7 Days Of The Week In Spanish: Easy Guide

Interested in talking about the 7 days of the week in Spanish but do not know where to start? In today’s post, we will walk you through the best translations to the ‘días’ and give you a few interesting facts about each. If you are up for that, let’s start learning!

If you are a beginner, no one can contest the idea that learning how to say the days of the week is one of the most basic ways by which you can start expressing yourself. In fact, this is probably one of the first few lessons that you have to learn not just in Spanish but also in any other foreign language. To make it easier for you to add these functional vocabs in your study, we have divided this article into two parts. The first one will dwell on actual translations, while the second part will be about the common phrases and patterns that you can use as a guide.

If that sits well with you, then let’s dive in and learn the language spoken by over 599 million (2021) people!

The Days Of The Week In Spanish Language

Spanish days

What’s exciting about the following words is that it is rooted in classic mythology, which is why memorizing these seven nouns can be much easier than you think. To give you a brief look at los días de la semana or the days of the week in Spanish, take a look at the table below and read further about some of our interesting facts about each.

EnglishSpanishSpanish abbreviationPronunciationEtymology
MondaylunesLu  /  Lloo-nesLa luna or the moon
TuesdaymartesMa / Mmar-tesMarte or Mars
WednesdaymiércolesMi  / X or Mxmyer-koh-lesMercurio or Mercury
ThursdayjuevesJu   / Jhwe-vehsJupiter
FridayviernesVi   / Vvyer-nehsVenus
SaturdaysábadoSa   / Ssah-ba-dohSabat is the Hebrew word for “rest”
SundaydomingoDo  / Ddo-min-gohDominus is the Latin word referring to “Lord.”

However, having the words above memorized does not guarantee that you can masterfully use them right away. You have to tread lightly in the Spanish language since there are some grammatical rules that you have to follow. Here are some of the essential guidelines:

Firstly, as you probably noticed on the table, the first letter for the days of the week are not written in capital letters. This may take some time to get used to since in English, days, months, and even holidays are always capitalized since these are considered as proper nouns. The only time that the first letters are capitalized in Spanish is when these appear at the beginning of a complete sentence

Another tricky rule in Spanish is that all of the nouns have genders, and it is either masculine or feminine. For non-natives, we understand that this can be quite confusing, which is why we suggest that you just remember that all the days of the week uses masculine articles such as el, los, un, and algunos.  See the example sentences below and analyze how the aforesaid articles are used.

English + UsageSpanishExampleTranslation
The (definite article)ElTengo trabajo el lunes.I have work on Monday.
The (plural nouns)LosLa clase de ingles es el lunes.The English class is on Monday.
AUnUn lunes de eneroA Monday in January.
SomeAlgunosNo trabajo algunos lunesI do not work on some Mondays.
week in spanish

The article “el” and “los” are perfect for structuring sentences related to the days of the week. As a rule of thumb do remember you can use los (and add -s for the Spanish translation of Saturday and Sunday) when referring to the plural form. Another trick is to use cada (each day) or todos (all the days/ every day) to create better sentences. So, that means that lunes to viernes can already stand as the plural form, and all you have to do is to add the article “los” in front of the day.

Now, perhaps you are wondering…what other things should I know about the days of the week so that I can become more confident in Spanish, right? Well, look no further, as we’ve got here some serious details you shouldn’t miss.

Monday – lunes (L, Lu, Lun)

This Spanish day of the week comes from the word “la luna” which means moon. This is known to be the head of the week for the calendars in Spain. Below are some example sentences on how it is used:

  • Quiero ir de compras el lunes. (I wasn’t to go shopping on Monday).
  • Nos vemos todos los lunes. (See you every Monday)

Tuesday- martes (M, Ma, Mar) Monday – lunes (L, Lu, Lun)

The Spanish word Martes comes from the name of the Roman god of war and guardian of agriculture known as Mars.

  • Tendré mi chequeo el martes. (I will have my check-up on Tuesday)
  • Te visitaré el martes. (I will visit you on Tuesday)

Wednesday- miércoles (X, Mi, Mié)

The Spanish word for Wednesday comes from the name Mercurio who is known to be the Roman god for eloquence and trade.

  • Viene a trabajar todos los miércoles. (She comes to work every Wednesday).
  • Empezará a trabajar el miércoles. (He will start working on Wednesday)

Thursday – jueves (J, Ju, Jue)

Jueves refers to the day of Jupiter which is also directly related to the Roman god of sky and thunder.

  • Voy a mi clase de cocina los jueves. (I go to my cooking class on Thursdays)
  • Ella tiene una clase de oratoria todos los jueves. (She has a speaking class every Thursday)

Friday – viernes (V, Vi, Vie)

Viernes is a Spanish word that stems from the Old English name frīġedæġ which means the day of Fridd. This Roman-based name is also known to be Venus or the goddess of love and fertility.

  • Voy a mi clase de baile los viernes. (I go to my dance class on Fridays.)
  • ¿Ya es viernes? (Is it Friday already?)

Saturday – sábado (S,Sá, Sáb)

Sabado refers to the word “sabbath” or the day of rest. During this time, the Spanish people take a week off to spend some time with family and friends.

  • A ella le encantan los sábados. (She loves Saturdays.)
  • ¿A dónde vas un sábado por la noche? (Where are you going on a Saturday night?)

Sunday – domingo (D, Do, Dom)

Domingo came from the biblical word Domenica which means the “lord’s day.” This is usually the second day off work for most people and is spent with family and friends too.

  • Vamos a hacer una fiesta el domingo. (We are having a party on Sunday.)
  • Nosotros vamos a la playa todos los domingos. (We go to the beach every Sunday.)

Now that we have expanded your vocabulary in the Spanish language, we figured that you should also learn a few more expressions that can make you sound like a pro. Read on below to find out.

Spanish Phrases Related To The Days Of The Week

hoy es lunes

Of course, learning mere words is not enough to establish a more comprehensive form of communication. To help you have a briefer idea of how to use the days of the week in Spanish in a sentence, we have prepared some of the most common phrases that you will probably find yourself wanting to use in the future.

Today is MondayHoy es lunes
Tomorrow is SundayMañana es domingo
Yesterday was FridayAyer fue viernes
What day is it today?¿Qué día es hoy?
What’s today’s date?¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
Harold is going to talk to her after Thursday.Harold va a hablar con ella después del jueves.
We leave on MondaySalimos el lunes
Let us see each other on Monday. El próximo lunes nos reuniremos
I want to see you before viernesQuiero verte antes del viernes
Last Friday, I went to see my sister.El viernes pasado fui a ver a mi hermana

Now you know how to say the 7 days of the week in Spanish! As we reach this part of the post, we hope that you were able to learn more about the Spanish language and that you may find the confidence to start speaking this language in no time. If you enjoyed this post, we hope that you can try to check out our previous language tips such as the 30+ Spanish adjectives and start mastering your Spanish skills today.

All It Takes Is 10 Minutes!

Days Of The Week In Spanish

The Spanish language is indeed one of the best foreign languages anyone can master. If you’d like to learn from real professionals and get premium language resources for studying, feel free to check out the Ling App by Simya Solutions. This language learning app is guaranteed to motivate and keep you excited to learn more every single day.

Unlike other languages, Spanish remains one of the poshest and most versatile languages globally. It holds a distinctive set of words and phrases which are heavily shaped by the country’s rich and colorful history. With this being said, language enthusiasts and travelers from all over the world are consistently challenging themselves to explore this language to better appreciate the history behind every line, letter, and syllable.

Discover more about the second most spoken native language by installing Ling App today.

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