Master 99+ Job Titles In French

France is the most visited country in the world! Many people decide to move there and if you plan to do that, then you must know about professions in French. So, what would job titles in French be? What are the jobs that more most in demand in France and which occupations pay the highest salaries?

Salary will be important as the costs of living such as housing and food can be quite expensive, especially if you choose to live in Paris. But before you even get a job, you’ll need to know some common professions vocabulary in French and see their English translations.

Job Categories In French

Job categories in French

When looking for a job, you usually search within a job category. This will help you to find a profession (une profession) that you’re interested in or already have experience with.

EnglishFrench TranslationPronunciation
ScienceLa science

Which French Professions Are In High Demand?

In France there are a few job sectors that are in high demand. If you have the skillsets in any of these categories you’ll be more likely to get a job.

Grammar point! Most words in French have masculine and feminine forms. There are several words or exceptions that are only a masculine form or only feminine forms.

You’ll notice that many French names for jobs are similar or the same as they are in English making them easier to learn.

EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
A store clerkUn commis de magasinUne commisse de magasinne
A certified care assistantUne assistante maternelle diplômée
A real estate agentUn agent immobilierUne agent immobilière
A logistics agentUn agent logistiqueUne agente logistique
A nurseUne infirmière
A childcare workerUne assistante maternelle
A professional development coachUn coach en développement professionnelUne coach en développement professionnelle
A business managerUn chef d’entrepriseUne chef d’entreprise
A school teacherUn professeur des écolesUne professeuse des écoles
An insurance agentUn agent d’assuranceUne agente d’assurance
A yoga teacherUn professeur d’ogaUne professeuse d’oga
A social media managerUn gestionnaire de médias sociauxUne gestionnaire de médias sociaux
A data science expertUn expert en science des donnéesUne experte en science des données
An administrative assistantUne assistante administrativeUne assistante administrative
A salesmanUn vendeurUne vendeuse

Occupations & Job Titles In French

France boasts one of the best economies in Europe and as a result, there are many professions. So let’s get to some vocabulary lists so you can learn how to say occupations in French! They’ve been categorized to make your language learning easier.

Agriculture (Agriculture)

Occupations in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
An agricultural economistUn économiste agricoleUne économiste agricole
An agricultural engineerUn ingénieur agronomeUne ingénieuse agronome
An agricultural technologistUn technologue agricoleUne technologue agricole
A biochemistUn biochimisteUne biochimiste
A conservation plannerUn planificateur de la conservationUne planificateuse de la conservation
An environmental plannerUn planificateur environnementalUne planificateuse environnemental
An equipment technicianUn technicien en matérielUne technicienne en matériel

Business Related Jobs (Emplois Liés Aux Affaires)

Business jobs in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
An accountantUn comptableUne comptable
An administrativeUn administratifUne administrative
An assistant business operations managerUn directeur adjoint des opérations commercialesUne directeuse adjoint des opérations commerciales
A customer service representativeUn représentant du service à la clientèleUne représentante du service à la clientèle
An executive assistantUne assistante de directionUnee assistante de direction
A financial analystUn analyste financierUne analyste financier
A financial managerUn responsable financierUne responsable financière
A human resources specialistUn spécialiste des ressources humainesUne spécialiste des ressources humaines
An interpreter & translatorUn interprète et traducteurUne interprète et traducteuse
A market research analystUn analyste d’études de marchéUne analyste d’études de marché
A marketing managerUn responsable marketingUne responsable marketing
A public relations specialistUn spécialiste des relations publiquesUne spécialiste des relations publiques
A receptionistUn réceptionnisteUne réceptionniste
A sales managerUn directeur des ventesUne directeur des ventes
A sales representativeUn représentant des ventesUne représentant des ventes

Trade Jobs (Métiers Du Commerce)

Trade jobs in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
An auto mechanicUn mécanicien automobileUne mécanicien automobile
A brick masonUn maçon en briqueUne maçon en brique
A carpenterUn charpentierUne charpentier
A cement masonUn maçon de cimentUne maçon de ciment
An electricianUn électricienUne électricien
A hairdresserUn coiffeurUne coiffeur
A maintenance & repair workerUn agent d’entretien et de réparationUne agent d’entretien et de réparation
A painterUn peintreUne peintre
A construction managerUn chef de chantierUne chef de chantier
A construction workerUn ouvrier du bâtimentUne ouvrier du bâtiment

Education (Éducation)

Education professions in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
An elementary school teacherUn enseignant du primaireUne enseignante du primaire
A high school teacherUn professeur de lycéeUne professeuse de lycée
A preschool teacherUn enseignant de maternelleUne enseignante de maternelle
A sports coachUn coach sportifUne coach sportive
A teacher assistantUne aide-enseignanteUnee aide-enseignante

IT Jobs (Emplois En Informatique)

IT jobs in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
A computer programmerUn programmeur informatiqueUne programmeuse informatique
A computer systems administratorUn administrateur des systèmes informatiquesUne administrateuse des systèmes informatiques
A computer systems analystUn analyste des systèmes informatiquesUne analyste des systèmes informatiques
A database administratorUn administrateur de base de donnéesUne administrateuse de base de données
An it managerUn responsable informatiqueUne responsable informatique
A web developerUn développeur webUne développeuse web
A software developerUn développeur de logicielsUne développeuse de logiciels

Medical Jobs (Emplois médicaux)

