13+ Most Common Danish Christmas Greetings

Are you wondering what the most common Danish Christmas greetings are? If you spend the Christmas holidays in Denmark, it is very useful to know a few ways to wish Merry Christmas to others.

Generally, it is common to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year at the same time since the December holiday season lasts a few weeks and ends the first week of January.

This is why learning a few phrases and expressions is better, including the most common Christmas greetings and holiday wishes.

The Most Common Danish Christmas Greetings You Should Know

Having good manners is necessary if you spend Christmas with Danish friends and their families. Danish people are very polite and expect others to be as polite as they are. Part of being polite is to with Merry Christmas and to bring a present (even if small) if you are invited for Christmas eve.

Here are the most common ways to wish Merry Christmas in Danish:

Glædelig julMerry Christmas!
Hav et godt nytårHave a happy new year
Hav en god vinterferieHave a great winter vacation
Vi ses næste årSee you next year
Varme ønskerWarm wishes
Nyd ferienEnjoy the vacation
Bedste ønsker for det nye årBest wishes for the new year
God ferie Happy holidays
Glædelig HanukkahHappy Hanukkah
Glædelig jul og godt nytårMerry Christmas and Happy New Year
Jeg håber din jul er fyldt med glæde i år I hope your Christmas is filled with joy this year
God ferie! Jeg håber, at alle dine juleønsker går i opfyldelse Happy Holidays! I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true
Glædelig jul med masser af kærlighedMerry Christmas with lots of love
Glædelig jul! Må Guds kærlighed være med digMerry Christmas! May God’s love be with you

Christmas Related Words

Most Common Danish Christmas Greetings

There are many other words used during the holiday season. Therefore, it is beneficial to know them in case you need to use them or if someone is using them while talking to you.

Here are the most common words you could encounter during the Christmas season:

Juletræ Christmas tree
Juleaften Christmas eve
JulemandenSanta Claus
JuleprædikenChristmas sermon
JuledagChristmas day
Vinterferie Winter holidays
Julekort Christmas cards
Rensdyr Reindeer
Nytårsdag New year’s day
Stearinlys Candles
JulelysChristmas lights
AdventsgaverAdvent presents
Fejre julCelebrate Christmas

What To Write On Danish Christmas Cards

common Christmas greetings in Danish

Sometimes, even if you are not speaking personally to your Danish friends, you might need to send them Christmas cards.

There are many nice and heartwarming wishing you can write on a Christmas card, however, if you are short of ideas, here are some expressions you can use:

Danish English
Må julens ånd være med dig hele året rundtMay the spirit of Christmas be with you all year round
Glædelig jul! Må Guds kærlighed være med digMerry Christmas! May God’s love be with you
Ønsker dig og dine kære en velsignet julWishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas
Julen er magisk, fordi vi er sammenChristmas is magical because we’re together
Håber det nye år bringer dig nye mulighederHoping that the new year brings you new possibilities
Sender styrke, kærlighed og fred til dig denne feriesæson Sending strength, love and peace to you this holiday season
Vores familie ønsker dig kærlighed, glæde og fredOur family wishes you love, joy, and peace
Vi håber du får en sikker og afslappende ferieWe hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season

How Do The Danish People Spend Their Christmas Eve?

Danish traditions want that Christmas eve and Christmas day is spent with family. So on the day before Christmas, the Danes go to church in the afternoon, and in the evening, they are at home for dinner and the celebrations.

After greetings each other with common Danish Christmas greetings, families and friends will enjoy the main dinner course is usually roast duck with many different sides, such as potatoes, red cabbage, and other typical sides. The dinner typically lasts long because everyone is waiting for Christmas day.

Another one of the traditions dictates serving rice pudding as one of the desserts with a whole almond. The person that finds it in his pudding is the one that will be awarded a small present. However, the family stays together when dessert is over, drinking and having fun. Everyone moves near the Christmas tree after dinner, where the celebration continues.

It is common to sing Christmas songs, dance, tell each other stories, and do similar things. Then, once everyone is fully satisfied, and eventually, it is past midnight, all the people in the room exchange Christmas gifts.

Would you like to know more about the Danish language and traditions?

Learn Danish With Ling App!

Learn Danish with Ling

Becoming fluent in Danish and learning to speak like a native using the Ling App is possible. This tool provides tons of video lessons, audio, and lessons to learn perfect pronunciation, grammar, verbs, and more.

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The app provides access from mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets, so everyone can continue learning while on the go.

Besides, our blog is constantly updating to teach you different essential cultural and language-related topics. Read more articles such as easy Danish vocabulary for family and apologies in Danish

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