117+ Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Tired of “meh” conversations that fizzle out before they even get deeper? Let’s face it, small talk can be a drag. But what if we told you that mastering the right words for die Hobbys or hobbies in German could help you unlock more engaging conversations? From basic words to sentence patterns, we’ll give you the low down on everything you need to know to express yourself better. Let’s start!

What sets your soul on fire? That thing you do in your free time that fills you with immense passion and purpose? You see, we all have our own unique ways of unwinding after a long day or weekend – whether it’s perfecting our downward dog, scoring goals on the football field, or whipping up a culinary masterpiece. But imagine being able to share that enthusiasm with others, especially in a foreign language? If you’re lucky, you might just win a friend or even have a new buddy to bond with! I know this because this is precisely what I experienced when I visited North Rhine-Westphalia!

I’ve always been a history buff at heart, and nothing gets my adrenaline pumping quite like a good flick set in the past – like the epic Netflix series, Barbarians. So when my friends planned to travel to Germany, I knew I couldn’t miss the chance to explore the hallowed grounds of Teutoburg Forest. Sure, it might not be on every tourist’s radar, but being able to step into the very same location where the legendary ambush happened is such an exciting experience for geeks like me.

When other foreigners asked me, I shared with them everything I know about the place. Boy, I was in my element! But as the day turned into night and dinner was served, I suddenly found myself in a predicament. As I sat there with my tour group, surrounded mostly by locals, one of the ladies turned to me and asked the dreaded question, “Was sind deine Hobbys?” My mind went blank, and before I knew it, another person chimed in with, “Was sind deine Interessen?” I was caught off guard and had no idea how to respond! So like any non-native speaker, I blurted out the only German word I knew: “Ja.”

Friends, I don’t want you to find yourself in that embarrassing situation ever! That’s why I’m here to save you from that cringe-worthy fate with this comprehensive guide to all the German vocabulary and basic sentences you need to know. Trust me, I wish I had a resource like this back in 2018 so I wouldn’t be cringing today. Anyway, let’s begin!

photography hobby in German

How To Ask About Hobbies In German

The easiest way to ask about someone’s hobbies in German is to say, “Was sind deine Hobbys?” Since we are inquiring, we need to use the question word “was“, which translates to “what” in English. We also utilized a “to be” verb in the form of “sind,” which is the third-person plural form of the verb “sein.” Basically, “sind” is the translation for “are” in English. We also use the possessive form “deine” to refer to “your” hobbies, which come from the German word “du.” And, of course, we can’t forget about the word “Hobbys,” which is the straightforward translation of “hobbies” in English.

Other Ways To Ask About Hobbies In German

Learning German doesn’t have to be a drag – in fact, it can be downright fun! And when it comes to asking about someone’s hobbies, why settle for just “good enough?” Let’s step up our game and learn some additional ways to express ourselves and connect with others on a deeper level. In the previous section, we covered the basics of asking, “Was sind deine Hobbys?” – but now, let’s explore some other common phrases and expressions to add to our arsenal.

  • What do you like doing best? = Was machst du am liebsten?
  • Do you have any hobbies? = Welche Hobbys hast du?
  • What is your favorite leisure activity? = Was ist deine Lieblingsfreizeitaktivität?
  • What do you like to do? = Was machst du gern?
  • What do you like doing in your free time? = Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit?
  • How do you like to spend your free time? = Wie verbringst du gern deine Freizeit?
  • What sports do you play? = Welche Sportarten treibst du?
  • Do you play + sport? = Spielst du + Sport?

Did you see how easy those questions were? I know they might seem like a mouthful at first, but trust me – they’re incredibly handy, especially when you find yourself conversing with native German speakers.

gardening hobby in german

How To Say Your Hobbies In German

While learning the right questions to ask can take you far, learning how to formulate your responses to the same question can also help you out! The easiest way to express your hobbies in the German language is by using this sentence formula: Mein Hobby ist + German word for the hobby. The word “Mein” means “my” in English, while “Hobby” is a loanword from English that means the same thing in German. Finally, “ist” is the third person present tense of the verb “sein.” So, when you put it all together, “Mein Hobby ist” means “My hobby is” in English.

  • My hobby is skiing = Mein Hobby ist Ski fahren.
  • My hobby is cooking = Mein Hobby ist Kochen.
  • My hobby is painting = Mein Hobby ist Malen.
  • My hobby is watching movies = Mein Hobby ist Filme schauen.

Can’t pick which thing you want to do during your spare time? You can also answer by saying, “Meine Hobbys sind +German word for the hobby. ” In this instance, we are using the plural version of the word “hobby,” which is “Hobbys” in German.

  • My hobbies are skiing, cooking, and painting = Meine Hobbys sind Skifahren, Kochen und Malen.
  • My hobbies are playing soccer and horse riding = Meine Hobbys sind Fußball spielen und Reiten.
  • My hobbies are traveling, taking pictures, and playing games = Meine Hobbys sind reisen, fotografieren und spielen.
  • My hobbies are swimming and going to the cinema = Meine Hobbys sind Schwimmen und ins Kino gehen.

