The Easy Path To Hard Languages

Languages beyond the mainstream and taught by few. Ling makes learning them easy.

Ling not only prioritizes making hard languages easy, but learning and understanding the cultures behind them. Explore thousands of cultural topics on our blog and much more!


10 Easy Thai Words For Candies

Wondering about the common Thai words for candies? Can’t blame you! Thailand, the land of culinary wonders, beckons not only with its tantalizing street food

Thai Superstitions
9 Amazing Thai Superstitions For Travelers

As a traveler exploring the vibrant country of Thailand, it is fascinating to delve into the rich tapestry of cultural beliefs and practices that shape

7+ Easy Thai Words For Types Of Shops

Greetings, intrepid explorers and shopping enthusiasts! Stepping into the vibrant and welcoming heart of Thailand means gearing up for a shopping journey unlike any other.

10+ Easy Punjabi Words For Halloween

Curious about the Punjabi words for Halloween? We completely understand! As Halloween (ਹੈਲੋਵੀਨ pronounced as ‘Hēlōvīna’) draws near, Punjabi communities, especially in urban centers like

#1 Best Guide: Punjabi Words For Pastries

When it comes to pastries, Punjabi cuisine has its own distinct flavor and vocabulary. Punjabi words for pastries not only reflect the rich culinary heritage

10 + Cool Thai Words For Video Games

Thailand, known for its vibrant culture, delicious food, and beautiful landscapes, has also become a thriving hub for video game enthusiasts. As the popularity of
