10 Profound Croatian Quotes To Inspire Your Day

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How often do you come across a good quote or a piece of advice each day? It can be when you’re scrolling social media, watching your favorite show, or just chatting with friends without even knowing! These pieces of wisdom and cultural insight are all around us.

In Croatia, these mudre misli (wise thoughts) have woven their way into daily conversations over time. Keep reading to learn some amazing Croatian quotes, whether they’re famous lines or words of wisdom passed down through generations.

Croatian Quotes Said By Influential Croatians

The quotes below were things directly said by some influential Croatian people, which makes them especially relevant for those interested in Croatian language and culture.

  • Što ne boli nije život. Što ne prolazi nije sreća.

This is a quote by Ivo Andrić, a novelist born to Croatian parents. His quote translates to: ”What doesn’t hurt isn’t life. What doesn’t pass isn’t happiness.” He was saying that life is full of both joy and pain, and both are parts of being human. Pain makes life real, and happiness is special because it doesn’t last forever. We should embrace both the good and bad moments, as they’re all part of living.

  • Ja sam čovjek iz života, a moji protukandidati so iz knjige.

Milan Bandić, the long-time mayor of Zagreb, was known for his bold statements and man-of-the-people attitude. When he said: “I’m a man from life, and my opponents are from books,” he was throwing some serious shade! Basically, he was saying he gets stuff done, while the other guys are all theory and no actions. He loved to present himself as a hardworking underdog who understood everyday people. This quote? It’s classic him, relatable, a bit dramatic, and perfect for winning over voters who felt politicians were out of touch. Whether you agree or not, you have to admit that it’s a memorable one!

  • Neću umrijeti za domovinu. Ja za nju živim. I to dosta loše.

This quote translates to “I will not die for my homeland. I live for it. And quite poorly at that.” It was said by the Croatian journalist Miroslav Dolenec Dravski, who was known for his relatable, down-to-earth vibe. Instead of the usual heroic talk about sacrificing everything for your country, he’s poking fun at the daily grind of just trying to make it work. It’s the kind of quote that makes you smile and nod because, let’s face it, living for something every day can be way harder (and less glamorous) than making a big dramatic sacrifice.

  • Ne treba se nikada plašiti onoga što o vama govore, mnogo je opasnije ono što o vama misle.

This quote means: “You should never fear what people say about you; what they think is far more dangerous.” It’s from the Croatian poet Antun Gustav Matoš. He gets right to the point: it’s not the gossip you hear that matters, but the silent judgments people keep to themselves. Matoš, who was a key figure in Croatian literature, also had a knack for calling out the subtleties of human behavior, and this quote is a sharp reminder of how powerful unspoken thoughts can be.

A book, a lightbulb, and a pair of glasses, representing being inspired by Croatian quotes

Croatian Quotes For Life And Growth

Some of the quotes below are pretty straightforward, but some carry symbolic meaning that doesn’t translate smoothly into English. We’ll explain each one so it’ll be easier for you to understand. Who knows, maybe after today, you’ll start using them too. They’re also a useful way to help you learn Croatian.

  • Poslije kiše dolazi sunce.

A translation of this quote would be: ”There’s always sunshine after rain”. When Croatians use this quote, they’re not necessarily talking about the weather. What they mean is that every time you’re going through a rough patch, don’t worry because nothing bad lasts forever. Just like the rain eventually stops, the clouds will clear, and the sun will come back. It’s an uplifting reminder to stay positive, and you might even hear people use it to cheer up a friend or offer encouragement when things get tough.

  • Krv nije voda.

Translation: “Blood isn’t water.” It means a child is like their parents in some way, like in looks, abilities, or interests. It also shows that family members are close and help each other.

  • Dobrota je najveće blago.

This quote means: “Kindness is the greatest treasure”. It means that the true measure of wealth isn’t material possessions but the kindness we show to others. Compassion and empathy are far more valuable than anything money can buy.

  • Bez muke nema nauke.

This quote translates to: “Without suffering, there is no knowledge”. Basically, you can’t learn or grow without some kind of effort or struggle. It’s kind of like saying no pain, no gain in English. People will use this phrase to let you know you won’t achieve anything meaningful without some perseverance.

  • Doće maca na vratanca.

This quote means, “The cat will come to the tiny door.” This is one of those funny Croatian phrases people use when they’re trying to find a colorful way of saying, “Just wait—the time will come when the consequences will catch up with you.” That’s because people say it in situations when someone doesn’t listen to your advice or refuses help, but you just know they’ll regret it later. It’s also like saying ”I told you so” if you use it after.

  • Mudroj glavi jedno oko dosta.

This quote translates: “A wise head needs only one eye.” You’ll probably hear someone use it to point out how clever or perceptive someone is. A smart person doesn’t need to see everything to understand the situation because they can pick up on subtle details and figure out the bigger picture.

Reading a book with Croatian quotes in a field

How Do You Say Quote In Croatian?

A quote in Croatian is called citat , or citati in plural. Some people might also use izreka , which means a saying.

Some Easy Croatian Vocabulary

As you’re learning about the language, you should also be connecting to the Croatian culture and people. Croatian quotes are a great way to do that because they reflect the wisdom, humor, and values of the country. They can help you get an insight into the Croatian mindset. That way, you’re improving your connection to the rich history and traditions of the Croatian language.

How would you ask someone about their favorite quote in Croatian? Here are some basic Croatian phrases that you can use when you’re discussing Croatian quotes:

What’s your favorite quote?Koji je tvoj omiljeni citat?
Do you know any good quotes?Znaš li neki dobar citat?
I like reading quotes.Volim čitati citate.
Croatian quotes often have deep meanings.Hrvatski citati često imaju duboka značenja.
Quotes can teach us important lessons.Citatima nas mogu naučiti važne lekcije.
I read a quote today that I really liked.Danas sam pročitao/la citat koji mi se stvarno svidio.
That quote is from a famous Croatian author.Taj citat je od poznatog hrvatskog autora.
Do you use quotes in your daily life?Koristiš li citate u svom svakodnevnom životu?

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is An Inspirational Croatian Quote?

A Croatian writer, Ranko Marinković, once said: “Without goals and hope, we are just measurers of time.”

2. Are Croatian Quotes Different From Those In Other Slavic languages?

Actually, no. While they do have some unique quotes and sayings, Croatians often use quotes that are also used in other languages, like Slovenian and Serbian.

3. What Role Do Croatian Quotes Play In Language Learning?

Croatian quotes are a fun and insightful way to learn the language. They help you understand the subtleties of the language, idiomatic expressions, culture, and Croatian vocabulary.

A Bit More Wisdom To Take With You

And that’s a wrap on Croatian quotes! Of course, we couldn’t cover every quote ever said in Croatia, but we still got a glimpse into the heart and soul of Croatian culture. Some were said by famous Croatians, while others reminded us to embrace challenges, appreciate family bonds, and value kindness as life’s greatest treasure. And that’s what Croatia is pretty much all about! So, which one of these quotes will you start using today?

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