Here’s the tricky part about this point: Some hobbies require verbs. Whenever you want to talk about a hobby that uses a verb, always conjugate the word depending on the subject. Some of the verbs you can use are spielen (to play), gehen (to go), and machen (to do). To use it, simply start with Ich + Verb + gern(e) + German word for the hobby.

  • I like playing ice hockey = Ich spiele gern Eishockey.
  • I like playing football and basketball = Ich spiele gerne Fußball und Basketball.
  • I like going to the mall = Ich gehe gerne ins Einkaufszentrum.
  • I like going to the park = Ich gehe gerne in den Park.
Words For Hobbies In German

Words For Hobbies In German

Ready to use the sentence formulas we shared above? If that’s the case, then learning about the common hobbies in the German language is important. To help you get started, we rounded up the best words in the tables below.

Outdoor Hobbies

Get ready to explore the great outdoors with these thrilling hobbies! From scaling mountains to kayaking rapids, these outdoor activities will get your heart pumping and your spirit soaring.

English WordGerman Verb
Rock ClimbingBergsteigen
WalkingSpazieren gehen
Bird WatchingVogelbeobachtung
StargazingSterne beobachten

Sports Hobbies

Are you ready to kick your fitness routine up a notch? These sports hobbies will have you sweating, strategizing, and having a blast! From classic games like basketball and soccer to unique sports like racquetball and cricket, there’s something for anyone to enjoy.

English WordGerman Verb
Water skiingWasserski fahren
Ice skatingEislaufen
Roller skatingRollschuhfahren
Soccer playingFußball spielen
Basketball playingBasketball spielen
Volleyball playingVolleyball spielen
Tennis playingTennis spielen
Table tennis playingTischtennis spielen
Badminton playingBadminton spielen
Golf playingGolf spielen
Baseball playingBaseball spielen
American football playingAmerican Football spielen
Rugby playingRugby spielen
KarateKarate praktizieren
JudoJudo praktizieren

Travel Hobbies

Ready to embark on an adventure? These travel hobbies will have you packing your bags and exploring the world! From cruising the high seas to backpacking through foreign lands, these activities will help you create unforgettable memories and broaden your horizons.

English WordGerman Verb
Road trippingeine Autoreise machen
Cruisingeine Kreuzfahrt machen
Ski touringSkitouren gehen
Scuba divingtauchen
Bungee jumpingBungee-Jumping
Hot air ballooningHeißluftballonfahren
Trail RunningTrailrunning
Motorcycle touringMotorradfahren
Train ridingZugfahren

Crafts Hobbies

Are you a DIY master? These crafts hobbies will have you channeling your creativity and producing stunning works of art.

English WordGerman Verb
Jewelry makingSchmuckherstellung
Playing an instrumentEin Instrument spielen

Cooking Hobbies

Ready to whip up some culinary delights? These cooking hobbies will have you mastering the kitchen and impressing your taste buds! From baking decadent treats to experimenting with exotic flavors, these hobbies will bring a whole new level of flavor and fun to your life.

English WordGerman Word
Cake decoratingTortendekoration
Candy makingSüßigkeitenherstellung
Chocolate makingSchokoladenherstellung
Cooking competitionKochwettbewerb
Cookbook collectingKochbuchsammlung
Food bloggingFood-Blogging
Food photographyLebensmittelfotografie
Food stylingFoodstyling
Home brewingSelbstbrauen
Molecular gastronomyMolekulargastronomie
Organic farmingBiologischer Landbau
Recipe testingRezeptentwicklung
Wine tastingWeinverkostung

Collecting Hobbies

Ready to become a collector extraordinaire? These collecting hobbies will have you amassing a unique and fascinating collection of treasures!

English WordGerman Verb
Collecting stampsBriefmarken sammeln
Collecting coinsMünzen sammeln
Collecting postcardsPostkarten sammeln
Collecting stickersAufkleber sammeln
Collecting figurinesFiguren sammeln
Collecting sports memorabiliaSportandenken sammeln
Collecting comic booksComicbücher sammeln
Collecting action figuresActionfiguren sammeln
Collecting antiquesAntiquitäten sammeln
Collecting vinyl recordsVinyl-Schallplatten sammeln
Collecting rare booksSeltene Bücher sammeln
Collecting artKunst sammeln
Collecting vintage carsVintage-Autos sammeln
Collecting model trainsModelleisenbahnen sammeln
Collecting toysSpielzeug sammeln
Collecting rocks and mineralsSteine und Mineralien sammeln
Collecting seashellsMuscheln sammeln
Collecting fossilsFossilien sammeln

Ready To Start Learning German?

Ready to take your language skills to the next level? Then you need to check out Ling – the ultimate language learning platform! With its dynamic and immersive courses, Ling makes learning a new language not only easy but also entertaining and exciting! Whether you’re looking to improve your grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, this gamified resource got you covered!

So why settle for boring language textbooks when you can join the Ling community and learn a new language the fun way? Try it out today by downloading it from the Play Store or the App Store to get started!

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