു!
I do not understandenikk manas’silākunnillaഎനിക്ക് മനസ്സിലാകുന്നില്ല
Let’s gonamukk pēākāṁനമുക്ക് പോകാം
Can u help me?niṅṅaḷkk enne sahāyikkāmēā?നിങ്ങൾക്ക് എന്നെ സഹായിക്കാമോ?
Sit downirikkukaഇരിക്കുക
Come inakattēykk varūഅകത്തേയ്ക്ക് വരൂ

Other Malayalam Basic Words And Sentences

To make your challenges even more convenient for you to accomplish, we have compiled some more phrases. These will play a vital role in learning Malayalam quickly. These words and sentences are as follows.

Go backmaṭaṅṅippēāvukaമടങ്ങിപ്പോവുക
I want to get down hereenikk iviṭe iṟaṅṅaṇaṁഎനിക്ക് ഇവിടെ ഇറങ്ങണം
Go forward.munnēāṭṭ pēākuka.മുന്നോട്ട് പോകുക.
Go straightnēre pēākukaനേരെ പോകുക
Next stopaṭutta sṟṟēāppഅടുത്ത സ്റ്റോപ്പ്
Where can I hire a taxi?enikk eviṭe ninn oru ṭāksi vāṭakaykkeṭukkān kaḻiyuṁ?എനിക്ക് എവിടെ നിന്ന് ഒരു ടാക്സി വാടകയ്ക്കെടുക്കാൻ കഴിയും?
I have no money.enikk paṇamilla.എനിക്ക് പണമില്ല.
Where does this road go?ī ṟēāḍ eṅṅēāṭṭāṇ pēākunnat?ഈ റോഡ് എങ്ങോട്ടാണ് പോകുന്നത്?
When do you go back?niṅṅaḷ eppēāḻāṇ tirike pēākunnat?നിങ്ങൾ എപ്പോഴാണ് തിരികെ പോകുന്നത്?
Don’t speak so fast?itra vēgattil sansārikkillē?ഇത്ര വേഗത്തിൽ സംസാരിക്കില്ലേ?
This gentleman will pay for everythingī mān’yan ellāttinuṁ paṇaṁ nalkuṁഈ മാന്യൻ എല്ലാത്തിനും പണം നൽകും
Come back again?vīṇṭuṁ varika?വീണ്ടും വരിക?
Would you like to dance with me?ennēāṭeāppaṁ nr̥ttaṁ ceyyān niṅṅaḷ āgrahikkunnuṇṭēā?എന്നോടൊപ്പം നൃത്തം ചെയ്യാൻ നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ?
This lady will pay for everythingī strī ellāttinuṁ paṇaṁ nalkuṁഈ സ്ത്രീ എല്ലാത്തിനും പണം നൽകും
Leave me alone!enne oṟṟaykk viṭuka!എന്നെ ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് വിടുക!
Get well soonvēgaṁ sukhaṁ ākaṭṭeവേഗം സുഖം ആകട്ടെ

About The Malayalam Language

Kerala’s official language is Malayalam, but it is also home to a variety of other languages. There are five primary varieties of this language spoken in Kerala, and 90 percent of Keralites say it. The other languages spoken are English and Tamil. Kerala places a high value on education, and practically everyone speaks English. If you know any of these languages, communicating with the natives will be simple.

Malayalam Grammar

Malayalam, like other Dravidian languages, is agglutinative. It means that it forms words and expresses grammatical functions by adding suffixes one after another. However, in Malayalam, there is no ultimate limit to the length and scope of agglutination, which can lead to extremely long words.

Malayalam Vocabulary

There are many languages from which this language has acquired words. Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Urdu, Dutch, and English are among these languages. Sanskrit, Urdu, and Tamil give most vocabulary borrowings.

In addition, new words are formed through compounding and reduplication. That’s why compound nouns are very common. Also, a lot of onomatopoeic terms are there are duplicated.

Difficulty Level Of Malayalam

Malayalam is a complicated language to learn, owing to its long words and occasionally tricky pronunciation. However, don’t let this discourage you from mastering this musical language. After all, there isn’t a single language that isn’t difficult to learn. However, learning Malayalam becomes less of a challenge when you concentrate on your accomplishments rather than your difficulties.

It’s more important to stay motivated when learning a language than to pick an “easier” language. So, divide down your Malayalam learning and congratulate yourself on your accomplishments. Moreover, keep in mind that it makes no difference how long it takes you to learn Malayalam. All that matters is that you’re making progress toward your objectives.

Malayalam Dialects

According to Ethnologue, the Malayalam dialects are Nagari-Malayalam, Malabar, North Kerala, Pulaya, Central Kerala, Namboodiri, South Kerala, Kayavar, Nair, Mappila, Kasargod, and Nasrani. The community dialects are Arabi Malayalam, Namboodiri, Nasrani, Pulaya, and Nair.

Formal Vs. Informal Malayalam

There are two basic styles of Malayalam: formal and informal. In radio and television broadcasts, and public speaking, the formal style is used, while the informal one is spoken with relatives, friends, or children. 

 If you want to learn Malayalam, then knowledge of some primary words is necessary. However, learning another language might not seem as easy as it looks. Use the Ling app to master the Malayalam language. Following are some essential Malayalam words and phrases that will help you out in learning the language.

Learn Malayalam Language And Speak Like A Native

It was an elementary guide to the Malayalam language. I hope you can now understand some Malayalam basic words and phrases. Further, if you want to explore more about this language more, join one of the best and most feasible language-learning apps, such as the Ling app. It will help you to learn the Malayalam language or 60+ other languages with fun and ease.

Download the Ling app from the App Store or Google Play. Check it out now!

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