Every language learning journey starts with a word. Sometimes one word may seem insignificant, but if you think about it, almost the whole structure of our communication is made up of words. Do you remember the first word you learned in German? That was the first brick you laid to build your German language proficiency. As we share this process with you, we’ll present a series of simple German words and phrases that every beginner should know to build a solid foundation for mastering the language. So, if you’re interested, let’s dive in!
Greetings – Begrüßung
In any new language, greetings are some of the first words or phrases we learn. Moreover, the greeting is one of society’s most common courtesy rules. Therefore, before we introduce ourselves or start talking about any subject, the first contact we should have with someone should start with a greeting. So let’s take a look at some basic terms to greet someone in German.
English | German |
Hello | Hallo |
Good morning | Guten Morgen |
Good day | Guten Tag |
Good evening | Guten Abend |
Farewell | Verabschiedung |
See you tomorrow | Bis morgen |
See you soon | Bis bald |
Good night | Gute Nacht |
Goodbye/See you later | Auf Wiedersehen |
Goodbye (on the phone) | Auf Wiederhören |
Bye | Tschüss |
Pronouns – Pronomen
Pronouns are great little words in languages. After greetings, pronouns are one of the basic terms that every language learner is introduced to the right at the beginning of their learning journey. In German, pronouns change depending on the case (nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive), so pronouns should be used accordingly. This time we’ll see the different variations of the Geman personal pronouns according to their case.
English | Nominative | English | Accusative | English | Dative |
I | ich | me | mich | me | mir |
You | du | you | dich | you | dir |
You (formal) | Sie | you (formal) | Sie | you (formal) | Ihnen |
He | er | him | ihn | him | ihm |
She | sie | her | sie | her | ihr |
It | es | it | es | it | ihm |
We | wir | us | uns | us | uns |
You (plural) | ihr | you all | euch | you all | euch |
They | sie | them | sie | them | ihnen |
Countries And Nationalities – Länder Und Nationalitäten
Our country and nationality are a big part of our identity. Therefore, when we learn to introduce ourselves, we usually say who we are and where we come from. This article will mention a few countries and nationalities, but if your curiosity is sparked, you can learn about more than 50 countries and nationalities in German here.
Country-English | Land-German | Nationality-English | Nationalität-German |
Germany | Deutschland | German | Deutsch |
Swiss | Schweiz | Swiss | Schweizerisch |
Austria | Österreich | Austrian | Österreichisch |
Netherlands | Niederlande | Dutch | Niederländisch |
France | Frankreich | French | Französisch |
Italy | Italien | Italian | Italienisch |
Spain | Spanien | Spanish | Spanisch |
Japan | Japan | Japanese | Japanisch |
Korea | Korea | Korean | Koreanisch |
China | China | Chinese | Chinesisch |
Thailand | Thailand | Thai | Thailändisch |
United States | Vereinigte Staaten | American | Amerikanisch |
Canada | Kanada | Canadian | Kanadisch |
Mexico | Mexiko | Mexican | Mexikaner |
Cuba | Kuba | Cuban | Kubanisch |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rican | Puertorikanisch |
Dominican Republic | Dominikanische Republik | Dominican | Dominikanisch |
Brazil | Brasilien | Brazilian | Brasilianisch |
Colombia | Kolumbien | Colombian | Kolumbianisch |
Peru | Peru | Peruvian | Peruanisch |
Ecuador | Ecuador | Ecuadorian | Ecuadorianisch |
Numbers – Zahlen
Another important fact about us is our age. But, of course, we can’t tell our age if we don’t know how to name the numbers in German. “Numbers” is another of the basic topics we encounter at the beginner’s level of German. So, if you already know them, this is an opportunity to refresh that memory. Let’s count!
