Learn 28 Valuable Lithuanian Vocabulary For Family To Learn

They say that family is a blessing that lasts. As we keep on discovering the world, we will realize that nobody will love us the way our family does. Every step of the way, there’ll be many changes. We will meet people who will come and go, but the family will always be our beginning and end.

So, in this blog, we will learn about different Lithuanian vocabulary for family (šeima). You will also discover how important the family is to Lithuanians. So, let’s widen your Lithuanian vocabulary by learning these words and phrases.

But, if you still want to know more about the Lithuanian language or any other languages, then look no further and check out the Ling app.

A Typical Lithuanian Family

Before we learn different Lithuanian vocabulary for family (šeima), let us learn about the family culture in Lithuania.

In Lithuania, the family is the center of social structure like any other culture. One of the big factors why Lithuanians prioritize family among all is their religion, the Roman Catholic. A typical Liithunian member of the family prioritizes their responsibilities first before anything else.

We still have a lot to learn about Lithuanian families. If you want to know more, please continue reading.


Nuclear Family

The first group of Lithuanian vocabulary for family that we will learn for free is all about the nuclear family (branduolinė šeima), which is the basis of the Lithuanian nation. The typical nuclear family (branduolinė šeima) today mostly consists of two parents and two children.

Now, let’s learn about the Lithuanian vocabulary for family related to the nuclear family (branduolinė šeima).

Parents (tėvai)

The parents’ responsibility in Lithuanian culture is the same as most of the cultures in the world. They are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. As a Catholic country, parents should mold their children based on the teaching of the Catholic faith, and their main goal in life is to be with God. So, here is some Lithuanian vocabulary for family related to parents.

1. Father (Tėvas)

The father (tėvas) is the head of the family. They should be the main provider and be considered as the pillar of the family. But, in this modern time, mothers also work to provide more income for the family.

2. Mother (Motina)

On the other hand, the mother (motina) is in charge of maintaining the order in the house. She is supposed to be a teacher to their children. In some cultures, the mother is usually the financial controller.

3. Husband (Vyras)

After discovering the Lithuanian words for parents, let’s discover how they call each other. The Lithuanian word vyras is how a married woman calls her spouse in the Lithuanian language.

4. Wife (Žmona)

On the other hand, a married man calls her spouse žmona or wife in English. There are many endearments that a husband calls to their wife or the other way around, but this is okay for starters.

Children (Vaikai; Berniukas)

The children’s main role is to be obedient to their parents. Children (Vaikai; Berniukas) are expected to pursue an education that will make their future better. Seeing the success of their children is what every Lithuanian parent and maybe most of the parents want.

1. Son (Sūnus)

A boy child is called sūnus in the Lithuanian language. When it comes to children, it’s not a big deal if it is a boy or a girl. But, a boy is taught to be a good man to other people because they will carry out a father’s responsibility someday.

2. Daughter (Dukra)

A girl child is called dukra in the Lithuanian language. A girl is taught to be fine and modest. One interesting fact that you’ll notice in Lithuania is that Lithuanian girls are extremely beautiful.

3. Brother (Brolis)

When we talk about siblings, Lithuanians say brolis if it is a boy.

4. Sister (Sesuo)

On the other hand, Lithuanians say sesuo if it is a girl sibling. Either way, no matter who is older, they are taught to protect and love each other at all costs.


Extended Family

Not only the nuclear family is important in a Lithuanian family. They also give importance to the extended family (išplėstinė šeima), which includes grandparents and other relatives. In Lithuania, families allot at least one day in a year or more to spend some time together or do a reunion. It is usually Christmas (Kalėdų) time when the family gathers together to celebrate Christmas eve.

Grandparents (Seneliai)

LithuanianEnglish Translation

Grandchildren (Anūkai)

LithuanianEnglish Translation

Relatives (Artimiesiems)

LithuanianEnglish Translation
Pusbrolis; PusseserėCousin
NephewSūnėnas; seserėnas
NieceDukterėčia; seserėčia


Step Family

In case of a death, divorce, or annulment, you might get a stepfamily. On televisions, stepfamilies do not really get along with each other, but, in real life, there are families who are able to make it work and live harmonious blood despite not being related by blood. So, here’s the Lithuanian vocabulary for family related to a stepfamily.

LithuanianEnglish Translation



When Lithuanians got married, they are not just marrying the person they want to be their spouses. You will also enter their family as your in-laws. Remember, having problems with in-laws is a common argument that married couples are having. So, try to win the heart of your in-laws to maintain a harmonious relationship with them. Let’s start with learning the Lithuanian vocabulary for family related to in-laws.

LithuanianEnglish Translation
uošvis; šešurasFather-in-law
aktorė; uošvėMother-in-law
svainis; dieverisBrother-in-law
krikšta tevaiGodparents


What’s Next To Learn?

After learning this Lithuanian vocabulary for family, you might be thinking about what’s next. Well, you start it very nicely because you already have a headstart in learning the Lithuanian language. If this blog interests you, then Ling App has a lot more to offer.

Today, especially this year 2021, almost everything can be accessed online through the use of technology, and learning the Lithuanian language is one of them. Vocabulary building, writing, speaking Lithuanian, and convenient learning, name it. Ling App can give it all to you.

So, do not waste any day of your life. Start learning Lithuanian through Ling App now!

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