60+ Vegetables In German To Learn Now

Vegetables in German

It doesn’t matter what predilection you have towards food. Whether you’re a vegan (vegan), vegetarian (Vegetarier), omnivore (omnivore), everyone has vegetable preferences. You may also need to know what vegetables in German are called when you go to the market, or are at a restaurant ordering food.

This article will not be going over what German fruits are called because we’ve already covered fruits which you can learn about after you practice your vegetables.

It’s time to dig in and learn German vegetables names.

The Common Vegetable Names In German

Let’s begin with the German word for vegetable. It’s Gemüse. However, it’s more common to say das Gemüse which means the vegetable.

The German language has different rules for the plural form of each vegetable. Not all the vegetables have the same plural form. Some, in fact most, seem to stay the same whether there is one tomato (Tomate) or many tomatoes (Tomate). We’ll do our best to include plural designations when the word changes.

Here is the vegetable vocabulary presented in categories which we hope makes it easier for you to find the information you need.

Root Vegetables In German

The types of vegetables under this category include all those edible buried treasures you might find in your garden. Take a look at the common translations below.

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The beetrootDie Rote Bete
The black cuminDer Schwarzkümmel
The carrotDie KarotteDie Karotten
The celeryDer SellerieDer Sellerie
The daikon radishDer RettichDie Daikon-Rettiche
The dandelionDer Löwenzahn
The earthnutDie ErdnussDie Erdnüsse
The maca rootDie Maca-WurzelDie Maca-Wurzeln
The parsley rootDie PetersilienwurzelDie Petersilie
The parsnipDie PastinakenDie Pastinaken
The radishDer RettichDie Radieschen
The rutabagaDie Steckrüben
The salsify rootDie SchwarzwurzelwurzelDie Schwarzwurzeln
The swedeDer SchwedeDie Schweden
The turnipDie RübeDie Rüben
The yuccaDie YucaDie Yuccas

Tuber Vegetables In German

German vegetables

These are the ones that grow underground like potatoes.

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The potatoDie KartoffelDie Kartoffeln
The sweet potatoDie süßkartoffeln
The cassavaDer ManiokDie Maniok
The Jerusalem artichokeDie Topinambur
The yamDie süßkartoffeln
The taroDie TaroDie Taros
The ubeDie Ube
The ullucoDer UllucoDie Ulkus

Cruciferous “Green” Leafy Vegetables In German

Green vegetables in German

Cruciferous veggies are among the most popular ones since they are known to prevent several health problems including cancer. Let’s get to know the direct translations in the table below.

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The broccoliDer Brokkoli
The broccoliniDie Brokkoli
The cauliflowerDer Blumenkohl
The romanescoDer Romanesco
The artichokeDie ArtischockeDie Artischocken
The choi sumDie Choi-Summe
The agatiDie Agati
The Asian pigeonwingDer asiatische Taubenschlag[/Speechword]Die asiatischen Taubenflügel
The lotusDer LotosDie Lotusblumen
The zucchiniDie Zucchini
The squash blossomDie KürbisblüteDer Kürbis blüht
The banana heart / blossomDas Bananenherz / die BlüteDas Bananenherz / die Blüten
The caperDie Kapern
The daylilyDie TaglilieDie Taglilien
The jade vineDie Jade-RebeDie Jaderanken
The lorocoDer LorocoDie Lorokos
The moringaDie MoringaDie Moringas

Fruit Or Vegetable? In German

How to say vegetables in German

These are the ones where people never seem to be sure what they are and always spark a discussion when brought up. What do you think they are?

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The plantainDie WegerichDie Kochbananen
The pumpkinDer KürbisDie Kürbisse
The squashDer Kürbis
The spaghetti squashDer Spaghettikürbis
The cucumberDie GurkeDie Gurken
The bell pepperDie Paprika
The tomatoDie TomateDie Tomaten
The tomatilloDas Tomatillo
The chiliDas ChiliDie Chilis
The okraDie OkrasDie Okras
The chayote, chokoDer Chayote, Choko
The tindoraDie TindoraDie Tindoras
The bitter melonDie bittere MeloneDie bitteren Melonen
The fuzzy melonDie flauschige MeloneDie flauschigen Melonen
The eggplantDie AubergineDie Auberginen
The laukiDer LaukiDie Laukis

Fungi And Mushrooms In German

Mushrooms in German

Mushrooms always add that extra something to a meal. They are also used as great alternatives to meat in many dishes.

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The mushroomDer PilzDie Pilze
The fungusDer PilzDie Pilze
The champignonDer ChampignonDie Champignons
The portobelloDer PortobelloDie Portobellos
The porciniDie Steinpilze
The girolleDas Mädchen
The shiitakeDer Shiitake
The milkcapDie MilchtüteDie Milchkapseln
The morelDie MorchelDie Morcheln
The changeable pholiotaDie veränderliche PholiotaDie wandelbaren Pholiotas
The oyster mushroomDer AusternpilzDie Austernpilze
The black trumpetDie schwarze TrompeteDie schwarzen Trompeten
The enokiDer Enoki
The truffleDer Trüffel

Bulb Vegetables In German

Bulb foods in German

If you’re looking to add more flavor to dishes, these are the vegetables you’ll want to find.

EnglishGerman TranslationPronunciationPlural FormPronunciation
The garlicDer Knoblauch
The elephant garlicDer Elefantenknoblauch
The fennelDer Fenchel
The common onionDie ZwiebelDie gemeinsamen Zwiebeln
The scallionDie SchalotteDie Schalotten
The pearl onionDie PerlzwiebelDie Perlzwiebeln
The leekDer Lauch
The wild garlicDer Bärlauch
The ball-headed onionDie Kugelköpfige ZwiebelDie Kugelkopfzwiebeln
The giant onionDie RiesenzwiebelDie Riesenzwiebeln
The shallotDie SchalotteDie Schalotten
The chiveDer Schnittlauch
The kurratDer Kurrat
The water chestnutDie WasserkastanieDie Wasserkastanien

Traditional German Cuisine With Vegetables

Ah, there are SO many German dishes to try. You could literally eat your way across Germany. The food is hearty, flavorful, healthy and downright good. For example, some of the most famous German side dishes with vegetables are:

Leipziger Allerlei

This German side dish is prepared with morel mushrooms, bread dumplings, young vegetables, and sometimes crayfish tails. It’s then covered in a thick, creamy, buttery sauce. The vegetables included are asparagus, peas, carrots and cauliflower with parsley on top.


A thick German stew, it’s made with pork, beef, or mutton and filled with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and leeks. Different regions in Germany will add onions, celery, and garlic for extra flavor.


Grünkohl means kale. Numerous German dishes have kale as part of their ingredients and are usually served with meat. Sausage, dumplings, potatoes often accompany this food. Germans love it almost as much as they love what’s next.


No one makes sauerkraut better than the Germans do! The fermented cabbage serves as the perfect side to sausage, potatoes, meats and more.

Let Ling Plant The Seeds Of Knowledge Today!


The German language may be one of the more complicated foreign languages to learn, but don’t let that stop you. We know a hack that will have you succeeding in 10-15 minutes a day.

It’s time that you check out the Ling app! It’s a fantastic resource for learning German vegetables and more. In fact, our app offers 60+ other languages.

Simply create a free account and you’ll get instant access to high-quality lessons and features such as, an AI chat bot that will make your pronunciation perfect, writing practice, listening quizzes, vocabulary fun, and more!

Help your mind grow stronger. Download Ling today on the Play Store and the App Store to start learning German!

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