Ask How Are You In Latvian: 15 Amazing Ways

How Are You In Latvian

Knowing how to say How are you in Latvian is highly useful if you are in Latvia. Of course, this is because saying How are you is the most typical way to start a conversation.

“How are you?” is a question that goes beyond greetings. It is a way of showing the other person that you care about them. Whenever you ask someone, Kā jums klājas? (frm) or how are you? They immediately feel cared for. So, learn the basic greeting phrases with the Ling app and make a good impression on the people you meet. 

Latvian (Latviski) is one of the Balto-Slavic languages. Latvian is the native and official language of Latvia. So, if you are visiting Latvia and meeting your Latvian friend, you must greet them, asking, “How are you?”

Exploring Latvian Meeting And Greeting Culture

The customary welcome in Latvia is a swift, hard handshake accompanied with a direct gaze. It is not a universal sign of closeness, but some Latvians do deliver a quick peck on the cheek while meeting a close friend or family member. Respect is also signaled through a person’s title.

In addition, the honorific titles “kungs” for men and “kundze” for women are sometimes added to a person’s first and last name while making an introduction. Do not address someone by their first name until permitted to do so.

What Are The Different Ways To Ask How Are You In Latvian?

Formal Ways To Ask How Are You In Latvian

Some formal phrases in Latvian include “Have you spent your time well?” “labi pavadīji laiku?” and “Have you been well?” “vai tev ir bijis labi?” Some other examples are below.  

Have you spent your time well?Labi pavadīji laiku?
How have you been?Kā Tev ir gājis?
Have you been well?Vai tev ir bijis labi?
What have you been up to?Ar ko tu nodarbojies?
 Are you ok?Vai tev viss kārtībā?
Is everything fine?Vai viss kārtībā?
Is everything going well?Vai viss notiek labi?

Informal Ways To Ask How Are You In Latvian

Informal ways are also known as slang ways of greeting. These slang ways are not preferable when speaking to an older person. Therefore, if you want to say How are you in Latvian informally, consider the following examples. 

What’s up?Kas notiek?
Is there any here?Vai te kāds ir?
Long time no seeIlgi neesi redzēts
Are you alright?Tev viss labi?
How is everything?Kā iet?
Hey, hey man what’s up?čau, čau cilvēk, kas notiek?
How is it going?Kā iet?
How Are You In Latvian Standard Ways To Ask

Standard Ways To Ask How Are You In Latvian

A standard way of speaking is neither too formal nor too informal. You can use this method to keep yourself safe. For example, if you are a foreigner with some knowledge of Latvian culture, you can use the standard way to speak with someone.

Moreover, standard greetings are also preferable while speaking in a business meeting with a Latvian client. It is the most common means of greeting in business with international partners. For example, a phrase like “How are things going?” “kā iet?” is the standard means of asking How are you. 

How are you?Kā tev iet?
How is it going lately?Kā iet pēdējā laikā?
Have you been busy?Vai esi bijis aizņemts?
How are things going?Kā iet?

What Are The Basic Greetings In Latvian?

After meeting someone, the first thing you say before how are you in Latvian is “Good morning” “Labrīt.” It is the basic way of greeting people. The following are some examples.

Good morningLabrīt
Good afternoonLabdien
Good eveningLabvakar
Good nightAr labu nakti

Other Latvian Phrases To Use During Your Visit

Hey, how are you? I wanted to ask you some questions. We commonly start a conversation with “how are you?” to ask other questions. I have some bonus tips to help you boost your Latvian knowledge and ask locals like a pro!

I lost my walletEs pazaudēju savu maku
Is there anyone hereVai te ir kāds
That’s too expensiveTas ir pārāk dārgi.
What time is it?Cik ir pulkstenis?
Do you speak English?Vai jūs runājat angliski?
Do you have a safe?Vai jums ir seifs?
Am I under arrest?Vai es esmu arestēts
Do you have alcoholVai jums ir alkohols
 I don’t understandEs nesaprotu
Where there is a lot.Kur te ir daudz..
Does the room come withVai šajā istabā ir
Can I take a look?Vai es varu ieskatīties?
How much is this?Cik tas maksā?
Where are the toilets?Kur ir tualetes?
Where’s the toilet/bathroom?Kur ir tualete?
Take me there, pleaseAizvediet mani uz turieni
 I don’t eat beefEs neēdu liellopu gaļu 
Is it sold out? Tas ir izpārdots?
I lost my bagEs pazaudēju savu somu
Where is the police station?Kur ir policijas iecirknis?
Where is the ATM?Kur ir bankomāts
Do you accept credit cards?Vai Jūs pieņemat kredītkartes?
 I can’t speak Latvian [well].Es nemāku latviešu valodu [labi]

Want To Learn The Language Of Latvia? Try The Ling App

Asking someone How are you is an excellent conversation starter. However, your chat may go deeper, mainly if you haven’t seen each other in a long time. It is the reason you should learn more about the Latvian language and expand your vocabulary with the Ling app

Download the Ling app free of cost. It will provide you with language courses that use gamification to make learning languages more enjoyable. With native speakers’ audio recordings, you can learn the correct pronunciation of each word. 

Now is the time to begin your language learning journey. Learn the Latvian language with the Ling app. Read more Latvian articles on “Latvian words and phrases” and “Latvian transportation vocabulary.” Don’t waste any more time. Download the Ling app on the Play Store or App Store and start learning Latvian right away!

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