English | German | |
1 | One | Eins |
2 | Two | Zwei |
3 | Three | Drei |
4 | Four | Vier |
5 | Five | Fünf |
6 | Six | Sechs |
7 | Seven | Sieben |
8 | Eight | Acht |
9 | Nine | Neun |
10 | Ten | Zehn |
11 | Eleven | Elf |
12 | Twelve | Zwölf |
13 | Thirteen | Dreizehn |
14 | Fourteen | Vierzehn |
15 | Fifteen | Fünfzehn |
16 | Sixteen | Sechzehn |
17 | Seventeen | Siebzehn |
18 | Eighteen | Achtzehn |
19 | Nineteen | Neunzehn |
20 | Twenty | Zwanzig |
30 | Thirty | Dreißig |
40 | Forty | Vierzig |
50 | Fifty | Fünfzig |
60 | Sixty | Sechzig |
70 | Seventy | Siebzig |
80 | Eighty | Achtzig |
90 | Ninety | Neunzig |
100 | One hundred | Einhundert |
1000 | One thousand | Eintausend |
Professions – Berufe
After saying who we are, where we come from, and our age, another important aspect is our profession/occupation. Therefore, let’s see how to name some professions in German.
English | German |
Doctor | der Arzt- die Ärztin |
Architect | der Architekt-die Architektin |
Baker | der Bäcker-die Bäckerin |
Journalist | der Journalist – die Journalistin |
Musician | der Musiker- die Musikerin |
Nurse | der Krankenpfleger-die Krankenschwester |
Photographer | der Fotograf- die Fotografin |
Secretary | der Sekretär- die Sekretärin |
Student | der Student – die Studentin |
Teacher | der Lehrer- die Lehrerin |
Waiter – waitress | der Kellner – die Kellnerin |
Computer programer | der Programmierer – die Programmiererin |
Auto mechanic | der Automechaniker- die Automechanikerin |
Family – Familie
Family-related vocabulary is a complementary part of our self-introduction. After giving our personal information, there may be an opportunity to talk about our family. For that purpose, here is a list of some of the family members in German. If you want to go further, you can learn some facts about the German family structure here.
The Family | Die Familie |
The father | der Vater |
The mother | die Mutter |
The son | der Sohn |
The daughter | die Tochter |
The granddaughter | die Enkelin |
The grandson | der Enkel |
The brother | der Bruder |
The sister | die Schwester |
The parents | die Eltern |
The grandparents | die Großeltern |
Vegetables – Gemüse
There is no vocabulary without food, so that we couldn’t leave out some of these delicious characters. However, since we already covered fruits and other foods in German, veggies are this section’s stars today.
English | German |
Broccoli | der Brokkoli |
Celery | der Sellerie |
Cauliflower | der Blumenkohl |
Lettuce | der Gartensalat |
Garlic | der Knoblauch |
Spinach | der Spinat |
Escarole | der Eskariol |
Pepper | der Paprika |
Red cabbage | der Rotkohl |
Pumpkin | der Kürbis |
Leek | der Lauch |
Corn | der Mais |
Eggplant | die Auberginedie Eierfrucht |
Avocado | die Avocado |
Asparagus | der Spargel |
Onion | die Zwiebel |
Pea | die Erbse |
Green bean | die grüne Bohne |
Cucumber | die Gurke |
Beetroot | die Rote Bete |
Salad rocket | die Rucola |
Tomato | die Tomate |
Welsh onion | die Winterzwiebel |
Potato | die Kartoffel |
Means Of Transport – Verkehrsmittel
Last but not least, here we have the means of transportation. Knowing how to ask directions in German and name the means of transportation will allow you to move from one place to another in any German speaking-country without any difficulty.
The Transport | Das Verkehrsmittel |
The S-bahn | die S-bahn |
The airport | der Flughafen |
The taxi | das Taxi |
The bus | der Bus |
The subway | die U-Bahn |
The plane | das Flugzeug |
The track | das gleis |
The tram | der Straßenbahn |
There you have it! 30+ simple German words that will help you increase your vocabulary to enable you to communicate fluently in the German Language.
Learn More German Words And Phrases With Ling
Would you like to increase your proficiency in German?
The Ling app is designed just for you. Ling is an app for language learners to have an immersive experience from the first lesson. It features several different interactive activities, allowing you to improve your writing and listening skills, and an AI chatbot that will help you exercise your speaking skills.
Best of all, you can download it for free and try it out!—It doesn’t get any better than that!
So start your journey in German by downloading the app from the App Store or Play Store. We are sure that you won’t regret it. Tschüss!