Medical professions in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
A clinical Laboratory TechnicianUn technicien de laboratoire cliniqueUne technicienne de laboratoière clinique
A dental AssistantUne assistante dentaireUne assistante dentaire
A dental HygienistUn hygiéniste dentaireUn hygiéniste dentaire
A dentist Medical AssistantUn assistant médical dentisteUn assistante médical dentiste
A medical SecretaryUne secrétaire médicaleUne secrétaire médicale
A nursing AideUne aide-soignanteUne aide-soignante
A paramedicUn ambulancierUne ambulancière
A personal Care AideUn aide-soignant personnelUne aide-soignant personnelle
A pharmacistUn pharmacienUne pharmacienne
A pharmacy TechnicianUn technicien en pharmacieUne technicienne en pharmacie
A physical TherapistUn physiothérapeuteUne physiothérapeute
A physical Therapist AssistantUn assistant kinésithérapeuteUne assistante kinésithérapeute
Ap hysicianUn physicienUne physicienne
A registered NurseUne infirmière autoriséeUne infirmière autorisée
A veterinarianUn vétérinaireUne vétérinaière
A doctorUn docteurUne médecinne

Therapists/Counselors (Thérapeutes/Conseillers)

Jobs in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
A marriage & family therapistUn thérapeute conjugal et familialUne thérapeute conjugal et familial
A mental health counselorUn conseiller en santé mentaleUne conseillère en santé mentale
An occupational therapistUn ergothérapeuteUne ergothérapeute
A physical therapistUn physiothérapeuteUne physiothérapeute
An assistant school counselorUn conseiller scolaire adjointUne conseillère scolaire adjoint
A school psychologistUn psychologue scolaireUne psychologue scolaire
A social workerUne assistante socialeUnee assistante sociale
A speech-languageUn discours-langageUne discours-langage
A pathologistUn pathologisteUne pathologiste
A substance abuse counselorUn conseiller en toxicomanieUne conseillère en toxicomanie

Other Professions (Autres Métiers)

Professions in French
EnglishFrench Masculine FormPronunciationFrench Feminine FormPronunciation
An architectUn architecteUne architecte
A civil engineerUn ingénieur civilUne ingénieuse civil
A delivery truck driverUn chauffeur de camion de livraisonUne chauffeuse de camion de livraison
An insurance agentUn agent d’assuranceUne agente d’assurance
A lawyerUn avocatUne avocate
A massage therapistUn massothérapeuteUne massothérapeute
A mechanical engineerUn ingénieur mécaniqueUne ingénieuse mécanique
An event plannerUn planificateur d’événementsUne planificateuse d’événements
A paralegalUn parajuristeUne parajuriste
A real estate agentUn agent immobilierUne agente immobilière
A restaurant cookUn cuisinier de restaurantUne cuisinière de restaurant
A security guardUn vigileUne vigile
A civil servantUn fonctionnaireUne fonctionnaire
A plumberUn plombierUne plombière
A butcherUn boucherUne bouchère
A writerUn écrivainUne écrivainne
An engineerUn ingénieurUne ingénieuse
An electricianUn électricienUne électricienne
A waitressUne serveuse
A mechanicUn mécanicienUne mécanicienne
A maidune femme de ménage

Advice On Working In France

Working in France

Is France A Good Place To Work?

France is rated year on year as one of the best places to live and work in the world! However, if you plan to work here, you’re going to have to learn French. Without a doubt you need to know and understand the language to get a job here and understand the culture.

While you will pay high taxes, the rewards in social services are worth it. France has among the best healthcare in the world and among the best infrastructure within Europe.

What Are The Highest Paying Jobs In France? (With Salaries)

While the unemployment rate is quite high at 7.4% which means there are quite a few jobs available, although there may be high expectations to get hired. You should also know that you’ll be paid in Euros which as of this writing $1 USD is equal to about 0.99 Euros.

Here’s a list of the highest paying jobs in France with expected salaries in 2022:

  1. Surgeons / Doctors (Chirurgiens / Médecins)
    Salary Range:
    from 97,700 EUR to 280,000 EUR
  2. Judges (Juges)
    Salary Range:
    rom 82,100 EUR to 235,000 EUR
  3. Lawyers (Avocats/Avocates)
    Salary Range:
    from 66,400 EUR to 191,000 EUR
  4. Bank Managers (Directeurs de banque)
    Salary Range:
    from 62,500 EUR to 179,000 EUR
  5. Chief Executive Officers (Présidents-directeurs généraux)
    Salary Range:
    from 58,600 EUR to 168,000 EUR
  6. Chief Financial Officers (Directeurs financiers)
    Salary Range:
    from 54,700 EUR to 157,000 EUR
  7. College Professors (Professeurs d’université)
    Salary Range:
    from 46,900 EUR to 134,000 EUR
  8. Pilots (Pilote)
    Salary Range:
    from 39,100 EUR to 112,000 EUR
  9. Marketing Directors (Directeurs Marketing)
    Salary Range:
    from 35,200 EUR to 101,000 EUR

Other Useful Job Related Vocabulary

These are some words you’ll need during your job hunt to search or have discussions with. If there are any words you would like to have added to this list, please comment below!

EnglishFrench TranslationPronunciation
RetiredÀ la retraite
SalaryUn salaire
UnemployedSans emploi

Learn More Words In The French Language

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