13+ Easy Italian Transportation Words

Would you like to learn some easy Italian transportation words? Going to Italy can be an exciting experience, and it can be even more fun if you know some essential Italian words about the means of transport. If you have to take a train or a taxi by yourself or ask for directions, knowing useful words and basic expressions can save your day. Italians move around the county mainly using trains, metro, tram, and buses, and it would be better to learn words related to these first. Keep reading below!

Easy Italian Transportation Words

Italian Transportation Words

Are you planning to travel for the first time to Italy? Trust us when we say that the best set of words that you should memorize is related to transportation. Fortunately, the easiest words about transportation to learn are the ones that describe the means of transport. For example, your trip to Italy will be more leisurely if you can confidently move around, knowing you can express yourself well enough to get to your destination.

Here are the most common Italian transportation words to learn:

  1. La macchina (auto) – Car
  2. La barca – Boat
  3. La nave – Ship
  4. L’aeroplano – Airplane
  5. La bicicletta – Bicycle
  6. L’autobus – Bus
  7. Il treno – Train
  8. La metropolitana – Metro
  9. Il taxi – Taxi
  10. Il motorino – Moped
  11. Traghetto – Ferryboat
  12. Monopattino -Scooter
  13. Andare a piedi – To go on foot
  14. La barca a vela – Sailing boat
  15. I pattini – Skates
  16. Il furgone – Van
  17. L’elicottero – Helicopter
  18. Il camion – Truck
  19. Il tram – Tram
  20. Mezzi di trasporto – Means of transport

How Do Italians Move Around?

Italians have an excellent network of fast-speed trains and a network of inter-city trains. Even the smallest towns have a train station connecting them to the rest of the country. So if you visit Italy for a holiday, you can get virtually anywhere with a train.

If you wish to move inside a city, you can take advantage of an established bus network, and in the bigger cities such as Rome and Milan, there are several metro lines connecting the most critical parts of the town.

In addition, if you visit the most important touristic destinations such as Florence, Rome, and Venice, there are tones of transportation options available such as taxis, trains, buses, and even the Venetian “gondolas.”

If you need to buy a train ticket to a destination, you can use the following sentences:

  • Dove posso compare un biglietto del treno? – Where can I buy a train ticket?
  • Quanto costa un biglietto per (destination)? – How much does a ticket cost for (destination)?
  • Vorrei comprare un biglietto del treno per (destination) – I would like to buy a train ticket for (destination)

You may also need to know some common Italian phrases about a train station, such as:

  • Il treno è in ritardo di … – The train will be late by…
  • Qual’è la prossima fermata? – What’s the next stop?
  • Dov’è il binario (number)? – Where is the platform (number)?
  • Biglietto di andata e ritorno – Round-trip ticket
  • Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a (destination) – how long does it take to get to (destination)?

Useful Italian Words To Know If You Are Traveling By Bus

If you are learning Italian for your trip to Italy, you can’t miss the words necessary to take a bus.

Here are some Italian words to add to your vocabulary:

  • Mi Scusi, dov’è la fermata dell’autobus? – Excuse me, where is the bus stop?
  • Dove posso comprare un biglietto dell’autobus? – Where can I buy a bus ticket?
  • Quando parte il prossimo autobus? – When the next bus leaves?
  • A che ora passa l’autobus? – What time does the autobus run?
  • Qual è la prossima fermata? – What is the next stop?
  • È libero questo posto? – It this seat free?
  • Quanto costa il biglietto dell’autobus? – How much is the bus ticket
  • Ci si può andare con l’autobus? – Can you get there by bus?

Italian Words To Know If You Are Travelling By Airplane

If you are going to visit your friends in Italy, the chances are that you are taking a flight to go and to come back. Airports are full of shops and services for travelers. Therefore, it is good to know enough of the Italian language to order food in a restaurant and buy the necessary items for the travel while waiting for your flight.

Here are some basic Italian words and phrases to know:

  • Parla Inglese? – Do you speak English?
  • Quando parte il prossimo aereo per [destination]? – When does the next plane for [destination] leave?
  • Dov’è il negozio duty-free? – Where is the duty-free shop?
  • Good morning, vorrei cambiare il volo – Buongiorno, I would like to change the flight
  • L’aereo partirà in orario? – Is the plane due to leave on time?
  • Allacciate le cinture di sicurezza, grazie – Fasten your seat belts, please
  • Il conto per favore – The bill, please

Bonus Tips If You Wish To Travel To Italy

Italy is a “relaxed” country. So although you can expect flights to be pretty on time, you should know that trains and buses are not always on time. Fortunately, it is not always happening, but if you travel to the south of Italy, it is more common to have delays in transportation.

If you visit small towns, it is better to have a reserve of cash. Small shops do not always accept credit cards or electronic payments. But, there are plenty of ATMs to withdraw some money if necessary.

Ready To Learn Italian?

Do you want to learn additional languages? Or is speaking Italian your only goal? In this case, you can use Ling App by Simya Solutions. If you already know a foreign language and want to improve your level of knowledge, the Ling App can take you one step higher. It is a language learning application that will provide all the tools to learn Italian. In addition, it offers the possibility of learning 60+ languages from a mobile device or desktop.

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